Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 711 The scariest smoking cessation advertisement in history!

Chapter 711 The scariest smoking cessation advertisement in history!
It was evening and it was getting dark.

CCTV, fifth floor.

The advertising production team, which was already busy, has also been idle at this time. It's not that they are off work, but that their advertising production is over!
In less than a day!

A public service advertisement is so hastily produced!
Some of the main leaders of CCTV came here. They were already off work, but when they heard that the advertisement was out, these leaders didn't leave.

"Is this finished?"

"The notice was only issued in the morning, and you did it so quickly?"

"Although the time is tight, there's no need to be in such a hurry, right? Three days, you'll be done in less than one day?"

"Can this quality work? This review is not just a matter of fooling around. If you fail the final review, you will be caught blind. Don't delay the business just because of speed."

Everyone is very busy today, but everyone always feels that they are busy, especially Hu Ming. He has been staring here all day, but he always feels like he is doing nothing, wandering around in the office.

"Old Hu." A leader who didn't know what it was greeted Hu Ming, "Call everyone over, is it really done so quickly? You didn't tease everyone, did you?"

Hu Ming pulled the corner of his mouth and said weakly: "According to Professor Ye, it's finished."

"Professor Ye said?"

"Then is it finished or not?"

Hu Ming said: "Maybe it's finished."

The leader also twitched the corner of his mouth, "In such a short period of time, what good things can be produced? Professor Ye won't use the old methods, right? These things can't be reviewed, or the third child , then it might as well be...forget it.” Speaking of this, he also sighed, as the leader of CCTV, he naturally knows how difficult it is to innovate in public service advertisements, especially in such a short period of time, it is almost impossible. possible.He didn't mean to blame Ye Feng, after all, it was not easy for Professor Ye to come.

Li Ye, who has been helping Ye Feng, said: "Professor Ye is not using the original routine, without the lungs and data of those real people, it seems to be a brand new idea."

Hu Ming next to him also said: "That's true, Professor Ye has indeed never seen the advertisement before."


The leaders who had just arrived were taken aback for a moment, their eyes lit up for a moment, and they asked quickly, "What kind?"

"do not know……"

"do not know?"

These few were stunned again, "What do you mean you don't know? Those of you who participated in the production don't know?"

Li Ye said: "I really don't know. Professor Ye's advertisement is too concise. We can't understand the conciseness. It's just a lung model made of cigarettes, and then he went to record it. What kind of finished product is it? Didn't see it."


Several leaders looked at each other, and then started recording with a lung model made of cigarettes?
No wonder it's so fast!
Alas, everyone sighed in their hearts, after all, this is still a shoddy and foolish product.

"Professor Ye may be busy, please understand."

"It's okay, at least with Professor Ye's reputation, the people above will be lenient when reviewing, right?"

"I hope, otherwise we will be miserable."

"That's right, the higher-ups will review it for at least three days. If we fail this review, we really don't have time to make new advertisements."

"If this is not the case, we will be fined."

"The fine is not a big problem. The main reason is that this task cannot be completed. Once other media reports it, what will the people of the whole country think on our CCTV? This is a very big blow to us! Fortunately, this smoking cessation advertisement failed, otherwise we It’s really sitting on wax.”

"Speaking of this is really a bit strange. I always feel that this new regulation is deliberately targeting us. It's not just us, like Haicheng Satellite TV and Mango Satellite TV. I always feel that the people above are against us."

"Don't say that, the higher-ups naturally have their own ideas, just organize your own affairs."

The people from CCTV didn't say that there was any evidence, but just a faint feeling that the new regulation was aimed at their three TV stations.However, no matter what the truth is, since there are new regulations issued above, they have to implement them.

While talking, at this time, Ye Feng came over, and he heard everyone's complaints, but Ye Feng didn't say anything, just smiled and said, "Everyone is here?"

"Professor Ye!"

"Hello, Professor Ye!"

"Professor Ye has admired him for a long time!"

When the leaders who just came saw Ye Feng coming, they all greeted Ye Feng first, and Ye Feng also responded one by one, and no one mentioned what he said just now.

"Professor Ye, thank you very much this time. At our most critical time, I have to trouble you." A leader thanked him very much.

"No trouble."

Ye Feng smiled very easy-going, what he said was really not polite, after all, she did it all by herself!Even if CCTV didn't take the initiative to contact him, he would try every means to get CCTV to contact him.

If the leaders of these CCTV knew that Ye Feng was the one who "targeted" them behind the scenes, I don't know what they would think.

