Chapter 191, Findings

"That's it."

Yang Yang said.

However, he always felt that Bai Chuxia's father, Baihu, was a ruthless person, and knowing that his precious daughter was almost bullied, would he find a relationship to teach Langji's gang a lesson?


Yang Yang woke up at ten o'clock, and he didn't take the opportunity to tell Bai Chuxia what he did last night.

Just as Yang Yang was about to have breakfast, his phone vibrated suddenly.

He picked it up and saw that it was a few text messages from a stranger.

"Yang Yang, I already know what happened yesterday. Thank you for protecting Xia Xia. By the way, I have already resolved the matter. Xia Xia doesn't know, so don't tell him."

In fact, the person who sent the text message was none other than Bai Chuxia's father, Baihu.

Baihu first sent this text message, and then there was a chat record behind it.

Yang Yang clicked in and saw several video messages inside.

After clicking on the video, Yang Yang was surprised to see, isn't that the big A who was looking for trouble yesterday?
The background of the video is an abandoned unfinished building. There are several young people standing there without taking pictures of their faces, as long as the video is aimed at Big A kneeling on the ground of the unfinished building.

I saw big A
(The picture does not describe, the brain is supplemented, the hands are tied.)

Yang Yang opened another video.

The background of the video is still in the same unfinished building. A man fell to the ground and kept crying. O Bi's nose was bruised and his face was swollen. His face looked disfigured and swollen like a pig's head.

For the first time, Yang Yang didn't recognize who this person was. It took him a long time before he realized that it seemed to be the guy named Langji.

"It's all cleaned up?"

Yang Yang shook his head slightly.

This white beard is really a ruthless man!

As soon as Bai Chuxia sent a message yesterday, Baihu might have started contacting people. This must have happened in the middle of the night last night.

In less than ten hours, Big A's hand was picked up and beaten so badly that he didn't know how long he would stay in the hospital.


Yang Yang just replied a text message.

However, Yang Yang sent back the message, but Baihu didn't reply.

And now, Bai Chuxia knocked on Yang Yang's door.

She had come to say goodbye and was ready to go home.

Although what happened yesterday was over, Baihu was a little worried whether Bai Chuxia would be frightened, and wanted her to go home early.

Yang Yang understands that Baihu protects her daughter very well, and it is reasonable now.

Yang Yang drove and sent Bai Chuxia to Hanzhou Airport.

Although Bai Chuxia knew that Yang Yang would return to Shenchuan City, but now she was reluctant to part with her for a short time, and looked back at Yang Yang before boarding the plane.

Yang Yang smiled, watching Bai Chuxia enter the boarding gate.

Just as Bai Chuxia was being sent away, Yang Yang's cell phone vibrated suddenly.

At first glance, it was Ji Shiyu!

"Director Yang, the investigator has compiled a report on the matter you want to investigate, and it has been sent to your mailbox."

Ji Shiyu said.

"okay, I get it."

Yang Yang said.

He knew that what Ji Shiyu said was to investigate the report of Song Rentou and Yu Hui.

Yang Yang turned around and walked out.

After arriving outside the airport and getting into the car, Yang Yang turned on the on-board computer.

The computer configuration of the George Patton off-road vehicle that Yang Yang temporarily bought in Hanzhou is also quite high, and Yang Yang logged into the mailbox with the touch screen.Soon saw the investigation report of the deeply investigated company.

Yang Yang browsed quickly.

The more he looked, the deeper his frown became.

The time point of the investigation is from 20 years ago.

Song Rentou was the owner of the credit department of Ningzhou Bank at the time, and he was also a great success at that time. It shows that he was promoted to the general manager within two years, and then became the vice president in three years. In the last year, he was promoted to Ningzhou bank governor.

Then he was promoted to an executive in an extraordinary way, and he worked for eight years, and was promoted to the vice president of Huaxing.

Later, Song Rentou came out of Huaxia Development Bank and established Shenhuo Fund Company, which Song Rentou holds 53% of the shares!
At present, Shenhuo Fund Company controls nearly 5000 billion of investor funds, with an annual profit of 60 billion to 70 billion!
Song Rentou's net worth is tens of billions.

Song Ren has a great fortune in investment and has countless contacts.

As for Yu Hui, his development in these years is even worse than that of Song Rentou.

Yu Hui set up a real estate development company after receiving [-] million yuan in compensation for the demolition of the factory.

At that time, it happened to be the country's urbanization construction, a large amount of infrastructure investment, and Yu Hui caught up with this opportunity.

He was the first batch of people to eat crabs. The real estate company started in Ningzhou and grew bigger and bigger. In less than five years, the assets rolled to more than 200 billion!

His real estate development company has thus left Ningzhou, and it seems that it has a particularly good relationship with the bank. It can always get huge loans and receive large projects. It took three years to roll from 200 billion to nearly 500 billion!

After that, Yu Hui entered the real estate market in the imperial capital.

Because of the abundant funds and Yu Hui's good dealing skills, in six years, the company became a listed group, the name is Shenzhou Construction, and it has been listed. The company's market value exceeds 2000 billion!

At this time, the real estate market began to cool down, but Yu Hui was late to land, and he had a huge amount of funds to start angel investment.

In the past few years, Yu Hui's luck has been overwhelming. Several start-up companies he invested in have performed well, and two of them have gone public.

Now Yu Hui's worth fluctuates between 500 billion and 700 billion!

After seeing these materials, Xiang felt a little heavy.

He is not afraid of the power of these two people.

Yang Yang's current assets, plus the shares of those large and small group companies, are far more than the two of them. Even if the combined assets of Song Rentou and Yu Hui are not as much as Yang Yang's.

"Song Rentou, Yu Hui, you guys are doing well, you are rich and powerful, but it doesn't matter."

"I will, little by little, make you lose everything you have now."

Yang Yang doesn't care how powerful the opponent is now.

Yang Yang is a person with a sense of time and knows how to delay gratification. He also knows that time is on his side, so there is no need to be impatient.

It is enough to break down the big goal into small screens, and then implement it step by step.

Yang Yang wants to clean up Song Rentou and Yu Hui, probably within a year or two at the earliest.

Besides, our Yang Yang is a man with a check-in system!
[Yes!Those who win the system win the world! 】

After picking up his mood, Yang Yang called Ji Shiyu back.

"Continue to investigate these two people, their human-computer relationship, personality, hobbies, and other aspects that can be thought of, and conduct an all-round investigation.

Of course, you don’t have to be too aggressive, just take your time. "

"If there are step-by-step results, just send me an email."

Yang Yang instructed, sure enough, it would be good to have a deep investigation of the company!
"Okay, Director Yang, I will definitely complete the task you entrusted to me, and keep it absolutely confidential!"

Ji Shiyu said that in his status as a research company, he already knew what should be answered and what should not be answered.

Therefore, Ji Shiyu never asked Yang Yang why he investigated these two people.

(End of this chapter)

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