Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 712 Selfless Professor Ye!

Chapter 712 Selfless Professor Ye!
The advertisement time is not long, only a dozen seconds, and it will be over soon.

What can you do in ten seconds?

For most people, this is the time to blink a few times and say a few words, but for people in the office now, it is simply frightening!
That's right!

It's frightening!

At this moment, the entire office was silent!

It's unbelievable that everyone is so clever about this ad!
Nor is it the joy of getting carried away with the finished product of the ad!
Rather, I was simply intimidated by this ad!

No one speaks!

Everyone stared at the big screen with wide eyes, as if they hadn't recovered yet!

It took three full seconds before someone made a sound!
An old comrade who had smoked for 20 years yelled without warning, "Oh my god, this, this!" He clutched his chest in horror, as if he was about to suffocate.

"No, my lung hurts!"

"Why do I feel like my throat is smoking? Show me quickly, am I okay?"

"Why does the room smell like smoke?"

"Hurry up! That cigarette butt! Stomp it out! No, it's still smoking!"

"Stop smoking! Second-hand smoke is more harmful!"

"Yes! Hurry up and pinch them all!"

"This ad just scared the hell out of me!"

"Oh my god, I will never smoke again, it's terrible!"

"I'm in a cold sweat!"

"I feel like my lungs are on fire, like they're smoking! Is this a public service advertisement? I almost didn't follow it after watching it! It's not visually scary! It's psychologically scary! It's just like watching It’s like a horror movie, I know it’s fake, but this thing really makes me feel chills!”

"This is the advertisement that Professor Ye made in one day?"

"It's scary!"

"It's not a day, it's less than a day!"

"This advertisement is too powerful!"

"This is really scary without blood!"

"After so many years of watching commercials, this is the first time I've been scared by an advertisement! This is the first time I've seen it and I dare not watch it a second time!"

"If you're not a smoker, you won't experience this kind of despair at all!"

"When the cigarette burns out, life ends! This makes my skin crawl! My hairs stand on end!"

"Do you want to be so ruthless!"

"Professor Ye's ad is absolutely amazing! It's amazing!"

"As expected of Huaxia people!"

People who don't usually smoke are better, but those who smoke, especially those old smokers, who take one or two boxes a day, are almost scared to fart at this time!Everyone yelled in shock, and felt that the whole person was covered with a shadow from the inside to the outside, which was still lingering!Even if you don't smoke, just breathe normally, everyone feels that their lungs are burning every time they inhale!The pictures in the advertisement just now seemed to be imprinted in everyone's minds!That kind of fear is hard to describe in words!
Hu Ming, Li Ye and the other participants were also terrified. Only then did everyone finally know what Ye Feng meant!

They were shocked by the effect of this advertisement, and what was even more shocking was the person who made this advertisement!There are so many smoking cessation advertisements, not to mention domestic ones, but also the whole world, no one has ever seen public service advertisements like this!

No characters!

No words!

no data!

Just a few cigarettes with the last sentence, and there is no dubbing in the whole advertisement!
If this was put in the past, whoever said that this could also be made into an advertisement, no one would believe it!But today, Professor Ye made everyone gain knowledge!
No characters!No words!no data!You can still shoot excellent public service advertisements!

This cannot be said to be excellent!This is a public service advertisement that made history!
This ad is the first of its kind!

Never done this before!
This is equivalent to providing the world with a new way of thinking!

This is Professor Ye?

Is this the Huaxia man, the genius of the ages?
At this moment, everyone present couldn't help but think of an old saying:
Famous is not as good as meeting, and meeting is worse than being famous!
This sentence is the most appropriate to describe the mood of everyone now!

A lot of people put their eyes on Ye Feng's face all of a sudden, the emotions in those small eyes are beyond description, there are admiration, shock, admiration, envy... Everyone is human and eats He grew up with rice flour, why is Professor Ye so good?It's really strong wherever you go!

Suddenly, Deputy Director Hu Ming stood up and clapped his hands heavily.

When the others saw it, they also stood up and quickly clapped their hands, and the applause instantly filled the entire office!At this time, no one has doubts in their hearts anymore!

If the time is short, it must be shoddy to fool people?
Professor Ye taught you another lesson today!

Ye Feng smiled and said, "It seems that this advertisement is okay."

A leader said excitedly: "It's not only possible! This advertisement is simply invincible! I will submit it for review immediately and report to the higher authorities for approval! If this fails, then the higher authorities will really target us!"

Another leader was also very excited, stepped forward to hold Ye Feng's hand, and thanked: "I really thank Professor Ye so much! Thank you! Thank you!"

Ye Feng shook his head and said with a smile: "Everyone's credit, I just said an idea."

"Without your idea, no matter how hard you work, everyone is doing nothing! Consciousness determines practice, and you have contributed a lot!"

"Thank you!"

"Thank you so much, Professor Ye!"

"Professor Ye is really amazing!"

"How long did it take? Professor Ye almost didn't think about it, and just got started. This kind of thinking is really unmatched by anyone!"

Almost all the leaders and employees of CCTV are thanking Ye Feng, even if they can't talk to Ye Feng, they still talk to their colleagues below.

At this time, Hu Ming said to another leader abruptly, "How is Professor Ye's salary calculated?"


The leader patted his forehead and said: "This remuneration is absolutely indispensable! According to the highest standard in the industry... no, no, no, it must be a level higher than the highest standard!"

"Yes, you have to follow the 'Professor Ye's standard'! Even the highest standard is not acceptable!"

"The top in the industry is no good in front of Professor Ye!"

"Professor Ye is on a different level!"

Many leaders agreed.

But Ye Feng waved his hand, "The reward is fine, it's everyone's responsibility to do public welfare. Being able to make a little contribution to the country is the best reward for me!"


Another extremely warm applause!

Look at Professor Ye's awareness!

Look at Professor Ye's thoughts!


The best reward is to serve the country!

The highest honor is to dedicate yourself!
Even some leaders at the scene were so touched by Ye Feng that their eyes turned red!

"Professor Ye really deserves to be a Huaxia person! Whether it is ability or character, he is worthy of the word Huaxia!"

Not to mention these people, even Ye Feng himself was moved by himself at this time!

Self-awareness is really too high!
Look at my character, I'll help you if you have difficulties, and you don't need money when you're done!

They are all contributing to the country and benefiting the people!

I, Ye, are so noble and selfless!

Of course, Ye Feng was not confused yet, he stopped this thought in time.

I don't want money, mainly because I am too embarrassed...

After all, he was actually responsible for the CCTV matter.Moreover, it is useless for him to ask for money!What he needs is not money!

"Okay, you guys are busy, I'm going back first, I have something else to do."

Ye Feng didn't say much, and left the CCTV building after a few polite words.

The leaders of CCTV sent hundreds of meters away!

I am simply grateful to Dade!
If they knew that the person who cheated them was Ye, I don't know if they would think that Professor Ye was so impartial!
In fact, many times, society is like this. Many people are confused by appearances, thinking that what they see is the truth.But as everyone knows, sometimes, behind the "truth", there is also "truth"!
(End of this chapter)

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