Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 707 Crazy Advertisement!

Chapter 707 Crazy Advertisement!
Ningning wants to continue to follow Ye Feng's plan, which means she needs to accept some follow-up advertisements.

Originally, this matter was planned by Ye Feng a long time ago, but now the situation has changed, Ning Ning is pregnant, according to Ye Feng's intention, this matter can be left alone.But after Ning Ning's persuasion, Ye Feng agreed.

Ye Feng agreed, but the problem is that other members of the family disagree!


Su Ran became angry when he heard it, "Are you two kidding me? Going out to shoot commercials at this time? Impossible! Don't even think about it! Usually I don't care what you want to do, but this matter is absolutely not!"

"Dad, at this time, I knew that Ningning should be allowed to rest at home. But Ningning is only one month pregnant, and I'm afraid she's too depressed to stay at home like this every day. She can go out for a walk now, just go out for a walk I said I was going to shoot commercials, but I will definitely not make Ningning tired. I just go out to play, let Ningning relax and exercise. After all, she will have a big belly in the future, and there will be no chance for Ningning to go out. You said Woolen cloth?"

"That's not okay! You don't know what Ningning's pregnancy means? It's not up to the two of you to be willful, and I won't let you two do it."

"Dad, it's really not our willfulness. Really, I understand medicine, so Ningning should go out for a walk at this time. Walking more is good for the baby."

"I don't know medicine? I know better than you! But, don't be afraid of [-], just in case! What if something happens? Who is responsible? Why do you explain to the ancestors of Lao Ye's family?"

"Don't worry, Dad, it's okay."


No matter what Ye Feng said, Su Ran just disagreed!
Going out to shoot commercials?
Forget it!
Ye Feng's three-inch tongue was about to be worn out, but it was useless.In the past, Su Ran doted on Ye Feng and Ning Ning, no matter what they did, Su Ran never cared about them, but now it is no longer possible, they have completely "fallen out of favor", and now the "heaven" of the family is Ning Ning The child in the belly.

Everything is in preparation for this child.

Ye Feng was at his wit's end, the father-in-law didn't agree at all, it was impossible for the two of them to go out.

However, Ye Feng can't help it, but Ning Ning has a way!

Su Ran disagreed, so Ning Ning pretended to be listless, and after three to five days, she became weak and sick.

When Su Ran saw it, he was frightened!

In the end, there was no other way, Su Ran still agreed with them to go out.But he kept telling Ye Feng to take good care of Ning Ning so that there would be no problems, and also asked the three girls Su Yu, Su Qing, and Su Ling to follow her all the time.


It's too easy for Ningning to accept the advertisement now. I don't know how many companies are waiting in line.

Of course, Ye Feng will definitely not accept all advertisements, he has his own standards:
First, the product must be safe, otherwise after Ning Ning endorses, if something happens, it will be counterproductive.

Second, the influence of the company must be large enough, otherwise, it would be useless to endorse them.

Third, this is a temporary addition by Ye Feng, that is, the filming location must be in the imperial capital. Ning Ning is pregnant now, so it is impossible to toss back and forth.

Even with these three requirements, Ye Feng still screened out a lot of companies, and finally picked more than a dozen popular product companies. There are daily necessities, snacks, clothes, cosmetics, etc. Covering a wide range, and there is no repetition.

In the following period of time, it was Ye Feng who accompanied Ning Ning leisurely to shoot commercials.

To be honest, this matter is actually not tiring, especially with Ye Feng around, no matter whether it is the producer or the capital, both are polite.It's not like other celebrities who have to be asked for this and that to shoot a commercial, and sometimes even have to shoot several times for a commercial to pass.

In Ningning, these situations do not exist at all!

Ye Feng has the final say on what to shoot!Ye Feng said yes, then this is okay, and it’s okay if it’s not!Ye Feng said no, it must be the fault of your designers, planners, and shooters, and it has absolutely nothing to do with my family Ningning!
It was so leisurely, and within a month, Ye Feng finished filming all these advertisements. Basically, these advertisements were not designed by him, but during the shooting, Ye Feng still put forward some ideas of his own.Although he is not a professional advertising designer, he has too many advanced advertising designs in his mind. Ye Feng's vision is definitely unmatched by this world.

Sometimes Ye Feng's casual words are enough to subvert many people's ideas.

And this is exactly what these companies need.

When these advertisements were launched, the slogans of these companies were almost the same: "This advertisement was designed by Professor Ye Feng, and this product is exclusively endorsed by Ms. Su Ning!"

Then, the majority of netizens suddenly discovered that no matter where you are, you can see Ningning!

On TV, do you watch CCTV?
There are condensed advertisements!

