Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 709 Three advertisements!

Chapter 709 Three advertisements!

Imperial TV office building.

Ye Feng wobbled and walked towards the gate, and as soon as he entered the hall, someone saw him.


"Does this person look familiar?"

"It looks like Professor Ye, right?"

"Huh? It's really Professor Ye!"

"Why is Professor Ye here?"

"Which channel invited Professor Ye?"

"There should be no cooperation between CCTV and Professor Ye, right? Strange, how could someone as busy as Professor Ye come to CCTV."

"Hello, Professor Ye!"

"Professor Ye, can you give me an autograph?"

"Professor Ye, Professor Ye! Who are you looking for? I'll call you!"

Everyone muttered a few words in a low voice, and then couldn't help but say hello, and Ye Feng didn't refuse any autographs, and then sat on the sofa in the lobby, waiting for the leader of CCTV.

"Professor Ye, drink some water." A little girl at the front desk brought Ye Feng a glass of water excitedly.

"Thank you." Ye Feng smiled politely.

"You're welcome." The little girl was as happy as if she had eaten honey.

After staying for a few minutes, several people came down from upstairs, and the one who walked in the front was Deputy Director Hu Ming.

"Director Hu."

"Hello Mr. Hu!"

Everyone greeted Hu Ming one after another, and Hu Ming nodded casually, "Where's Professor Ye?"

"In the rest area over there."


Hu Ming hurriedly led people towards Ye Feng.

"Professor Ye!"

Hu Ming stretched out his hand when he was striding all the way, "I've been waiting for a long time! I'm Hu Ming, and I'm in charge of the public service advertisement."

"Director Hu."

Ye Feng also stood up, and the two shook hands.

"Come on, let's go up and talk."

The group went upstairs without saying much.

Upstairs, there is an office, just Hu Ming and Ye Feng.

"Professor Ye, I have no choice but to invite you here this time." Hu Ming said, "We also know that you are short on time. If there is no other way, we will never waste your time."

Hu Ming respected Ye Feng quite a bit, Ye Feng said with a smile: "Mr. Hu's words are serious."

"It's really not me being polite." Hu Ming said with a sad face: "You must know that we invited you here this time just for the public service advertisement. Now there is a new regulation from above, and we are caught off guard .And this time is definitely the strictest one in history, and ordinary public service advertisements must not work. There is no other way, so I have to ask you to do it."

"I have never done a public service advertisement, why do you think I can do it?"

Ye Feng knew in his heart why CCTV was looking for him. New regulations were issued to rectify the entire public service advertising market. Not only CCTV was looking for Ye Feng, Haicheng Satellite TV, Mango TV and other TV stations that were highly requested were the first. Time to call Ye Feng.However, because Ye Feng is in the imperial capital now, he came to CCTV.

"Is there anything you can't do?"

Hu Ming complimented, "Your melatonin advertisement is well known to everyone. Its creativity is simply subversive. Moreover, your reputation in the advertising industry is very popular these days. If you can't do anything about it, then maybe someone else There’s nothing I can do.” Hu Ming’s words were actually a compliment and not a compliment, and they were a bit truthful.

CCTV had looked for other advertising companies before, but they all said that they couldn't plan it. For this kind of public service advertisement with complicated content, it is too difficult to innovate!And the time is too short, in just three days, no advertising company dares to accept it.

So after much deliberation, they could only find Ye Feng.

Hu Ming looked at Ye Feng and said: "Anyway, this is probably the case, the time is very tight, and we can count on you once we discuss it."

Ye Feng asked suddenly: "Are Mango TV and Haicheng TV the same as yours?"

"Huh?" Hu Ming was stunned for a moment, nodded and said, "Yes, our three TV stations are under the special attention, and the rectification time is three days." Speaking of this, Hu Ming suddenly widened his eyes, "Professor Ye, they Won't I call you too?"

"Yes." Ye Feng said casually, "I promised them too."


Hu Ming was stunned, "There's not enough time! It's only three days, and you want to make three public service announcements? It's impossible!" Let alone three, even one would take a lot of effort!
"So, don't waste time." Ye Feng stood up, "Let's start directly."

Hu Ming wanted to say again, "Professor Ye, the main reason is that there is really not enough time..."

"Then what can we do?" Ye Feng squinted at him and said with a chuckle, "Did it push Haicheng Satellite TV, or Mango Channel? Or did it push you?"

"No, no, no! Of course that's not what it means."

Hu Ming felt terrified when Ye Feng looked at him, and shouted: "Forget it, please, let's go over here." Hu Ming didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, he had never seen Ye Feng's temper, but Also heard.Although I don't know why Professor Ye agreed immediately, but in front of Ye Feng, he really didn't dare to question anything.

"Let's go."

Ye Feng didn't say anything either.

He knew what Hu Ming was thinking, but he couldn't point it out, let alone explain it.

In the eyes of others, this is a difficult problem, but for Ye Feng, this is a great opportunity created by him with all his thought!


Why did the above suddenly introduce new regulations?
Then the People's Daily will suddenly publish that article to name and criticize?
There will not be so many coincidences in the world. Behind the seemingly coincidences and opportunities are all the results of human efforts.


seventh floor.

This is a venue temporarily opened up by CCTV for the production of public service advertisements.

Hu Ming pushed open the door, clapped his hands, and attracted everyone's attention, and then said: "Everyone put aside the work in hand first, and for the public service advertisement, the station invited an expert to come over." Said Then, he gestured towards Ye Feng, "Professor Ye, don't you need to introduce? I believe everyone knows me, let me emphasize that everyone knows how busy Professor Ye is usually, and this time I can spare some Time to help us, we must obey Professor Ye's command, end this matter as soon as possible, try not to waste Professor Ye's time too much. I have just one request, during the advertising production period, everyone in the entire department must unconditionally obey Ye Do you understand the professor's arrangement?"


"Professor Ye wow!"


"Now you don't have to worry about the advertising case!"

"With Professor Ye in charge, then this matter is not a problem at all!"

There are more than ten people in the department, which is quite a number, but judging by their looks, they are all listless, probably because they have been tortured enough by this advertisement.

Ye Feng said: "There is not much time, let's stop talking nonsense and start directly."

"That's right, it's only three days, we have to hurry up."

"Professor Ye's time can't be wasted."

"Let's all move."

It is too difficult to create a new advertisement in three days. "

Everyone thought that what Ye Feng said was that the production time of the advertisement was not enough, yes, what Ye Feng said was that the production time of the advertisement was not enough, but it was not three days, but one day!
Ye Feng wants to make this advertisement for CCTV within one day!Because, not only did he accept this case, he also had the cases of Haicheng TV and Mango TV in his hand!

(End of this chapter)

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