Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 714 Why is there such a person!

Chapter 714 Why is there such a person!

The CCTV building and the people sent by Haicheng Satellite TV still can't believe it.

"We actually came to CCTV to shoot commercials?"

"What do the CCTV people think?"

"We are in competition with them!"

"CCTV is really generous!"

"I think our Professor Ye has a lot of face, right?"

"Then we can't deny the generosity of CCTV. Just because of this, CCTV is worthy of being the big brother. Let's ask ourselves, will we let people from other TV stations shoot commercials in our headquarters?"

"Yes, CCTV really impressed me."

The group from Haicheng Satellite TV soon joined Ye Feng, and after a few pleasantries, they were ready to start working.

It was almost the same as when I made an advertisement for CCTV yesterday. People from the TV station first introduced the basic situation. Ye Feng pretended to listen to their analysis for a while, and then put forward his own ideas.

Compared with CCTV, the people from Haicheng Satellite TV are more new to Ye Feng, and they hardly have any doubts. Ye Feng will do whatever he says.

With the copywriting prepared by Ye Feng long ago, and the help from CCTV people, the production speed of this advertisement is faster than yesterday.At about three o'clock in the afternoon, Haicheng Satellite TV's advertisement was ready.

"Thank you, Professor Ye! Thank you, Miss Su!"

"Thank you Director Hu! Thank you CCTV colleagues!"

"Thank you so much!"

"It's not because everyone is so helpful, there is nothing we can do!"

"I really don't know how to thank you all. In this way, when you have the opportunity to go to Haicheng in the future, we will definitely treat you well in our station!"

"From now on, Haicheng Satellite TV and CCTV will be a family!"

The people from Haicheng Satellite TV thanked Dade and left, and then Ye Feng also brought his wife back home.

This group of people came and went quickly, leaving no trace behind.

However, the CCTV people slowly reacted!
This is not right!
Why did the people from Haicheng Satellite TV come here?

Do you even shoot commercials for them?
The more Master Hu thinks about it, the more wrong he is!
I seem to have been fooled by Professor Ye!

At this time, Li Ye came over and said with a wry smile, "Director Hu, our leader wants you to go over."


Great leader?
Isn't that the director?
Looking for him at this time, I can figure out why with my feet!

Sure enough, after going to see their director, the director scolded him bloody!

Hu Ming almost didn't cry, Professor Ye, you are screwing me to death!

Hu Ming was scolded by the director for two hours!

Since he became the deputy director, there has never been such a bloody scolding as today!
Their director is really fuming!

Hey, why does CCTV want people from Haicheng to shoot commercials?
Still don't need money?

It's just a brain hole!
The director is getting angrier the more he thinks about it!In the end, when it was already off work, the head of the station called Hu Ming and scolded him again!
This made Hu Ming angry, he was so self-absorbed!

However, more terrifying things are yet to come.


The next day.

This is the third day after Ye Feng finished filming the smoking cessation advertisement on CCTV, and it is also the last day of the deadline given above.

Tomorrow, the new commercials of the three major TV stations must be aired. If they cannot be aired, they will be fined.

Both CCTV and Haicheng Satellite TV have their hearts in their stomachs, but there is another TV station that is still on tenterhooks.

That is Mango TV. Mango TV is the most popular entertainment TV station in China today. Its TV dramas and variety shows have almost no rivals in China.Why do you say almost, he had no opponent at all before, but then Ye Feng appeared, and it became almost.

Except for Professor Ye, Mango TV is invincible in terms of entertainment.

The entertainment is too strong, which naturally leads to their poor public welfare.Inside the Mango Channel, almost all "viewer ratings" are the first priority, and they don't pay much attention to this kind of public service advertisements.

But now that the higher-ups have called names, it’s okay for them not to pay attention.

There was no other way, so I had no choice but to hold on temporarily, and begged my grandpa to tell my grandma to find Ye Feng through a relationship.They are definitely "desperate", otherwise they would not ask Ye Feng for help if there is a way.After all, when Ye Feng was doing variety shows, Mango TV was the most affected!It can be said that when Ye Feng was working on "I Am a Singer", he burped the variety show of Mango TV!This is definitely a "deep hatred"!

