Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 704 Ningning is Pregnant!

Chapter 704 Ningning is Pregnant!

Today, early in the morning.

Li Xiang came to kill in a hurry.

dong dong dong~
There was a knock on the door, and Ye Feng opened it.

"Missing sister? So urgent this early in the morning?"

Ye Feng is still wearing an apron, Ning Ning may be tired recently, she always doesn't want to get up in the morning, Ye Feng is making breakfast these days.

"Isn't there something wrong, come here early to discuss with you."

Li Xiang came in after changing his shoes, looked at Ye Feng who was wearing an apron, and jokingly said, "Hey, do you know that you love your wife? Why are you so diligent today?"

"Don't be funny, I always know how to feel sorry for my wife, okay?" Ye Feng smiled suspiciously: "Sister, you came so early, you didn't come to my house on purpose, did you?"

Now Li Xiang has no prejudice against Ye Feng, and he is very familiar with him, so he said without restraint: "Haha, you can see it."

At this time, Leng Mei came down from upstairs, "Brother-in-law, Miss Xiang." Seeing Li Xiang, Leng Mei was not surprised at all.

"Sister Leng wakes up so early." Li Xiang sat on the sofa by herself, she was quite emotional when she saw Sister Leng, it was only after six o'clock, and Sister Leng had already washed up and went downstairs.

Leng Mei nodded, and sat on the sofa as well, picked up the architectural history she put on the coffee table and looked at it, without looking up, she said, "Be awake in the morning, brother-in-law is just not busy."

"Your brother-in-law?"

Li Xiang was a little confused, "What if your brother-in-law is busy?"

Lengmei looked down at the book and said, "I have something to ask him."


Li Xiang looked at the book in Lengmei's hand and suddenly realized, then looked at Ye Feng who was busy in the kitchen, and said with a smile: "You still know architecture?"

"Ha, joke!"

Ye Feng was busy with his fart and said, "I don't understand what your brother-in-law is? I don't pay attention to mere architecture!"

At this moment, Sister Leng asked leisurely, "Brother-in-law, what country is Keroplis from?"

"Um, who is he?"

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows, "Is this person more famous than me?"

"No." Leng Mei said: "But he is the founder of modern architecture, known as the father of modern architecture."

"Hahahaha, you don't pay attention to it, you don't even know?" Li Xiangxiao was flamboyant.

Ye Feng was stunned, and then curled his lips and said, "Cut, I never pay attention to others!"

Li Xiang gave him a supercilious look, "Cut, stinky! Shout out!"

However, Ye Feng's words really cannot be refuted. According to Ye Feng's current achievements, he really doesn't need to pay attention to others!As long as this guy makes a move, he is the pinnacle!In the same industry, there is basically no one worthy of his attention.

Ye Feng's behavior sometimes makes Leng Mei quite speechless. Recently, the Department of Architecture of Haida University has a very important project, and Leng Mei is one of the participants. At present, the Department of Architecture of Haida University has encountered many problems.But Ye Feng has been very busy recently, so Hai Da didn't look for him.At first, Leng Mei just casually asked Ye Feng some questions with an attitude of trying, but she didn't expect Ye Feng to really understand!

After a few days of understanding, Leng Mei suddenly discovered that her brother-in-law is simply a super master builder!There are all kinds of architectural theories in ancient and modern China and abroad that he doesn't know!Even Ye Feng would come up with some novel ideas from time to time that even surprised Leng Mei!

However, Ye Feng is often confused about some basic common sense that even students know, just like the question Leng Mei asked Ye Feng just now.

Maybe this is genius, Leng Mei always comforts herself in her heart.

"Oh? Miss Miss is here?"

After they chatted for a while, Lingling also went downstairs. Seeing Li Xiang in the living room, Lingling seemed very pleasantly surprised.

"Yo, the little princess is up?"

Li Xiang teased fondly, and Lingling bounced downstairs, saying: "What kind of princess am I, the real princess hasn't woken up yet."

After finishing speaking, she even complained, "My sister has been getting lazy recently, I really don't know how to do it, and made Xiao Yiyi a slut."

"Who are you talking about?"

As soon as the words fell, Lingling felt a burst of murderous intent coming from behind.

"Emmm, I didn't say who, I was talking to myself, hehe, talking to myself."

Lingling ran behind Li Xiang and smiled at her sister.

Baby Ningning held her daughter's little hand and walked down the stairs step by step, "Sister Xiang is here."

"Morning, Auntie."

The little guy rubbed his eyes, as if he hadn't woken up yet.

"Good morning, Yiyi."

Li Xiang smiled and replied Yiyi, and then said to Ningning with concern: "Ningning, your complexion doesn't look very good, are you too tired recently?"

Ningning shook her head, "I don't know what happened, maybe."

