Signed in at the beginning of the 18th year

Chapter 2 I'm So Handsome

Chapter 2 I'm So Handsome

[Host: Yang Yang (virgin). 】

[Length of obtaining the sign-in system: 18 years. 】

【Age: 23 years old. 】

[Appearance value: 10. 】

【Charm: 1】

【Strength: 10】

[Physical: 20]

[Agility: 60]

【Intelligence: 80】

[Skills: cooking skills (level 5), acting skills (level 1), gaming skills (level 7), singing skills (level 1)]

[Assets: 80% Chanel Group shares, 80% LV Group shares, 10% Penguin Group shares]

[Item: A silver-gray Lamborghini Veneno.]

[Attribute points: 9999. 】

[Skill points: 9999. 】

Seeing this, Yang Yang couldn't hold back anymore.

"Damn it! Do you dare to love that I am useless except for my high intelligence?"

[It's not useless, at least the host is fast. 】

Yang Yang finds it hard to believe that this charm is only 1?

At any rate, my appearance before time travel was fine. Many rich women always come to the construction site and ask me: Young man, do you still want to work hard?
How can I say that I was handsome and handsome before crossing, how could I wear it on this crooked melon and split date?
I really beep - the dog.

(Dog: What's none of my business?)
【This is the attribute panel of Yang Yang in this world. When you travel to him as the host, you will become one with him. 】

Yang Yang:? ? ?
Little shit, do you have a lot of question marks?

"Sister System, I want to add points!"

Yang Yang can't bear the current appearance!

He was bearded, pale, blind-eyed, and looked like he had a kidney deficiency.

Who can stand it?

Anyway, Yang Yang couldn't bear it.

[The host can add points by themselves. 】

"it is good!"

So, the first thing Yang Ling wanted to add was his appearance!
Without further ado, Yang Yang directly changed his appearance from the original 10 points to 100 points.

【Ding!The appearance attribute has reached 100 points, and after that, every 10 attribute points will increase the appearance attribute by 1 point. 】

Yang Yang was startled: "Oh! Can you add more? I thought one hundred was the cap."

[More than one hundred is a higher appearance. If it exceeds one hundred, even an old lady will fall in love with you like seeing her first love when she sees you. 】

Yang Yang: "???"


The construction site is busy!

When the sign-in system said so, Yang Yang didn't dare to increase the attribute of appearance, so as not to be chased by a group of grandmas as soon as he really went out.

Then, Yang Yang also added 99 points to Charm, raising it to 100 points. Similarly, the sign-in system also reminded that 100 point should be added for every 10 points above 1.

Strength, directly increased to 200 points, consumed 1090 attribute points.

【Ding!Trigger the special skill of strength: the power of a thousand catties, use this skill to punch 1000 catties with one punch! 】

Physique, also increased to 200 points, consumed 1080 attribute points.

【Ding!Trigger the special attribute of physique: self-healing ability, as long as it is not a fatal blow, the host can automatically heal in a short time. 】

Agility, directly increased to 200 points, consumed 1040 attribute points.

【Ding!Trigger the special attribute of agility: divine reaction, the reaction ability is more than five times that of ordinary people. 】

The last one is intelligence. In addition to appearance and charm, which only add 100 points, intelligence must be increased to 200 points like the others, which consumes 1020 attribute points.

At present, after all these are added, a total of 4419 attribute points are consumed.

[Attribute points: 5580 points remaining. 】

"Okay, then the next step is to add skills."

And just when Yang Yang was about to add some skill levels, a violent knock on the door interrupted Yang Yang's actions.


Although Yang Yang was a little impatient, but hearing the knock on the door was very strong, he decided to open the door first.

I don't know if I don't open it, but I rely on my memory to recall it, and it turns out to be the landlord of the rich woman!

"Yang Yang, you? Who are you? Why are you in Yang Yang's room?"

The landlord is a rich woman in her thirties, with a very attractive figure and good looks, absolutely crushing most of her peers, even those 20-year-old ladies may not be as good-looking and in good shape as the landlord.

But the only shortcoming of this landlord is that he is too picky and caressing. He might scold his scrawny husband for some trivial things.

Moreover, the purpose of her coming today is to collect rent.

