little fisherman catching the sea

Chapter 86 Sea Cucumber

Chapter 86 Sea Cucumber
Holding on to the sharp and slippery reef, Zhang Miao began to walk forward step by step.He didn't want to climb up the rock pile, he planned to go around from the sea, anyway, the water level here is not too high.

Suddenly, Zhang Miao was stunned. This was an unexpected harvest, and he couldn't help being pleasantly surprised.

This is a spindle-shaped guy with taupe skin, this thing is really a bit 'disgusting', and it doesn't look good.

"Sea sticks?" Zhang Miao muttered to himself, a little uncertain, "This thing is considered a sea cucumber, but it's worthless!"

Sea cucumber, since ancient times, Chinese people believe that sea cucumber is not only a delicacy, but also a nourishing and health care product.This high-protein, low-fat seafood has a variety of active ingredients, and has various pharmacological effects such as anti-tumor, immune regulation, and anti-oxidation.

What's more, its taste is also very good, which naturally means that its price will be relatively high.

It's just that sea cucumbers are also divided into grades, and their prices vary considerably.Some good sea cucumbers cost hundreds of yuan per catty. There are no markets for sea cucumbers, especially some wild sea cucumbers, for which many gluttonous diners are willing to pay a price in units of thousands.

And for some sea cucumbers, even if they are wild, few people are willing to buy them, such as this sea cucumber.

The price of sea sticks is poor and the taste is not good, which naturally means that its price is quite average.In fact, Zhang Miao also knows that although different sea cucumbers have different prices, the price of wild ones is definitely higher than that of farmed ones, and the price of northern ginseng is higher than that of southern ginseng.

Still, it's worth checking out to see if there's any good stuff here.If you really want to catch sea cucumbers, you will definitely have peace of mind.

Looking carefully, Zhang Miao suddenly saw a 'big guy'. The size of this guy was more than [-] centimeters in length and about [-] centimeters wide.This guy who is close to a cylinder has warty feet all over his body, that is, some 'small thorns', like a mace.

Zhang Miao laughed, walked quickly to the edge of the reef, and picked up the sea cucumber.Zhang Miao really doesn't like the slippery and sticky feel, but considering the value of this guy, Zhang Miao likes it.

"This is a big guy, let's see if it's wild or farmed." Zhang Miao smiled, extremely happy, "It should be Mingyu ginseng, such a size is definitely a big one among this kind of ginseng!"

After carefully observing the sea cucumber, Zhang Miao felt that if nothing unexpected happened, this sea cucumber was wild.Generally, farmed sea cucumbers are slender and slender, while wild sea cucumbers are more robust and spindle-shaped.Moreover, the 'thorns' on the cultivated sea cucumber's body are slender and sharp, while the ginseng in the hand is thick and short, and looks blunt.

"If it wasn't for confirming your identity, I wouldn't want to look at your mouth! This thing looks disgusting!"

Zhang Miao, who was basically sure of the identity of the sea cucumber, looked at the spit, which is the mouth of the sea cucumber.It is relatively large and rough, which further confirms its identity as a wild sea cucumber.As for nausea, of course it is because of the small tentacles around the mouth, absolutely disgusting!
"This is a good thing. It's big and has a complete body. It's definitely not a five-year ginseng, at least ten years old! Although the price of rough sea cucumber is relatively average, you should be more valuable!"

Talking to herself, Zhang Miao felt that she still needed to consult an expert for advice, which was worth showing off.

Zhang Miao, who no longer hesitated, turned around. It was unrealistic to make a phone call.The main reason is that the distance to sea this time is far away, and the signal here is not good.It is precisely because the signal here is not good and the sea conditions near the reefs are not good, so few people come here.

The most important thing is that the quality of sea water here is slightly better than that of 'near sea'.

The beaming Zhang Miao walked briskly, and heard the rumbling sound of the diesel engine from a distance, which meant that the pumping had already started.

"Why did you come back so soon?" Zhang Liye glanced at his son, and joked, "Hands are still behind the back, I grabbed something good, and I'm still doing mysteries here!"

Zhang Miao violently raised the sea cucumber, triumphantly, "Dang Dang!"