Ye Feng greeted: "Alright, alright, it's time to eat, it's time to eat, if you have anything to do, we'll talk about it after dinner."

"Let's go, Miss Xiang is going to eat." Lingling took Li Xiang's hand.

The whole family sat at the dining table, and Ye Feng cooked a hearty breakfast, including preserved egg porridge, egg noodles, soy milk, dried small fish pickles and some refreshing vegetables.

"smell good!"

The sister-in-law said happily: "Brother-in-law's cooking is much more delicious than sister's. I want porridge!"

Said, Lingling first picked up the little baby's small bowl, filled a bowl for Yiyi, and then filled it for herself.

Everyone moved their chopsticks, but only Ningning did not move.

"What's wrong?" Ye Feng had already found out, "No appetite?"

Ning Ning was like this for several days before, originally Ye Feng thought that his daughter-in-law had a bad appetite, so she got up early today and cooked her favorite preserved egg porridge, but why did she still have no appetite?

"Yeah." Ning Ning pouted and said in distaste: "This porridge is too fishy, ​​and that small dried fish smells disgusting."

"Ah? Fishy?"

Ye Feng took a bowl and smelled it, and even tasted a small dried fish, "It's not fishy, ​​it's the same as what we ate before, I made it myself, you used to eat it cute." Whether it's preserved eggs or The small dried fishes are all pickled by Ye Feng himself, and they have no fishy smell for a long time, and Ning Ning especially liked to eat them before, otherwise Ye Feng wouldn't do them.

Why do you dislike fishy today?

And it's not just today, recently when Ningning eats, she's always picky and picky, either she doesn't like her appetite, or she just doesn't feel hungry and doesn't bother to eat, and the whole person is listless and sleepy all day long.

"Sister, don't make things difficult for your brother-in-law, I eat the same as before." Lingling felt sorry for her brother-in-law.

"It's not the same taste, anyway, it's not as delicious as before." Ning Ning said stubbornly.

The girl next to her blinked her big eyes. She didn't know what the adults were talking about. Just drink the porridge obediently and suck it~ The porridge made by Papa is just right!
At this time, Lengmei, who had not spoken all the time, said thoughtfully: "Sister Ning, you have changed a lot recently. You didn't like to eat what you liked before. You never ate red bayberry before, but recently you always want to eat red bayberry." Eat this."

It's rare for Leng Mei to say so much in one sentence, but Leng Mei hasn't finished yet, "The last time I saw you like this was four years ago."

Ningning was immediately stunned!Subconsciously, she looked at her precious daughter!

However, she reacted in the next second!

right!It was like this when I was pregnant with my daughter!I didn’t want to eat this or that, and I was drowsy all day long. At that time, I thought I was sick. After a long time, she couldn’t vomit anymore, so she went for a checkup, and it turned out that she was pregnant!

Leng Mei is simply a word that awakens the dreamer!
I didn't expect that I was pregnant once, and my reaction was so slow. If it wasn't for Lengmei reminding me, I would not be able to react!

Thinking about it, I have been working hard with Ye Feng during this time, and it is normal to be pregnant!On the contrary, it is strange not to be pregnant!

At this time, everyone at the dinner table was stunned except for the daughter!
Lingling opened her eyes wide and looked at her sister!

Li Xiang also had a look of surprise!

Ning Ning's expression was even more mixed with surprise, surprise, and joy!
"Four years ago..." Ye Feng was still a little confused, "What happened then?"


Lingling jumped up in surprise, and said excitedly: "At that time, my sister was pregnant!" Then, Lingling seemed to think of something again, "This month, my sister hasn't had her period yet, it's been several weeks! "

Ye Feng is not stupid, it is impossible for him not to understand the meaning after talking about it, he said pleasantly: "You mean... Ning Ning is pregnant again?"

Leng Mei nodded, "Nine out of ten!"

Li Xiang also came to his senses, and said pleasantly: "Don't worry now, we have to make sure that Ning Ning is pregnant. In this case, I will contact the hospital..."

"That's right, contact the hospital, contact the hospital, and check it out quickly." Ye Feng also responded quickly.

"What hospital do you want to contact!" Lingling shouted: "Brother-in-law, you are an old Chinese doctor! Come on, show your sister."


Ye Feng was already in a daze, he was completely confused, he even forgot that he knew medicine skills, his sister-in-law reminded him, he just remembered, carefully took Ning Ning's wrist, closed his eyes and felt the pulse quietly.

It stands to reason that according to Ye Feng's level, he can basically confirm it in a second.

However, at this time, he repeatedly felt his pulse,



three times.

five times.

Ye Feng touched it eight or nine times before opening his eyes in surprise, "I'm pregnant! I'm really pregnant! Hahaha! My wife is pregnant!"

The moment Ye Feng confirmed that Ningning was pregnant, the whole family erupted instantly!

(End of this chapter)

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