Chapter 3
"Hey! Where is the beggar coming from? Get out of here, don't stop me from showing my house with Xiao Tiantian!"

Yang Yang turned around and took a look, Yo Ho!

A middle-aged man driving a BMW 7 Series is accompanied by a young model who is very alluringly dressed.

The young model touched the middle-aged man's chest slightly: "Brother, you are so kind~"

After hearing this, Yang Yang became even more upset.

"Beggar? Where is the beggar?"

"Puff!" The middle-aged man couldn't help laughing: "Look at your poor appearance, the security guards are better looking than you, do you think I'm talking about who is a beggar?"

Yang Yang ignored the middle-aged man, but turned around and looked into the security guard's eyes.

"I'm here for a house inspection. I bought a top-notch luxury house."

Yang Ling's eyes were firm, which stunned the security guard.

That look doesn't look like it's deceiving.

There are too many rich people pretending to be pigs and eating tigers these days.

Last month, there was a rich man who came to buy a house on a tattered tricycle, and was looked down upon at first.

Later, the rich man paid the full amount in one lump sum!

Could it be?

This handsome guy is also pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

"House inspection? Top mansions? Then I'll be sorry, as long as there is a peanut, you won't be so drunk."

The middle-aged man driving a BMW 7 Series continued to mock Yang Yang.

Said: "Don't boast too much about everything. If you say that you bought Shangpin's top sewer, then I might still believe it."

"Brother is right~"

The young model still spoke in a coquettish voice, and she clung to the middle-aged man's body again, like a dog's skin plaster on his body.
Looking at Yang Yang's outfit, the middle-aged man has a delicate face, but the clothes and pants are too old.

Want to come to the most famous and high-end Shangpin Community in the center of Shenchuan City to buy a house and inspect it while riding a bicycle?
If this word spreads out, I am afraid that it will make others laugh out loud.

Or hurry home and drink milk.

Stop embarrassing yourself here.

"What? You don't believe it?"

Yang Yang turned around and stared at the middle-aged man.

This look frightened the middle-aged man, so he yelled at the security guard: "Hey! Security guard! Get him away quickly, don't stand in my way! Or I will complain to you!"

The middle-aged man was indeed frightened by Yang Yang, not because he thought he was rich, but because he was afraid that he would suddenly rush up and flatten him.

Look at his muscular body, good figure, and good looks.

I'm really afraid that Yang Yang's punch will shake the middle-aged man's fat body.


Just now Yang Yang has already increased his physique, strength and other attributes extremely high.

Not only has it become like a tree facing the wind, but it has also become infinitely powerful.

If he went up and punched the middle-aged man, he might be killed with one punch.

So let the security guards blast him away.

"Yes Yes Yes."

The tall security guard could only obey obediently under the angrily reprimanded by the middle-aged man.

But Yang Yang, who was riding a bicycle, did not dare to offend easily.

Who can tell whether it will be like the rich man before, that person pedals a three-wheeler, and this person rides a bicycle.


The security guard smiled at Yang Yang and said, "Um, this gentleman, why don't we move our seats first, and then we can enter the sales hall, do you think it's okay?"


Yang Yang said a few words lightly, then pushed the shared bicycle and walked towards the gate.


Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man honked his horn angrily.

But he didn't dare step on the accelerator to kill Yang Yang.

After all, you can't do stupid things because of this.

If this hits and kills someone, he will have to spend his time in prison.

The louder the horn sounded, the slower Yang Yang walked, and the security guards beside him were also helpless.

Neither of the two parties can say that if this thing offends one of them, he will never want to do this job.

into the hall.

The middle-aged man and the young model also got out of the car quickly, and they were very upset when they saw Yang Yang walking in front of them.

The middle-aged man scolded the street in his heart: I am richer than this, so why should he walk ahead?

"What's the matter with you Shangpin? If I remember correctly, you have standards for buying houses. Why can anyone come in now? You let us rich people look at the house with a delivery man? So how can we be in the mood to buy a house?"

