Chapter 23 Just... Suddenly
When someone shouted, everyone stopped and looked up curiously in the direction of the source of the sound.

It's just that there are too many people in this food street, and I didn't see anything, I just saw people walking around.

Yang Yang and Wang Haitang were also curious by the woman's voice, they looked for it and looked over.

The originally crowded people went, suddenly seemed to see someone running away in a panic.

If you take a closer look, there is another person wearing a black jacket top, and the black tights show her long and slender legs even more alluringly.

And the person in front who was being chased by the woman fled forward desperately. If someone walked in front of him, he would push that person for one purpose, not to be caught.

"Hey! Hey! Lao Yang, Lao Yang, the opportunity has come, the opportunity has come."

"According to my analysis of many years of experience, this is definitely Miss Police Flower arresting bad guys."

"Now the long-legged policeman is chasing down the bad guys. At this time, you, Lao Yang, who has a strong sense of justice, need your help."

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

"Oh, I'm so anxious."

Wang Haitang was so anxious that he stomped on his feet restlessly.

However, Yang Yang remained indifferent, still standing there watching the play.
Wang Haitang watched the man getting closer and closer, almost passing in front of them.

This is a great opportunity, but we can't just let it go.

"do not care!"

Wang Haitang blurted out a word and directly pushed Yang Yang behind.

"Fuck, old Wang, what are you doing?!"

Yang Yang was startled, he had been turning his back to Wang Haitang just now, so Wang Haitang didn't even notice this little move.

But now it was too late, the whole person lost his balance and could only fall forward.


Just as Yang Yang was falling forward, the hunted man had already bypassed Yang Yang.

And Wang Haitang thought that Yang Yang would miss out.

However, in the next second, Wang Haitang's eyes widened.

"Oh, get out of the way!"

Just when Yang Yang was in the air, a woman's voice came from beside him. Yang Yang turned his head and saw that it was the beautiful woman with long legs.

Due to the fast running speed of the long-legged beauty and Yang Yang's sudden pounce, the two collided, and the beauty directly pounced on Yang Yang.

After falling to the ground, Yang Yang realized that there was an extra woman on his body!
The nose sniffed unconsciously.

This charming fragrance made Yang Yang feel the urge to smell it even after smelling it. Something pressed against his chest, and he felt a bit difficult to breathe.

But it's not okay to be suppressed like this, so Yang Yang wanted to reach out and push the long-legged beauty away.

"If your hand dares to touch me, I will beat you to death!"

The beauty said coldly, looking at Yang Yang with sharp eyes.

Yang Yang met the beautiful woman's eyes, took a closer look, and finally saw the beauty's appearance on his body.

Fair and clean face, soft and thin skin, slender and picturesque eyebrows, and twinkling eyes like stars, the black and beautiful slender hair hangs down and falls lightly on the tip of Yang Yang's nose. In addition to the particularly good-smelling shampoo, Yang Yang also felt a slight itch, the urge to sneeze.

"Then you should start from me."

Although the beauty is very good-looking and can score 80 points, but in front of so many people, it is very uncomfortable to put Yang Yang under her body.

The beauty was shocked, she was really embarrassed, she quickly got up from Yang Yang, and tidied up her jacket.

Suddenly realized, exclaimed: "Yes! Thief!"

The beauty looked around, but she could no longer see the man she was chasing just now.

"Oh, that thing crushed me to death."

After Yang Yang got up, he frightened his chest a few times, and at the same time, his eyes fell on the chest of the beautiful woman in front of him.


This beauty not only has a good-looking skin, but also has a good figure that other girls envy.

Snake waist with protruding front and back, graceful and long legs
At this time.


A crisp sound sounded, and Yang Yang froze for a moment. When he came back to his senses, he realized that his hands were shackled by a pair of exquisite silver handcuffs.

"I'm going? What's the situation?"

Yang Yang was dumbfounded, it was quite sudden.

Okay, why was he suddenly caught?
Is it really against the law to be handsome?
"I'm a policeman. I was arresting a thief just now, but you suddenly rushed out to stop my arrest. Now I suspect that you are with that thief. Go back to the bureau and explain clearly to me!"

The beautiful police officer said eloquently that she still felt a pity in her heart that she was so close to catching the thief just now.

The beautiful police officer said in her heart: If the handsome guy in front of me didn't rush out suddenly, would I have caught a lonely one?

Although this person is indeed handsome, but being handsome can't be taken for granted, you still have to know the game and teach him a good lesson.

"What? Me? I'm with that person? I'll go! Isn't it, sir, is this also a piece of shit?"

Yang Yang was not happy anymore, he was obviously acting bravely, why did he suddenly become an accomplice?

Did something go wrong? !

Seeing that Yang Yang was in trouble, Wang Haitang couldn't bear it anymore and ran over quickly.

"Hey, police sister, you misunderstood, how could he be with that person?"

"You're mistaken, sister. He just saw you catching bad guys and wanted to help you, but I helped push him out to catch bad guys."

"No, it's a misunderstanding because of a momentary operation error."

Wang Haitang had no choice but to tell the whole operation process to the beautiful policeman in front of him.

He couldn't let Yang Yang go to the police station to drink tea.

"you are?"

The beautiful police officer asked, seeing Wang Haitang's anxious appearance, he must know this person who rushed out suddenly.

"I'm his friend."

Wang Haitang pointed to Yang Yang and said.

"Okay, then you can go to the bureau to drink tea."

As he said that, before Wang Haitang could react, Wang Haitang was also handcuffed with silver handcuffs.

"I rub it? What's the situation? Sister, you caught the wrong one. We really are not friends with that hanging hair!"

"You caught the wrong one!"

"It's embarrassing for me like this, sister!"

However, no matter how much Wang Haitang yelled, it was just doing useless work.

Afterwards, Yang Yang and Wang Haitang went to drink tea.

Fukagawa City, Police Station.


"Yang Yang."

"Wang Haitang."

"Tell me, what is your relationship with that person?"

The beautiful police officer directly interrogated Yang Yang and Wang Haitang who were sitting on the chairs in front of her. She felt that these two people in front of her must have some ulterior relationship with the thief.

"Ah, sister, you really caught the wrong person, you misunderstood!"

"How could I, Wang Haitang, collude with that kind of person? I'm not short of money, even if I'm short of money, I wouldn't do such a shameful thing."

Wang Haitang was in a hurry to speak, but only Yang Yang was very calm now.

That's what he thinks, and he reflects that he has nothing wrong with him, he doesn't beat ghosts and knock on the door, he behaves well and sits upright, and is afraid of being hammered.

"Hey, what about you?"

The beautiful police officer did not have the bird king Haitang, but her eyes were fixed on Yang Yang.

That's what she thought, after all, it was the most handsome one who rushed out suddenly, and he was the most likely.

And this guy who keeps pushing around is probably a fool.

(End of this chapter)

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