Chapter 85
"Be careful when you get off the boat, and step on it!" Zhang Liye said again, even though he had been reminded too many times, "Go down after you have seen it, don't be frizzy."

Zhang Miao nodded, and said affirmatively, "I know, I have always been a conservative character, and I will definitely not take risks."

After saying this, Zhang Miao got off the boat cautiously, dragged the rope to the shore first, and then dragged the small fishing boat to the shore.

"It's good here, there are a lot of good things here." Zhang Miao, who went ashore, smiled happily, pointing to the sea and said, "I just took a look, and there are still a lot of conch shells, and some crabs, big and small, can be seen. .”

Zhang Liye disagreed, "These things are basically difficult to catch, and even if they are caught, it's not enough to pay back the money."

This is also a fact. Expecting to catch some crabs, fish and shrimps in the sea is really not a very realistic thing, and it is a little difficult.The more realistic approach at this time is naturally to hurry to find the puddle, which is the most important thing.

For the time being, there is no need to move things like water pumps there first. It would take a lot of energy to get off the boat with such things.It's better to go to the water hole first, find a suitable water hole, and then consider the next series of actions.

Stepping on the slippery ground, Zhang Miao kept reminding, "Be careful, the road here is slippery, and the ground is full of rocks."

In fact, there was no need for Zhang Miao to remind, Li Haoyuan and Xu Pengfei did not dare to be careless at this time.There are many sharp-looking reefs on the ground. If you fall down, you will definitely fall hard, and you may even see red.

It is right to be careful. Walking on such a rugged and complicated reef island naturally requires more care and caution.

Zhang Liye pointed to the front and said, "Look over there, there are two pits. If the situation is better, you can smoke it."

"It's time to climb!" Zhang Miao looked at the small pit in front of him, full of expectation, "This pit should be in good condition. If it wasn't for the high tide, this pit would definitely not be exposed. In places like this, grouper, stone Sea bream like this kind of place."

Just climbed up the slope and stood on a reef, Zhang Miao immediately became energetic and motivated, "This pit looks good, let's start smoking right away?"

Seeing Zhang Miao's immediate decision, Zhang Liye was a little surprised, "We didn't pump water yesterday, so we shouldn't make you so anxious. Take another look and see if there are any fish in the pit."

Li Haoyuan also followed suit and said, "Yeah, this pit doesn't look too big. Although the water is relatively clear, we still have to take a good look. Take a closer look and we'll make a decision. It's our work style to rather be short than to be indiscriminate." .”

This made only Zhang Miao fall into the situation of being 'encircled and suppressed', because he seemed a little impulsive, he seemed to be a little aggressive, so it was inevitable to make fun of Zhang Miao.

For Zhang Miao, the most important thing at this time is naturally to pretend to inspect this pit, and then make a decision to open the lottery.

Face engineering and superficial work still need to be done at this time, and sometimes a little more convincing rhetoric is needed.

Looking carefully, Zhang Miao pointed to the edge of the pit and said, "There are fish here, don't you see those prawns!"

Zhang Liye looked towards the edge of the pit, and suddenly regained his energy, "You still have a good eye, there are really shrimps here!"

"That's right!" Zhang Miao slapped her hands and said loudly, "These shrimps generally prefer sandy seabeds, or they are close to the sea when migrating. Now those small shrimps are still in the estuary, but the big shrimps are here. It's deep water."

"We're going to move the water pump. You can look for it here." Zhang Liye no longer hesitated. If there is a good trend, then we need to start work and hurry up. "If more prawns are brought back from this pit, then I earned it, and now the shrimp is worth a lot.”

Shrimp are indeed valuable now, mainly during the fishing ban period. Now the price of these prawns, or the value of many seafood products are increasing.The price of aquaculture may increase during the holidays, but the price of seafood is different. There is a slight increase during the fishing ban.

Zhang Miao laughed and asked, "Dad, can you sell it for [-]?"

"One hundred and fifty is a bit difficult, one hundred and thirty is about the same." Zhang Liye looked at the puddle, looking forward to it, "If we catch two or three catties of prawns, we won't lose money. If we pick up some other goods, we will I can make a little money."

Two or three catties of prawns may be a bit difficult, but there are still other seafood. Zhang Miao feels that a large harvest is unrealistic, but making a small profit is definitely not a big problem, and it is worth it.

Li Haoyuan and Xu Pengfei, the two bastards followed, they had good eyesight and were very good at flattering.

While Zhang Liye was taking the puppy legs to move the water pump, Zhang Miao was carefully observing along the edge of the pit and doing some calculations.

"Three catties of shrimp should be about the same, and the size is not bad. This is 400 yuan. The Pippi shrimp is estimated to be two or three catties, but I don't know if it is a red heart or a white heart. Now the price has risen a little bit. I use an average of 100 yuan. It must be conservative, [-] yuan."

"The small black sea bream is estimated to be 200 yuan, and the big one can be sold for more than 1000 yuan. Counting these conch and sea urchins, we can definitely earn 1000 yuan from this pit. [-] yuan is no problem, With a little luck, it can be sold for one thousand two three."

After such a calculation, this small pit was really profitable. Zhang Miao felt quite satisfied, and finally he was about to gain something again. The job of pumping water was worth continuing. It was definitely worth buying a better water pump.

Looking at the puddle, Zhang Miao felt that the two water pumps started working at the same time, and it would take an hour and a half to complete the work. After all, the puddle is relatively small.

This pit is still worth taking, and the difficulty of this pit is relatively small, so naturally Zhang Miao will not miss it. Such a pit is one of the best choices for Zhang Miao to make a fortune.

If you are lucky, under ideal conditions, you can smoke several such pits a day.

But realistically speaking, such pits are not so easy to find, and not every pit has a catch worth hundreds to nearly a thousand yuan. It is not so easy to find such a rare 'cornucopia'. things.

The water pump arrived, and Zhang Miao felt that there was no need to worry. "You guys do your work here first. I'll go to the side to see if there are any other pits worth pumping."

Naturally, there was no objection to Zhang Miao's arrangement.At any rate, I have pumped the pit several times, so I naturally know that the area of ​​the pit this time is not too large, and the water level does not seem to be particularly deep, so it should be relatively easy to handle.

If Zhang Miao can find one or two more pits worth pumping, that would be the best thing. Maybe that can be regarded as a satisfying pumping pit, and only then can it be regarded as a small gain in the true sense.

Since there is no need for Zhang Miao to worry about things here, and there is really no need for him to stay here, then continue to look for puddles, this is what Zhang Miao should do well.

Stepping on the slippery ground, Zhang Miao began to patrol around the island, hoping to find more water holes and find some valuable water holes.

"It's not suitable. This hole is big, but there are no fish." Zhang Miao quickly made a judgment when he found a water hole again, "If this hole is pumped out, it will be thankless.

There is no need to pay more attention to pits that do not lose money but do not make money. Zhang Miao should continue to look for other places. I believe that there may be more gains in those places.

Keep looking, Zhang Miao knows that he has no way to stop at this time, so try to find as many potentially valuable catches as possible.

Such reef islands naturally have no roads in many cases.Since there is no road, it is good to find a road, which is also very important to him.

Hard trek does not exist, Zhang Miao feels that there is really no difficulty.Since fishing and pumping, we need to make such preparations and overcome such small difficulties.

 Thanks to the book friend Dazhu Luo Chuanbing for the reward

  Thanks to the book friend for being handsome and ugly and the book friend 151015123451840 for the reward again

(End of this chapter)

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