Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 713 Haicheng Satellite TV's advertisement!

Chapter 713 Haicheng Satellite TV's advertisement!
In the evening, Ye Feng just came back from CCTV, and he hadn't waited for dinner yet.His cell phone rang again, the call from the director of Haicheng Satellite TV.

"Professor Ye."

"Director Zhang."

"The people in our station have already arrived in the imperial capital. If there is anything else you need to prepare, I will ask them to prepare."

"There is nothing to prepare, and there are not many props used."

"What about our filming location?"

"You haven't contacted over there?"

"Professor Ye, you also know that we are a local station after all, and it's really hard to find a place to go to the imperial capital."

"That's all right, go directly to CCTV when the time comes, and I'll contact them."

"CCTV? Can they agree? After all..."

"It's okay, I'll talk to them, if it doesn't work then, I'm thinking of other ways."

"It's really troublesome Professor Ye! I really don't know how to thank you."

"Hey, if you say thank you or not, they all belong to Haicheng. Let's help each other."

"Thank you, thank you very much."

"It's okay, let's do this first, and I will contact you tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll let them contact you then."

"Well, okay."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Feng was in a good mood. Today he finished the CCTV commercial, and tomorrow he will start to study the Haicheng Satellite TV commercial.

After dinner in the evening, Ningning was surrounded by her family and went out for a walk, while Ye Feng studied the advertisement of Haicheng Satellite TV at home.

The outside world doesn't know what's going on with the new regulations on public service advertisements above, but Ye Feng is very clear in his heart!Because this new rule is basically what he suggested!Especially CCTV, Haicheng Satellite TV, and Mango Satellite TV, the three strictest restrictions in history, were all proposed by him!
According to Ye Feng's suggestion, these three TV stations have great influence, so they should play an exemplary role!

To put it bluntly, Ye Feng is the biggest black hand behind this incident!

It may be difficult for ordinary people to imagine that Ye Feng is just a professor and has no public office. Why does he have such great energy?Can these new regulations be sorted out?
Others can't, but Ye Feng can really!

Mainly, in the eyes of everyone, including some leaders above, Professor Ye is basically equivalent to the "law of nature"!What Professor Ye said is the last word!Numerous facts have proved that Professor Ye's words were not missed at all!Therefore, the above suggestion to Ye Feng is highly valued!

Moreover, public service advertisements really need to be rectified. Those advertisements are really ineffective and too old.Just during this period of time, Ye Feng was flourishing again in the advertising field, so his words became more credible.

And the reason why the three TV stations CCTV, Haicheng, and Mango were named was because Ye Feng took a fancy to the types of public service advertisements they were in charge of!
CCTV is smoking cessation!

And Haicheng Satellite TV is environmental protection.

There are too many classic cases on the earth for public service advertisements about environmental protection.And the first thing Ye Feng thought of was the water resources protection advertisement!

A beautiful woman, holding an earth in her hands, turns into a drop of water and falls.This yellow noodle is too classic, the most classic is the last sentence: Don't let human tears become the last drop of water on the earth.

It can be said that this advertisement or this sentence is almost well known on the earth.Even the logo of a certain water conservation organization on Earth is a sketch of a pair of hands holding a drop of water.

Although Ye Feng is not a professional in advertising, he is familiar with this advertisement, he just needs to think about the details carefully, and he doesn't need to know the specific details.


Early the next morning, Ye Feng took Ning Ning out.

It's still CCTV, but Ye Feng and Ning Ning came together today.

This time, Ye Feng was familiar with the way, and he didn't wait in the lobby, and took Ningning directly to the fifth floor.

Pushing the door open, the people inside froze instantly.

"Professor Ye?"

"Ah? Why is Professor Ye here again?"

"The ad isn't finished yet?"

"Isn't that Su Ning?"

"what's the situation?"

Ye Feng said with a smile: "Why, you don't welcome me?"