Do you watch Haicheng Satellite TV?

There are condensed advertisements!

Do you watch Mango TV?

There are condensed advertisements!

Almost all of these popular channels have condensed advertisements!

You said you don't watch TV?Do you watch videos online?

it is good!
Youku videos have condensed advertisements!

Tengxun video has a lot of advertisements!

Aiqiyi has condensed advertisements!

You said you are a VIP member to advertise?Excuse me!Even the products endorsed by Ningning appear in the TV and variety shows you watch!
You said you stopped watching videos and went out for a stroll.

You can always see Su Ning in the subway, bus station, roadside, etc. as long as it is a place where advertisements can be placed!
The most exaggerated is the supermarket!

Then you look at it at a glance, my mother!On the rows of shelves, there are so many photos of Su Ning!



Rice flour, grain and oil?

You are in the supermarket, no matter where you go, as long as you look up, there will definitely be products endorsed by Su Ning within three meters!
I don't know how many people's eyes were shocked by this spectacular scene!
On the Internet, I don’t know how many netizens are discussing it.

"What a fool! I watched TV at home today, and I saw eight advertisements for Su Ning! And they are all on the same channel!"

"I'm completely confused, what's going on here? Products endorsed by Her Lady Queen are everywhere!"

"I watched it just now. At present, I can see Su Ning on TV on average every half an hour. I am convinced."

"Professor Ye planned so many advertisements? Is this crazy?"

"No, Professor Ye's family is short of money?"

"Impossible! I heard that Professor Ye's family is rich, and money is indispensable."

"Then what are they doing as a couple? What's wrong with having this time? Why are you frantically accepting commercials?"

"I don't know, Professor Ye is not trying to push Su Ning to be the queen of the song through advertisements?"

"Hahaha, stop making trouble, it's impossible!"

"That's right, it's not realistic to rely on advertisements to gain popularity."

"Now I see Su Ning all the time, and I'm getting annoyed. Let alone gaining popularity, it's not bad if I don't lose popularity with such excessive consumption."

"I think so too."

"If I don't want to show off my face to increase my popularity, I really can't think of any other reason."

Netizens chattered and said everything, Ye Feng and Ning Ning's operations really shocked everyone, everyone was completely at a loss!

What are they couple doing?
Swipe your face to expose your traffic?
But what is the use of just a few advertisements?
This is not realistic, is it?
Not only netizens think so, even many celebrities in the industry think so.

Zhao Meng asked Lin Yi very strangely, "What do they want?"

Lin Yi was also a little uncertain at this time, "I don't understand." What he said was true, he really couldn't understand Ye Feng's operation now, "However, there will definitely be follow-ups after him. .We are ready, continue to release new songs, don't be surpassed by him."

In a group of stars.

Liu Yushi: "Brother Wan, now Su Ning is going farther and farther on the wrong road. Your opponent is mainly Zhao Meng. As long as you work hard, surpass her and take back everything that belongs to you, it will not be a problem at all!"

"Well, I didn't expect Su Ning and Ye Feng to be so stupid!"

Wan Ming is also very troubled now, but seeing that Su Ning actually went to shoot an advertisement, he felt more at ease.If you have nothing to do, you don't sing to shoot commercials. Isn't this crazy?how?Do you really want to reach the top by advertising?That's impossible!

"Su Ning is really out of her mind."

"With such a good opportunity, she actually went to shoot commercials to make money. It's...unbelievable."


"It stands to reason that Professor Ye is here, so she shouldn't be like this."

"Some people say that they want to go the wrong way and get to the top by advertising."

"Relying on advertisements? Don't be ridiculous, that's impossible!"

"Yeah, in the entertainment industry for so many years, have you ever seen anyone who became famous through advertising? Didn't they all get famous first, and then make money by accepting advertisements? If you can reach the top by shooting advertisements, then you've seen hell!"

"That's right, people give you money, you go to shoot commercials, and then you can still reach the top. How can there be such a good thing as spending other people's money to gain your own popularity?"

"It's just wishful thinking!"

Ningning made a lot of noise this time. After all, so many advertisements have almost completely covered all aspects of people's daily life.

However, no matter whether it is netizens or celebrities, they are not optimistic about Ningning at all.

Yes, after all, this idea really subverts everyone's inherent concept of the entertainment industry.From everyone's point of view, celebrities shoot advertisements to consume themselves. How can it be said that they rely on advertisements to improve themselves?Do you think this is a movie?

However, Ye Feng's favorite thing to do is "do what ordinary people can't".

Shooting melatonin commercials is the first step, soliciting endorsements and shooting commercials is the second step of his plan, and to turn these exposures into real traffic, the last and most critical step is needed!
(End of this chapter)

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