Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 705 Weird little baby!

Chapter 705 Weird little baby!
Today, the fat man called Ye Feng several times and wanted to invite him to dinner, but Ye Feng refused without thinking.

What melatonin!

What music queen!
What kinds of advertising endorsements!

At this moment, everything was left behind by Ye Feng!

Compared with Ning Ning's pregnancy, this is a trivial matter!Small things can't be any smaller!
"Brother-in-law, should we go to the hospital for an examination?"

The sister-in-law was still a little worried, Li Xiang also said: "Yes, are you reliable?"

"His medical skills can't go wrong." Ning Ning said with a smile: "And like this, she should be pregnant, but I don't know if it's a boy or a girl." Ning Ning is quite confident in Ye Feng.

But at this time, Ye Feng was not confident. "If you want me to say, I'd better go to the hospital. Although I shouldn't make a mistake, let's take a look at this matter." Ye Feng was so excited. He certainly wouldn't agree to go to the hospital.

What kind of rubbish doctors are there in that hospital?
Can someone compare with me?
But today's matter is different, Ye Feng can't let go of his heart if he doesn't go to the hospital!
"Okay, then I'll listen to you." Ning Ning didn't have any objections, she might as well go to the hospital for a checkup.

"Let's go."

The sister-in-law seemed more excited than Ye Feng and the others, so she hurriedly packed her things.

Soon, a group of people rushed to the hospital.


Haida Affiliated Hospital.

The local leaders all know Ye Feng. When he comes, even the dean will personally dispatch him, so there is no need to worry about being exposed.

There was no need to queue up. Ning Ning, who hadn't eaten anything in the morning, happened to be able to take a blood test on an empty stomach. After the blood was drawn, the few of them went to the specially arranged lounge to rest.It takes about an hour to get the results, which is the fastest.

"Brother-in-law, are you nervous?"

"No, don't be nervous, after all, I've seen it all, and nine out of ten I'm pregnant."

"Sister Leng, we are going to have another baby, are you excited?"

"It's not yours, why are you so excited?"

"Wow, sister Leng, this is the third generation of our family! Do you think if you tell your parents, will they kill them right away?"

"Hey." Ye Feng said, "Don't tell them yet, let's talk when we're sure."

Lingling and the others don't understand the persistence in Su Ran's heart. If they tell Su Ran that Ningning is pregnant, then Su Ran will appear in front of everyone in the next second!

This is the result of Su Ran's longing day and night!

At this time, the precious girl who didn't know anything ran over curiously, looked at the arm that her mother was holding down with a cotton swab, she was a little scared, but she still asked with concern: "Mama, does it hurt?"

"It hurts." Ning Ning said, frowning deliberately, looking pitiful.

"Then what should I do?" The little girl's eyes were red, her mouth was pouted, and she was about to cry.

"Come and kiss mom, and mom won't hurt anymore." Ning Ning held back her smile, and leaned over with her face sideways.

"Come on."

The little baby didn't even think about it. He held his mother's side face and kissed her. He kissed her several times. He was afraid that it wouldn't work. After the kiss, he asked worriedly, "Does Ma Ma still hurt?"

"It's alright, Mama, Yiyi is awesome." Ning Ning also smiled and kissed her daughter's forehead, eyes full of joy and pampering.

Yiyi was not particularly happy, and continued to chirp: "Ma Ma, can you stop getting an injection? It's so scary and painful. Yiyi doesn't like injections."

Ningning still put the cotton swab in the trash can, rubbed her daughter's little head and said with a smile: "We Yiyi is so healthy, we don't need injections, we only get injections when we are sick, and if Yiyi is obedient, we won't get sick."

At this time, the little baby tilted his head and asked, "Why is Ma Ma sick?"

Speaking of this, Lingling next to him interrupted, "Yiyi, your mother's illness is all your fault and your father's fault." Lingling looked at her brother-in-law and sister with a smirk. Wanted to make me laugh.

Ning Ning rolled her sister's eyes angrily, and said softly to her daughter, "Don't blame Dad."

"Yeah." The little guy nodded resolutely, and said, "It's not because of Papa, it has nothing to do with Papa."

The little guy knew he was going to his father, but his words made Lingling and Li Xiang laugh out loud.

But Ye Feng twitched the corner of his mouth helplessly, and Ning Ning also stared at her sister.

The girl Lingling was always weird, teasing the little baby on purpose, and asked with a smirk, "Yiyi, ask Dad, does Mama's coming to the hospital have something to do with him?"


The little guy blinked his big dazed eyes and looked at Ye Feng, "Papa?"

Ye Feng's head was full of black lines, and he gave Lingling an angry look like Ningning, this sister-in-law is a devil!

Can this matter have nothing to do with me?
If it doesn't matter, then it's a big deal!
Ye Feng rubbed his daughter's little head, and said dotingly: "Girl, don't worry, Ma Ma is actually not sick, she's fine."

"Why do you need an injection if you're not sick?"

The little guy was even more confused now.

"Um, because there may be another baby in Ma Ma's stomach."


