Signed in at the beginning of the 18th year

Chapter 24 My name is Ma Xiaoling, okay?

Chapter 24 My name is Ma Xiaoling, okay?
"You don't believe me when I tell you, what do you ask me to say?"

Yang Yang responded indifferently, and then suddenly asked: "Oh, by the way, I don't know what your name is, officer?"

"Why are you asking this?"

The beautiful police officer was taken aback, why did he suddenly change the subject?

"You tell me your name first, and I'll tell you."

Yang Yang smiled lightly, this handsome face made the beautiful police officer startled.

"Okay, I'm not afraid to tell you, I, Ma Xiaoling, is it alright?!"

When Ma Xiaoling spoke, his tone was still so domineering.

"Ma Xiaoling, that's a pretty good name."

Yang Yang nodded silently.

"Don't force me, tell me quickly, why did you suddenly rush out to stop me from catching the thief?"

Ma Xiaoling returns to the topic.

She always felt that there must be some shady deal in it.

"My buddies have already said, I, Yang Yang, will do what is right."

Yang Yang smiled lightly.

It's ridiculous to say that he is worth trillions, but now he is misunderstood as an accomplice of thieves and invited to drink tea.

This Ma Xiaoling is really big-chested and brainless.

Upon hearing this, Wang Haitang went on to say: "Yes, yes, police sister, we are really acting bravely. If you are like this, who will dare to act bravely in the future?"

Wang Haitang questioned Ma Xiaoling, feeling really upset, why did he suddenly say tea and drink tea now?

"Then tell me, will someone throw down the police to show courage?"

Ma Xiaoling asked Wang Haitang back.

"This... is really an accident. Sister, I want to find a lawyer."

As Wang Haitang was talking, he suddenly remembered a sentence his father often told him: When in trouble, go to the police, to a lawyer, to your father.


Ma Xiaoling hesitated, it's not that he can't find a lawyer, but if Wang Haitang is asked to find a lawyer, the two of them will be released on bail, and they won't be able to ask any questions.
On the other hand, Yang Yang was also frightened by Wang Haitang's proposal to find a lawyer.

Even with a net worth of trillions, Wang Haitang was in a hurry to find a lawyer for bail, but Wang Haitang was in a hurry. Could it be that his family has become richer?

Wang Haitang went on to say: "You don't want me to look for it, but my home is Wang's Jewelry. There were so many people watching me being handcuffed by you at the night market just now. My dad must have found a lawyer this time. "

Yang Yang was shocked, sure enough, he was right, Wang Haitang's family is really rich!

"Wang's jewelry?"

Ma Xiaoling asked, of course she knew about Wang's jewelry, Wang's jewelry had a very high status in Shenchuan City.

Is this Wang Haitang really the young master of Wang Jewelry?

Didn't the young master who remembered Wang's Jewelry study abroad?
In that case, the Wang Haitang in front of him is just a counterfeit, just bluffing.

"Knock knock!"

At this moment, there were two knocks on the door of the inquiry room, and then the door was opened.

A male police officer and a man in a suit and glasses came in.

The man with glasses came in, first nodded at Wang Haitang, and then looked at Ma Xiaoling.

At the same time, the male policeman who came in together leaned into Ma Xiaoling's ear, and after whispering a few words, Ma Xiaoling's expression changed.

It was shocking!
Did not expect this to be true!

"You can go."

Ma Xiaoling was very angry, but he couldn't show it.

"The police sister, let's go first, oh yes, sister, you are really beautiful."

After Wang Haitang finished speaking, he walked out of the inquiry room with the lawyer.

Yang Yang came to Ma Xiaoling and said, "I'm really not an accomplice, let's go."

After speaking, Yang Yang handsomely turned around and left.

The two left in front of him, Ma Xiaoling was so angry that he slapped the table directly.


Ma Xiaoling's face was extremely calm, and the next second: "Oh! It hurts!"

"You wait for me, it's amazing to be rich, don't let me catch you breaking the law!"

After leaving the police station, the lawyer said to Wang Haitang: "Master Wang, I'm fine now, so I'll leave first, call me if you need anything."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work at night, go to bed early."

Wang Haitang patted the lawyer's shoulder twice in relief, and then the lawyer left.

"I didn't expect it, our old Wang is so awesome now!"

Yang Yang said in surprise.

In my memory, Wang Haitang’s family’s predicament was the same as Yang Yang’s. Later, when Wang Haitang was in high school, his parents set up a roadside stall selling rougamo and made some money. That’s why Wang Haitang’s high school After finishing my studies, I went abroad to study because my family circumstances improved.

In the past few years when Wang Haitang went abroad, I remember that his father picked up a piece of jade the size of an egg by a coincidence by a sewer. Later, his father opened a jade company.

I also heard from Wang Haitang just now, what is it called?

Wang Jewelry!

"No way, I'm not awesome. If I want to say awesome, my dad is also awesome."

"Don't talk about that, Lao Yang, where do you live now? I'll take you back."

Wang Haitang said, and at the same time put his hand in his pocket, touched it, and squeezed it.

Suddenly, with raised eyebrows and fixed eyes, he quickly said two words.


"Oh, I was shocked, what's the matter?" Yang Yang asked.

"My car isn't here, I'll go! That Ma Ling or Ma Yun just now arrested me here, and my car is still parked outside Sister Fei's street!"

"It's far away from the food street, how can I go back? How can I send you back, Lao Yang?"

"My giao!"

Wang Haitang looked anxious and angry.

When I made an appointment with Yang Yang just now, he did drive his car to find a place to park outside the food street.

But he never expected that Ma Xiaoling would bring him to the police station now.

It's impossible to walk from the police station and drive. It's far away from the food street, and it's impossible to walk there in less than an hour.

And just now he said he was going to send Yang Yang back, how to send him now?
Is it possible for two big men to walk at night?

That may not be too romantic!
"Then why don't we ride shared bicycles?"

While speaking, Yang Yang pointed to several shared bicycles parked next to the bus booth on the right.

"What? Shared bicycles? No way, we are all dignified people, how can we ride shared bicycles?"

Wang Haitang frowned, obviously, he didn't want to ride a shared bicycle.

How should I put it, I feel that riding a bicycle is a bit awkward.

"Oh? Then you can walk, I'm leaving."

After Yang Yang smiled slightly, he went directly to the shared bicycle to check the location, took out his hard mobile phone from his pocket and scanned one.

And rode in front of Wang Haitang, stopped, and lightly touched the bell with the thumb of his left hand.

"Ding! Ding!"

"Go slowly."

Yang Yang laughed, and at the same time made a gesture to ride away.

"Damn it! Old Yang, are you really so cruel to leave me, a beautiful boy, here alone in the middle of the night?"

"You are in such a hurry to go back, there must be something fun and exciting at home, or something delicious!"

"No, I want to go home with you!"

Wang Haitang let go of his face, ran to the shared bicycle, quickly scanned one, and rode to Yang Yang's side.

Yang Yang saw it, smiled, and said, "Let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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