"You really picked up a treasure!" Zhang Liye's eyes lit up, and he walked over quickly, "This big man is not an ordinary Mingyu ginseng, which can grow up to thirty or forty centimeters at most. Really rare."

Zhang Miao smiled and handed the sea cucumber over, and asked, "Gene mutation, so it's so big?"

"It's not too big. The big one can grow to more than 70 centimeters. This one is a little bigger than the common one." Zhang Liye took the rough sea cucumber and said while looking at it, "This should not be farmed, but wild. That's good. Things are in high demand and they are big!"

The main reason is that it is big and wild, so the price of this sea cucumber has suddenly increased.

Zhang Miao asked, "Dad, how much is this ginseng worth?"

"Dried rough sea cucumbers can be sold for hundreds, thousands, or five or six thousand a catty." Zhang Liye weighed the sea cucumbers and said with a smile, "Look at the processing technology, this sea cucumber is also very watery. Don't look at it." Now it weighs a catty, but it only weighs two or three taels after going out of the water."

As a vulgar person, Zhang Miao asked, "Dad, I'm just vulgar, how much is it worth?"

"I'll find you a buyer later, at least 500 yuan." Zhang Liye laughed, really happy, "This stuff is rare. We used to have a lot of bright jade ginseng here. A few years ago, we caught too much ginseng." Great, it's hard to find wild ones now."

Zhang Miao was beaming, and immediately offered the treasure and said, "Dad, there must be ginseng over there. I also saw the sea stick. It's worthless, so I didn't want it."

Li Haoyuan and Xu Pengfei also came over, looked at the sea cucumber in Zhang Liye's hand and asked, "Uncle, is this a wild sea cucumber?"

"Wild ones, our ginseng is not as valuable as Liao ginseng, and if it wasn't so big, the price wouldn't be able to afford it." Pointing to the water tank, Zhang Liye said, "Go and bring me the box, let's go find ginseng. "

Li Haoyuan, the No. [-] dogleg, immediately ran to get the water tank, which was originally used to hold the fish, but now let's put sea cucumbers first.

Dogleg No. [-] Xu Pengfei asked, "Uncle, do you want some water? Arrange the tickling machine too?"

Seeing Zhang Liye lower his head, these two dog legs naturally knew better what to do next.I also think it is very fresh and unexpected. It has been a long time since I went to the sea. This is the first time I have seen the famous sea cucumber, or it is the first time I have seen wild sea cucumber.

In fact, Zhang Miao also saw this wild sea cucumber for the first time. This was the first time he harvested sea cucumber since he returned home as a fisherman.In Zhang Miao's list of trophies, there was another new species, a precious product that was only known by name before.

Although only one sea cucumber was caught, it also greatly improved morale, and such a harvest also made everyone have more expectations.

"These things don't cluster together normally, maybe a few miles around, it's just this one sea cucumber." Zhang Liye walked in front and said as he walked, "It's just that these wild ginseng have high requirements on the living environment. .Let’s see, some are the best, and if there are none, we won’t be disappointed.”

The two dog legs naturally nodded repeatedly, and they had no objection to such an arrangement. They felt that this was the right thing to do, and this was the normal arrangement.

As for Zhang Miao, he also thinks the same way. Although he doesn't really think this is the "production area" of sea cucumbers, he still has some expectations in his heart, hoping to find more sea cucumbers, and hope to have a bigger harvest.

Since a super-sized sea cucumber can be seen, there may be other sea cucumbers around.

Besides, the sea sticks I saw just now are not worth much.However, its existence also shows that this sea area is suitable for the growth of sea cucumbers, and maybe some other sea cucumbers can be found here.

Anyway, we are pumping water now, so we can't just wait here.Since this is the case, then look around, maybe you can find sea cucumbers, which are relatively valuable, of course, we are talking about those high-quality sea cucumbers that are more marketable and more recognized.

It seems that today's guaranteed minimum income is basically guaranteed, which is a harvest that Zhang Miao is quite satisfied with.

But in order to make your income higher, in order to truly make a fortune, you need to make persistent efforts.Now that you have found some geomantic treasures, you can't miss them anyway.

Entering Baoshan and returning empty-handed, Zhang Miao absolutely does not allow such a thing to happen!
 Thank you book friends for being affectionate and lonely again
(End of this chapter)

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