The little guy's eyes widened in an instant, and he looked at Ning Ning's stomach curiously, and leaned closer to put his face on Ning Ning's stomach.

"I can't see it."

"Silly boy." Ning Ning smiled, gently hugged Yiyi in her arms, and asked softly, "Does Yiyi want a younger brother or sister?"

Ye Feng also looked at his daughter. It seems that having a child is a matter for the couple, but Baobie's daughter's opinion must not be ignored.

"Think about it." The little guy said seriously: "Papa told Yiyi before that if there are younger brothers and sisters, Yiyi doesn't have to just play with Xiaoha, she will have younger brothers and sisters to play with Yiyi." The little guy said this When I was young, my big eyes were still full of longing.

It seems that the little baby really needs a brother or sister, otherwise the little guy is too lonely.

Yiyi said happily again: "My aunt won't bully me every day, she will bully her younger siblings!"

But Ning Ning just pinched Lingling, and said angrily: "You are bullying my baby from now on, so I will let your brother-in-law beat you up! It seems sure that the girl has been bullied out of her psychological shadow!"


Lingling wailed and shouted: "Ye Yiyi! You are so inhuman! When did my aunt bully you?"

The little baby pouted, and said with fingers: "Auntie told Yiyi to pour water, snatched Yiyi's snacks, poured soy sauce into Yiyi's milk, and refused to let Yiyi watch TV, woooooo~ Bad auntie!" The little guy got more and more wronged as he talked.

Lingling immediately felt six murderous eyes shooting towards her.

"Hey? Hey? Sister Leng, I can understand how brother-in-law and the others look at me. What do you mean by your eyes?" Lingling leaned against the wall with her arms folded.

Lengmei said lightly: "Everyone gets it and punishes it."

Lingling continued to complain: "Don't listen to her nonsense! Ye Yiyi! How dare you say what you did to me!"

"Hmph! Anyway, you are a bad aunt!" The little baby got into Ma Ma's arms, expressing that he didn't want to deal with his aunt anymore.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble." Ye Feng shook his head helplessly. Neither his precious daughter nor this little sister-in-law are good at each other. That's definitely not the case!
The two of them get together and add a little ha, if no one is watching, ha, it will definitely turn the world upside down!They can tear down the house!
Thinking of her eccentric temperament, Ye Feng was a little worried about the second child in the family. Ye Feng didn't even think that the second child in the family would live in dire straits in the future, so I prayed that your sister would be merciful and don't put You play "bad".


I don't know how long it took, but the doctor finally took out the physical examination report.

"Professor Ye, the results are out."

"How is it?" Ye Feng asked hastily.

The doctor smiled slightly, handed over the test sheet, and said, "Congratulations, Professor Ye, Miss Su is really pregnant. In the future, you must pay attention to Miss Su's body, and don't overwork..."

Ye Feng couldn't hear the words that were said later.

"I'm really pregnant!"

Ye Feng hugged Ning Ningzi excitedly, turned around several times, and said excitedly: "Daughter-in-law, I'm really pregnant! I'm really pregnant!"

The doctor turned pale with fright, "Professor Ye! Professor Ye! Be safe first!"

"Oh right."

Ye Feng hurriedly and carefully put his wife down, "Come on, girl, let daddy hug you." Ning Ning was holding Yiyi just now, now Ye Feng also took her.

The big baby was also quite happy, he lowered his head and gently touched his lower abdomen, with a happy smile on his face.


imperial capital.

Su Ran's house.


"What did you say?"

"Say one more word?"

"Really? Is this true?"


"I'm pregnant! I'm pregnant!"

Su Ran has never experienced any big storms, but at this moment, she lost her composure again.

Not for anything else, just because Ningning is pregnant!
The father-in-law is going to be so excited!

"Wait for me! I'll pass right away!"

"Daughters-in-law! Come out!"

Su Ran excitedly called his wives. "I have a big announcement!"

"what happened?"

"Yo, are you so happy?"

"What's it called? Stop!"

"Husband is so excited, what happened?"

Some mother-in-laws are gentle and generous, some mother-in-laws are virtuous and well-behaved, some mother-in-laws are charming and tempting, some mother-in-laws are arrogant and glamorous, and some mother-in-laws are hot-tempered... Although the harem of the father-in-law is good, sometimes it really gives him a headache. !
But it doesn't matter, after all these years, everyone has long been used to the temperament among the people.After all, they are already a family.

When the mothers-in-law came out, Su Ran said loudly: "Ningning is pregnant!"



"Boys and girls? Got it?"

"This is a great joy!"

"Let's go! Go to Haicheng now!"

When the mothers-in-law heard this, whether it was Lan Ruo or the other aunts, they were all very excited.

"Go! Go to Haicheng! Take Ningning back!"

Su Ran couldn't wait a long time ago, with a wave of his hand, everyone disappeared in place in an instant.

In the next second, they had already appeared outside Ning Ning's villa.

ps: I recommend a book, "The Strongest Engineering Student in the Ming Dynasty", which is about history, written by a friend. If you are interested in the history of the Ming Dynasty, you can read it. It is also the vest of the old author.

(End of this chapter)

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