As soon as the door of the rental house opened, the person standing in front of him was not the fat man Yang Yang, but a handsome guy whom he had never met before.

You look at the fair face, the muscles with lines, I don't know if the handsome guy still wants to work hard.

"You should be the landlord, right?"

Yang Yang asked with a smile, although he knew that the rich woman in front of him was the landlord, but Yang Yang's appearance at this time has changed from the ugly man who died in the fat house to a tall, rich and handsome appearance.


The landlord blushed instantly, and his tone became softer. After all, there was such a handsome guy in front of him, so he had to behave well.

"Hello landlord sister, I'm Yang Yang's friend. Yang Yang has returned home to inherit the pig farm. Before returning home, he told me to let me return this house today."

Yang Yang smiled, indeed.

The environment here is as bad as it is, why don't you return it quickly and keep it to feed the pigs?
Wouldn't it be nice to move to Shangpin's top mansion?

"Ah?! Why do you want to check out so well? You can raise pigs when you go home to raise pigs, and you can keep the house, and you will have a place to live when you come back in the future."

The landlord doesn't want to keep that Yang Yang, who is ugly and spends all day in the rented house studying his craft, who wants to keep him.


It's different now.

The Yang Yang in front of him is very suitable for the landlord's appetite. As long as he keeps the room, maybe he can see this handsome guy again, and maybe he will have the opportunity to have an in-depth exchange and get to know each other better.

"No thanks."

Yang Yang smiled lightly, put on a backpack and left. As for other things, he didn't take anything, not even a deposit.

After all, Yang Yang is now a man with a savings of 1000 billion yuan, and his assets and shares are as high as trillions!

Will you care about this little money?

Go downstairs.

Yang Yang also has a new goal, which is to go to Shenchuan City to see what his luxurious top-notch mansion looks like.


Once downstairs, Yang Yang was dumbfounded.

"This second uncle's is too desolate!"

Yang Yang looked around, the ground was a dirt road, and there were no pedestrians on the road, let alone vehicles passing by.

"Then how do I go to Shenchuan City?"

Although I am now in the outskirts of Fukagawa City, I have to walk until dark to get to the city center!

If there is a vehicle passing by, Yang Yang can throw 100 million directly, no matter what kind of car, just buy it!

Now there are only a few yellow shared bicycles lying on the ground under the trees on the roadside!
"Could it be possible that I, a billionaire, should ride a bicycle to see houses?"

At the same time, the voice of the rich woman and the landlord came from upstairs.

"Handsome, where are you going? How about my sister driving you? As long as you are tonight."

"No need, sister! Thank you! Farewell!"

Yang Yang didn't wait for the landlord to finish speaking, and quickly took out his mobile phone to scan a shared bicycle, and left after riding.

It's really scary!

It's all because he's so handsome!
Fortunately, I didn't increase my appearance and charm to 200. Otherwise, I'm afraid I couldn't even go down the stairs and was dragged into the house by the landlord.

tsk tsk!
How terrifying!

Fukagawa City, downtown.

It is not difficult to find Shangpin's top community, relying on the memory of the previous life.


Yang Yang rode a shared bicycle to the sales department of Shangpin Community.

As soon as he stopped, a tall security guard ran over and stood in front of Yang Yang.

"Hello, people and dogs are not allowed to enter here!"

Although the security guards were obstructing Yang Ling, they were still polite and used 'hello'.

"I'm not idle."

Yang Yang was a little upset, wondering what happened to the security guard?

It was said that idlers and dogs are not allowed to enter.

Who do you look down on?
Believe it or not, I'll hit you in the face with money?
"Those who deliver food can't go through the main entrance, please take the stairs from the underground parking lot."

The security guard looked at Yang Yang. He was wearing a backpack and riding a yellow bicycle. Although he was very handsome, he looked a bit like a delivery man.

Is the threshold for food delivery so high now?
Not handsome yet can't deliver food?

"I came to see the house."

Yang Yang said lightly, although he really wanted to hate the security guard, but after the security guard finished speaking, he still had a trace of politeness, and he couldn't get angry right away.

The voice just fell.


Just the second after Yang Yang finished speaking, there was a ringing sound of a car horn behind Yang Yang.

(End of this chapter)

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