Everyone didn't react for a while, and when they heard Ye Feng's words, everyone hurriedly said: "No, no, Professor Ye, Ms. Su, please come in."

Ye Feng smiled, walked in, Ningning took Ye Feng's arm, and politely said "Thank you".

Just as Ye Feng entered the door, he saw that the words "No Smoking" had been posted in the office. It seemed that the advertisement yesterday had a great impact on everyone.

"Professor Ye, are you...?" Li Ye looked blank.

"There's something wrong, where is Mr. Hu? Are you there?" Ye Feng asked.

"Here, you two sit down first, and I'll go find him right away."

Li Ye didn't say much, and went directly to Hu Ming.

Ye Feng and Ning Ning came and sat down casually, and Ning Ning laughed softly: "Mr. Ye has a lot of face, the people here are so respectful to you."

"That must be." Ye Feng smiled arrogantly.

Ning Ning pursed her lips and smiled, Da Baobao's stomach has risen a little, but it's not very obvious, if you don't know, you may think that Da Baobao has gained a little weight.

Soon, Hu Ming came over, and said from afar, "Professor Ye!"

Ye Feng smiled and stood up, "Director Hu."

The two shook hands with a smile, Ye Feng didn't have any ink marks, and just said what he came for.

Then, Hu Ming was directly stunned!


Let people from Haicheng Satellite TV shoot commercials on CCTV?
This Nima is a bit too much, right?

All David TVs are competitors!This is equivalent to letting competitors process products in their own factories!

Use my place!
Use my device!
Use my people!

In the end, let’s not talk about the money, you are still competing with me!

It doesn't make sense, does it?

"Professor Ye... There is no such precedent." Hu Ming said with the corners of his mouth pulled.

Ye Feng glanced at him, and suddenly said lightly: "Director Hu, do you think I'm a successful person?"

"Ah?" Hu Ming was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Of course forget it!" He hardly hesitated, although he didn't know what Ye Feng meant, but this question didn't need to be thought about!If Ye Feng is not considered a successful person, who in the world can be considered a successful person?
However, why did Professor Ye ask this?
Ningning was also a little curious, looking sideways at Ye Feng.

Almost everyone in the office was a little curious. Although they didn't look at Ye Feng directly like Ning Ning, everyone was listening with their ears up.

Ye Feng said lightly: "Today I will tell you the secret of my success."

As soon as these words were said, the expressions of everyone changed.

Even Director Hu's eyes lit up a lot, it was like a martial arts master suddenly said that he wanted to teach his own physics secrets!

Everyone listened intently.

Ye Fengdao: "Because I dare to be the first. Has anyone solved the top ten conjectures in the mathematics world? No! I am the first! Has anyone in the literary world discovered Yuefu poems? No! I am the first! Education circles Is anyone concurrently serving as the question maker for the six subjects of the college entrance examination? No! I am the first!"

Ye Feng said impassionedly, like a speech, "There is no precedent? So what? If there is no precedent, then create a precedent! You CCTV has never had such a precedent before, but you promised today, and you will face this kind of situation in the future. When there is a situation, don’t you have it? You are just like me, a person who set a precedent! This must be recorded in history! Remember, only those who dare to be the first can become the first! "

Creating a precedent without a precedent?
Not before, but after?

Like Professor Ye?

Dare to be the first?

This is so damn right!

Hu Ming's brain seemed to be full of blood, and his heart was even more passionate!

"Okay! Dare to be the first! Strive to be the first!"

Hu Ming immediately agreed, Professor Ye is right!You are so right!
"Master Hu!" Ye Feng nodded vigorously, gave a thumbs up and said, "Have courage!"

Ning Ning next to her was already dumbfounded, this director... is out of his mind?
Mr. Ye said such nonsense, he actually believed it?
The big baby looked at Ye Feng differently. If Mr. Ye went into sales, he would definitely be able to make a splash.

(End of this chapter)

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