The middle-aged man had a beer belly, and said with disdain on his face, his voice was very loud, and he deliberately said it to everyone present, so that they could watch this hanging hair joke.

"That's right, the sour smell has polluted the good air and scenery of Shangpin."

The tender model put her arms around the middle-aged man's arm, looked at Yang Yang with disdain and said.

At this time.

A man in a suit walked up to the middle-aged man.

"Sir, Ma'am, I'm so sorry, I'll deal with it right away."


The man in the suit walked in front of Yang Yang, with a slightly heavier tone, and said, "Hello, I am the sales general manager of Shangpin. A customer has complained to you. Please leave here first."

"Oh? Leave? I'm here for a house inspection. Why do you want to leave here? Could it be that your Shangpin's house is not of good quality and you dare not sell it to me?"

Yang Yang was even more disdainful.

I thought: what?Nowadays, people only look at their appearance to define whether a person is rich or not?
Do you think those driving sports cars on the street are rich people?
In fact, the car is rented, with a monthly salary of 3000 yuan.

Do you think those who pick up trash by the side of the road are poor?
In fact, the passbook is worth hundreds of millions, and I just go to the countryside to pick up garbage and experience life.

Do you think you know a lot about the lives of rich people?
In fact, you can't even imagine the life of a rich man.

Before the sales general manager could speak, the middle-aged man said first: "Okay, brat, didn't you say you came to inspect the house? That's fine, you can take out the house purchase contract and other procedures to see it. "

The middle-aged man looked like he didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement.

One listen.

"Yes, sir, you said you came to inspect the house, so do you have a house purchase contract?"

The general manager of sales also felt that what the middle-aged man said was right, and it was a good thing he said so, otherwise it would be difficult for him to do it.

"A house purchase contract?"

Yang Yang was taken aback, thinking: I don't seem to have this thing, and the system sister didn't give it to me.

【Ding!The relevant contracts such as the purchase contract of Shangpin's top luxury house in Shenchuan City have been transmitted to the host's backpack. 】

【Ding!The silver-gray car key of Lamborghini Veneno (poison) is also sent to the host's backpack. 】

【Ding!The silver-gray Lamborghini Veneno (poison) sports car has been parked in the exclusive parking space downstairs of the host's mansion. 】

The middle-aged man saw that Yang Yang was stunned, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

He approached and laughed, "What? Don't you know that a house inspection requires a house purchase contract?"

Yang Yang didn't speak.

The young model put her arms around the middle-aged waist, and coquettishly snickered: "Brother, his whole body is worth less than your underwear, how could he afford a Shangpin house, let alone a Purchase agreement."

"Xiao Tiantian is right, hehehe, brother has a reward tonight."

The middle-aged man had a greasy smile on his face. While speaking, he stretched out his index finger to pick up the pointed chin of the tender model.

The young model shook her upper body, stretched out her small fist and lightly punched the middle-aged man's chest, and said shyly, "Mmm~~~Brother is bad~~~"

General Manager of Sales: "."

Passerby: "."

Yang Yang: "."

Everyone was speechless.

"Cough cough."

The general manager of sales coughed twice, breaking the weird atmosphere, and said to Yang Yang: "Sir, that gentleman is right, if you bought a house in Shangpin, please show me the purchase contract."

"It means that if I don't have a house purchase contract, I have to leave here?"

Yang Yang asked lightly, people nowadays really look at people with colored glasses.

The general manager of sales nodded slightly and said, "Yes."

There was no other way, the middle-aged man had complained to Yang Yang just now, and the general manager of sales relied on his sharp eyes to get to the position of general manager of sales step by step.

It is natural to see who has money and who has no money.

Rather offend anyone than offend anyone.

It is not difficult to see that the general manager of sales would rather offend Yang Yang than miss the middle-aged man, a rich man.

After all, I brought my sister to see the house.

This kind of person only needs a few more words of flattery, and he will buy a house in a hurry.

The corners of Yang Yang's mouth rose slightly, he chuckled lightly, and said, "So, what if I really hand out all the contracts later?"

(End of this chapter)

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