Chapter 192 New Shares

Yang Yang hung up the phone.

He knew the current state of the mastermind behind the scenes, so he was not in a hurry when he was sure.

Yang Yang wants to make a good plan, where to go next.

Yang Yang planned to go to Qianjiang first. Anyway, he finally came out, so he should go to all the scenic spots in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

I used to be very poor, I didn’t have any money to go, I didn’t travel, and I spent all day moving bricks and cement on the construction site.

All his belongings were in the car, so Yang Yang came and left as soon as he came, using the car's satellite navigation route, and drove to Qianjiang.

Yang Yang boiled Qianjiang with jealousy in the afternoon.

In fact, Qianjiang is the closest to the West Lake. You can take the subway directly there, and you can take a taxi for about 30 yuan. If you drive, it is less than [-] kilometers away.

Because Yang Yang sent Bai Chuxia to the airport, he went to Hanzhou Airport, but it is also very close to the nearest tide watching point.

Along the Qianjiang River, there are many places where you can watch the tide, and there are several places in Hanzhou, and Yang Yang went to Xiaoshan Tide Watching City this time.

That place is full of people who go to watch the tide every year. During the tide watching period, the Huaxia International Qianjiang Tide Watching Festival will be held. It has been held for 72 sessions so far.

When he arrived at the place, Yang Yang found that there were not many people here.

After all, now is not the time.


Yang Yang didn't care either, he went to Guanchao City, picked up his mobile phone, and took pictures of the Qianjiang River in the distance.

I sighed in my heart: "Fuck! It's shocking!"

I even wanted to go for a swim.

At this time, the voice of the sign-in system came.

[Since the host is here to watch the tide, he is very shocked, why don't you make up a lottery? 】

"Ah? Re-signing?"

Yang Yang was taken aback.

[Good guy!It turned out that I forgot that you didn't sign in for two days before, and the relationship faded! 】

"Oh! Sister System, I forgot what you didn't say, hehe, why don't you make up the visa for one day first, and then wait for me to go to other attractions and make up for the rest."

【as long as you are happy. 】

"Hey, sign up."

【Ding!Congratulations to the host Bilibili website for 37% of the shares! 】

Oh hoo!

Yang Yang was a little surprised.

"Oh, let me go! Sister System, the reward this time is actually the shares of Bili Bili!"

Yang Yang is very familiar with Bee Lie, because he is a loyal user of Bee Lie, and at the earliest time, he got a big member of Bee Lie by answering questions.

Bilibeli is a comprehensive video website, famous for its high-quality barrage content, and everyone also calls it Station B.

The founder of Station B is Chen Ge. In the early days, Station B was a two-dimensional website with ghosts, animals, music, and dance as its pillars. It was very small at the beginning, but it was very popular with young people. Many people are Station B grew up watching anime.

A major feature of station B is the high-quality barrage and comment area culture.

Although there are many websites that make barrage, but the ones that do the best, have the highest user quality, and have the most accumulation, occupy the top spot, and other websites cannot catch up.

The UP host, that is, the video uploader can interact well with the audience, which is also one of the characteristics of Occupy.

Yang Yang has a lot of affection for Station B. During many lonely days before his death, Station B accompanied Yang Yang step by step.

did not expect.

Now that he has been rewarded with shares in station B, he really has a feeling of nostalgia.

Yang Yang's mood suddenly became brighter now. After seeing Ji Shiyu's news before, his slightly heavy mood gradually dissipated, and he became relaxed.

His cell phone also rang at this time.

Yang Yang picked up the phone.

"Hi, is this Mr. Yang Yangyang?"

There was a younger female voice on the phone.

"Well, I am."

"I am Zhu Tongtong, Secretary of the Board of Directors of Bilibili. You have acquired 37% of the shares of Bilibili. You are the largest shareholder of Bilibili. On behalf of the members of the board of directors, I would like to congratulate you and give you some information. According to the regulations of the board of directors, Need to let you know."

Zhu Tongtong said.

"it is good."

Yang Yang nodded while holding the phone.

Zhu Tongtong said: "You may need to understand the shareholding structure of Bilibili first. Because of the special reasons of the company, the equity of Bilibili is not directly related to the decision-making power."

"I understand this." Yang Yang said.

Because more and more companies were injured, he specially studied the knowledge of the capital market before, and he learned a lot. He is no longer a novice.

A start-up company, because it is the growth and development of the company, has a direct relationship with the founder of the company, so generally, even if the financing allows capital to enter the market, the capital occupies a lot of equity, but the decision-making voting rights are not completely corresponding to the equity .

Generally speaking, regardless of the shareholding ratio of the company's founder team, the voting power and decision-making power will increase, while the voice of capital will be weakened.

Just listen to Zhu Tongtong continue to say: "As of ten days ago at station B, Chen Ge, the chairman and CEO of station B, held 15.1% of the shares, making him the current largest shareholder. Chen Ge has 40% of the voting rights, and Xu Yi, the president of station B, holds 8.8% of the shares. 20.3% of the shares and 24% of the voting rights, Li Ni, the CO of Station B, holds 6.6% of the shares and [-]% of the voting rights.”

"Penguin Group holds 9.3% of the shares and is the second largest shareholder with 4% of the voting rights. Ali Baba is the fourth largest shareholder with 4.2% of the shares and 1.2% of the voting rights. Zhengxin Capital holds 3.9% of the shares, and 0.8% of the voting power.”

"Of course, now that the shares of Station B have changed, you are now the largest shareholder of Station B."


Yang Yang said he was listening.

Zhu Tongtong continued: "Mr. Yang, your voting rights are 27.1%, but according to the equity documents, any decision made in the board of directors has no right to force you to sell the shares of Station B, and unless you automatically sell your shares, they will last forever. Stock options, not diluted."

Yang Yang nodded slightly.

Here, there is also a knowledge point, which is the issue of the company's equity and voting rights.

In the company's shareholding structure, two figures are particularly important.

One is 51% and the other is 67%.

Holding hands means that if 51% of a company belongs to one person, then this company, this shareholder is the absolute dominance of the village, because other shareholders will not have more shares than his shares, and the weight of words!

And 67%, representing more than two-thirds of the shares of the board of directors, this person thinks that this company belongs to this person, and he has the full power to open the board of directors. As long as his resolution is passed, other small shareholders can only be forced to sell their holdings Some stocks were kicked out!

Of course.

Although it is kicked out, the stock price still has to be half price, or it has to be acquired at a premium, otherwise it will be a lawsuit.

Station B has a special shareholding. The founder has a lot of voting rights, but the shareholding is not much, and there is a special resolution. There is no way for Yang Yang to withdraw. Yang can also remain the largest shareholder.

"Okay, I've got it."

"Okay, Mr. Yang, as for the company's profits, Station B is still in the expansion period, and all profits will be invested in development. There are currently no dividends for shareholders, but the future value can be expected."

Zhu Tongtong said.

(End of this chapter)

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