It's a pity, but the situation cannot be controlled, they still have to beg this former "rival".

What's more, Ye Feng didn't go to their Mango Channel, he had to let them come to the imperial capital, saying that they were making commercials on CCTV.

"Professor Ye said it was on CCTV?"

"real or fake?"

"How could CCTV possibly agree?"

"Professor Ye is probably bragging."

"Our relationship with CCTV is not good."

"Even if CCTV agrees, we might not get some supercilious looks there."

Several people sent by Mango Satellite TV muttered along the way. Ye Feng said that he went to CCTV to make an advertisement, but everyone didn't believe it at all.

But at this time, Ye Feng and Ning Ning were already sitting in the CCTV office building.


When the CCTV people saw Ye Feng, the terrified eyes made people feel distressed!
The helplessness, hesitation and suspicion of life in those dozen or so eyes are simply their intuitive expression of Ye Mou at this time!
Yesterday when Hu Ming came home, he was scolded by the boss on the phone. Today, Hu Ming had a meeting at work early in the morning, and scolded these colleagues on the fifth floor!Although they didn't do anything wrong, but not cursing is not enough to vent!
It can be said that Ye Feng's name has been completely spread all over CCTV. Everyone knows that when you meet Professor Ye in the future, don't let Professor Ye fool you!

However, what they never expected was that this would not have to wait until later!

Professor Ye is here again!

he came!he came!He really came with his wife!
When Hu Ming came out with a sad face, Ye Feng responded with a smile, and the first sentence almost made Hu Ming vomit blood.

Ye Feng: "Director Hu, please, my colleagues from Mango Channel will come over to make an advertisement later."

At this time, Hu Ming wanted to die.

Really, this urge to die has never been so strong.

"Professor Ye, our station director has said about this matter, and he has to get his approval. Why don't you wait a while and I'll go to him?" The chief came out.

"Okay." Ye Feng was easy to talk to.

Hu Ming went to look for the director in no time, and within 5 minutes, Hu Ming came over with several leaders.

"Professor Ye."

"Director Zheng."

A few people smiled and exchanged greetings first, then the director of CCTV, Director Zheng, said directly, "We welcome colleagues from Mango Satellite TV, but..."

"Thank you so much Director Zheng!"

Ye Feng grabbed Master Zheng's hand directly and enthusiastically, "I said Master Zheng is highly enlightened, so there will definitely be no problem with this matter. Look, Master Zheng is warmly welcome!"

"No, Professor Ye, listen to me, we welcome you, but the problem is..." Director Zheng swallowed.


Ye Feng said in a long voice, "There are no problems, they are all builders of socialism, what problems are there to be afraid of! As long as the thinking does not slip, there are always more ways than difficulties!"

"No, Professor Ye, we have to work ourselves, this..."


Ye Feng smacked his lips, and said again: "They all serve the people, and they all work hard for the rejuvenation of the nation. Everyone is the same. How can there be any difference between you and us? They are all Huaxia! Who does more and less? , so what can you do? Right? Everyone, don’t think that helping others is suffering. If you want to say whether it’s hard or not, think about the [-] years ago! Right? This traditional spirit of helping others can’t be lost, I I believe that all of us at CCTV are thoughtful and good comrades!"

Ye Feng said a lot of messy things, and everyone in the office was dumbfounded!
Even Ning Ning was dumbfounded!

Hu Ming was even more bewildered!
Director Zheng has been completely lost by Ye Feng's words!

Where is this going?

Why is it still related to the traditional spirit of the people's country?
"I, here, Professor Ye..." Director Zheng didn't know what to say.

At this moment, Ye Feng rolled his eyes and asked, "Is it okay?"


Director Zheng's mentality collapsed, and he couldn't help roaring in his heart!
This is hooliganism!

Professor Ye's ability to go online is too damn strong!
He now understands what happened to Hu Ming yesterday, and when he met Ye Feng, no one could cure him!
(End of this chapter)

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