"Okay, the finished product is ready, let's go over and see how it goes, I have some other things to deal with later." Ye Feng said.

"Good." Several leaders praised with a smile: "Professor Ye really deserves to be a member of Huaxia, and the finished product was produced in less than a day. This speed is really unheard of."

Ye Feng smiled and said, "Why? Worried about the quality?"

The leader hurriedly waved his hands and laughed: "How can it be, Professor Ye personally took action, so why not worry about it, if you don't trust you, there will be no one in the whole country who can be assured."

Ye Feng smiled, the leader also smiled, and the people behind all smiled slightly.

Everyone was tacit, and no one said much.

Soon, a group of people arrived in the studio.

Everyone sat down below, and someone over there was debugging the equipment.Everyone just waited like this, maybe it was too idle, a leader with a big addiction started to smoke, and said to Ye Feng with a smile: "Professor Ye, come on?"

Ye Feng didn't refuse, and just took it over.

Several leaders around clicked on it.

In just 1 minute, the equipment is ready to be fiddled with.

Soon, the music wafts out and the ad starts.


"here we go!"

"Be quiet."

Everyone stared at the big screen without blinking. Although everyone felt that this advertisement must be shoddy and should not be worth seeing, but after all, Ye Feng is famous, so even if it is pretending at this time, he has to pretend to be looking forward to it. look.Otherwise, where would Professor Ye lose face?If you want to ask Professor Ye for anything in the future, will he help you?Therefore, everyone has prepared the worst plan in their hearts, even if it is a pile of shit, everyone has to blow up this advertisement!

It's almost time for someone to start drafting in their hearts, thinking about how to "talk nonsense with their eyes open" for a while.

The next second, the advertisement started.

What entered the venue was a low and depressing piece of music, which was produced by Ye Feng himself according to the original version on Earth. There is almost no difference, and the effect is obvious.

The first screen appears, which is a partial close-up of a cigarette,

As soon as the camera turned, the cigarettes began to overlap, but nothing could be seen at this time.

Hu Ming muttered to himself, "What do you want to express?"

A leader sighed softly, "I don't understand it at all."

"What about this content?"

Almost everyone showed disappointed expressions. Is this an ad for quitting smoking?There is no language, no characters, and even the most basic words that smoking is harmful to health. Can this be called a smoking cessation advertisement?How can there be such a smoking cessation advertisement!
Everyone looked sideways at Ye Feng. For the first time, they felt that this god-like man seemed to have made a mistake, and the mistake was far more serious than they imagined!Everyone expected that this was a shoddy advertisement, after all, it only took less than a day, but everyone did not expect that this advertisement would be so sloppy!
Is this hairy?

There is no such hair!

However, just when everyone was thinking this way, the scene in the next second stopped the whispering voices below.

It's quiet!
Because a lung made of cigarettes appeared on the screen, and the lungs were so realistic!Knowing that it is made of cigarettes and knowing that it is fake, but no matter in terms of image or artistic conception, this "cigarette lung" has caused great impact and shock to everyone!Especially those densely packed cigarette butts make people's scalp numb!
Just then, the cigarette burned!

At first it was one, then two, three, five...

Faint smoke began to emit from the burning place on the entire "cigarette lung", and the most frightening thing was that at this time, the background sound began to sound like breathing!
The leader who scattered the cigarette just now shivered suddenly, and the burning cigarette in his hand fell to the ground.

this is too scary!

With the sound of breathing, the ignited places on the "cigarette lungs" also flickered, just like smoking cigarette butts, especially, as the breathing became faster and faster, the ignited places on the cigarette lungs And more and more!

more and more!

Finally, with a "teng", the entire "cigarette lung" was directly ignited!
There is smoke everywhere!

The whole lung is smoking!

In the end, the "cigarette lung" was directly shrouded in smoke!

The few leaders below who were smoking were also frightened into a cold sweat, and quickly pinched out the cigarette butts in their hands, covering their chests with pale faces!

Fuck me!
What kind of ad is this!

So fucking scary!
Finally, the screen flashed, accompanied by a few coughs of men and women, the screen went black, and a line of warning words composed of cigarette butts appeared - when the cigarette is burned out, it is the end of life.


As soon as these words came out, the fear just now was magnified infinitely in an instant. Many smokers at the scene had goose bumps all over their bodies, and a layer of cold sweat directly covered their foreheads!
This sentence is too lethal!
(End of this chapter)

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