little fisherman catching the sea

Chapter 84 Set a small goal

Chapter 84 Set a small goal

Pumping water on the first day after the big tide is basically 'nothing', which is basically a loss-making business.

When there are gains and losses, it is the same as a fund. If you talk too much, you will cry.

However, Zhang Miao is also considered to have a good psychological quality. This time, he suffered a small loss, which was expected and acceptable.Pumping and fishing are actually the same. Sometimes the cabin can be full, but it may also be empty.

They didn't encounter any blows, and it didn't affect the determination of Zhang Miao and the others. They must be defeated repeatedly.

Zhang Miao, who got up early, jogged and returned home after sweating.

"I started drinking tea in the morning, tea at noon, and tea at night!" Seeing her son sitting in front of the tea table and running for tea, Zhao Ling was annoyed and funny, "You, I haven't learned anything else. , learned your old man’s tea-drinking virtue.”

Zhang Miao was in a good mood pouring hot water into the teapot, "I didn't learn this from my dad. We have a tea drinking culture here."

"That's why I want to talk about this. People here like drinking tea too much!" Zhao Ling smiled and said, "Tell me, how many people here don't like drinking tea? Yes, there are a few who are very particular about drinking tea."

If so, Zhang Miao thinks it is quite reasonable, the tea drinking culture here in southern Fujian is indeed strong enough.Including Zhang Miao himself, I don't know when it started, but slowly began to "pay attention".

In the past, it was just to put the tea leaves in the teacup and soak them in boiling water. There was nothing to be particular about.

But now, in order to drink a cup of better tea, Zhang Miao can sit here and spend half an hour contentedly, just for a cup of higher quality tea.

Li Haoyuan and Xu Pengfei came and took the teacup from Zhang Miao, "It's not bad, it's a little weak, you're wasting the tea."

"Stop talking, let's go out!" Zhang Liye felt amused, and urged, "You three, if you don't know, you may think that you are all middle-aged now, and you can speak clearly after drinking tea. Let me ask you, Do you really understand this?"

Zhang Miao didn't feel embarrassed, she was very confident, "It's because I don't understand very well, so I'm learning slowly now. If you don't study, how can you make progress!"

While joking, the preparations are relatively complete, so naturally they need to prepare to go.I didn't gain much yesterday, so I will continue to work hard today. I believe that today I can have some gains. It is impossible to always be in the trough and bad luck.

Sitting on the boat, Zhang Miao pointed at the sea vigorously, eager to try, "Today is farther out to sea, I must splash in the sea today, I am a white stripe in the waves and a dragon in the river!"

"I'll talk about it when I come back. Now I'm going to splash in the sea, and my body will be sticky." Zhang Liye smiled and said jokingly, "I don't have fresh water for you to take a shower. I don't care if you are a dragon in the river or an idiot in the waves, as long as you don't waste it." My water is fine."

Swimming in sea water seems to be a more romantic and challenging thing. It is said that swimming in sea water also has many benefits.

It’s just that after swimming in sea water, it must be rinsed with fresh water. Sea water has a relatively high salt content. After swimming in the sea, a lot of it will adhere to the body. If it is not rinsed in time, it will damage the skin and make the skin dry. Rough, red and swollen.

Zhang Miao didn't care, and continued to look forward to it, "Today's weather is very suitable for jumping in the sea. I have decided to jump into the sea when the time is right to show off my swimming skills!"

"Are you good at swimming?" Li Haoyuan was a little worried and envious, "I know how to swim, but basically I practiced it in the swimming pool. I guess I can't swim in the sea."

Zhang Liye pointed to Zhang Miao, quite confident, "He is very good at swimming. It is said that he has always been obedient and trouble-free, but he was also naughty when he was a child. I am not afraid of other things, but I am worried that he will sneak away in summer." Swimming. He is lucky to grow up."

"That's really lucky!" Zhang Miao laughed, and the feeling of "survival after disaster" became stronger and stronger. "When I was young, I was ignorant, and I always sneaked out to swim with my friends in the village. Now we can still jump around alive and well." Yes, I can only say good luck."

The ignorant are fearless, this is probably Zhang Miao's real feeling now, thinking about some absurd things when he was a child, he really wants to give himself a few slaps.

It is not easy to find a suitable water hole. Although there are many water holes by the sea, it seems that there may be fish in them.It's just that it's hard to guarantee whether there are fish in these pits.

This time we will continue to 'go out to sea' and change to an island.But this time the island is no longer a soil island, but a reef island. It is said that there are some puddles there, which are worth trying.

As for not catching fish yesterday, this can already be turned over.It is said that there is still some output in the pit that was taken first by someone yesterday, and it is said that the harvest is not bad.

A few people were chatting, and felt that they should try not to go to that pit in the future.With continuous output, it is estimated that this is a cornucopia in the eyes of some people. More people will definitely gamble there in the future, and the competition there will definitely become more and more fierce.

So don't "pick up people's teeth", but try to find some virgin land as much as possible.

Even if such risks may be relatively large, it may take time and effort, and the cost may also increase, but such high risks may also have some high output.

Going out of the safe zone and comfort zone, looking for some small challenges, these things are also quite challenging for Zhang Miao, he likes to accept such small challenges.

Sitting on the bow of the boat, Zhang Miao saw the low reef island. The area above the sea level was estimated to be more than two acres. Naturally, this is not large, but as a reef island, such an area is actually not too big. Not too small.

"Be careful, I won't bring you here in the future, you guys don't want to show off to me!" Zhang Liye said seriously, "This place looks calm on the surface, but I don't know how many hidden reefs there are below."

Zhang Miao nodded again and again, and said without hesitation, "Yes, I must know these things. I am quite conservative."

Such a place still has some hidden turbulence, and there are still many dangers under the sea.It is only natural to be more conservative at this time, and to be more stable at this time.

Zhang Liye spoke again and warned again, "I'll tell you again, it doesn't matter if you usually come out to play in small boats. I won't say anything when you go around the beach. But for the places near the islands and reefs, be honest with me. , don’t come here! I’m not afraid of hitting the boat, I’m afraid you will capsize!”

Guarantee, at this time, it is natural to need repeated guarantees, and you must express your determination. This kind of thing is indeed not risky, and you must be cautious about such things. Everyone understands that fire and water are merciless.

What's more, this is on the sea, and there will be more dangers here.The seemingly calm sea may turn into turbulent waves the next moment. Many fishermen have a clearer understanding of the power of nature.

The boat slowly approached the reef, and Zhang Liye cheered up at this time. Even an old fisherman like him knew enough about this area, but he didn't dare to be careless at this time.

It is precisely because he knows the threat of the sea and the undercurrent under the islands and reefs that he is more careful.

Sitting on the bow of the boat, Zhang Miao also began to observe the sea surface carefully, as if watching the movement on the sea surface, but Zhang Miao was also observing the movement below the sea surface more, wanting to see if there was anything valuable under the sea surface reward.

"Fishing ban!" Zhang Miao felt distressed. Rounding up, he missed [-] million yuan. "If you cast a net here, maybe a few hundred yuan will come!"

Forget it, although I missed [-] million, but Zhang Miao felt that he could only bear it at this time.Next time, I will try to seize some opportunities next time, maybe I can make more money in the future.

Now it is just rounding and missing [-] million, and there may be a chance to actually earn [-] million in the future, although this goal seems a little big, and it is a bit unrealistic.

Work harder, maybe you can create a small miracle and achieve a small goal!

(End of this chapter)

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