Signed in at the beginning of the 18th year

Chapter 94 You Come to Play Female No. 1

Chapter 94
Seeing Wang Haitang's expression, Ye Fei was frightened at the first moment, but the next second, she thought Wang Haitang was a little handsome.

"No no no, very handsome!"

"Although I will lose a little bit compared to Yang Yang, it still crushes most boys."

"This razor-sharp eyebrow, this look, this human lip."

"This is Yang Yang's friend~"

Ye Fei couldn't help evaluating Wang Haitang in her heart.

At this time, neither of them said a word, they both stood by the door and looked at each other.

Seeing this, Yang Yang couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted: "Hey, Lao Wang, are you disconnected? You're stuck there."

In fact, Yang Yang was trying to break the situation between Wang Haitang and Ye Fei. They both looked at each other as stupid, so how could they proceed to the next step.

"I'm sorry, it's the first time I saw such a good-looking girl, I was a little confused."

Wang Haitang came back to his senses, stretched out his hand to wipe his mouth, and smiled awkwardly.

At the same time, Ye Fei also came back to her senses and said, "Well... welcome to our place, come in quickly, it's hot outside, and there is air conditioning in the room."

"Oh, good."

Wang Haitang nodded, and followed Ye Fei in. Afterwards, Ye Fei immediately closed the door, and Wang Haitang trembled inexplicably.

Seeing this, Yang Yang felt like laughing in his heart. Wang Haitang, who has always been a bit like the king of the sea, was so blinded in front of Ye Fei, like a sheep in the mouth of a tiger.

"Hi, Zhirou. No, sister-in-law, long time no see."

Seeing Yang Yang and Zhao Zhirou, Wang Haitang relaxed a lot, and waved to Zhao Zhirou to say hello.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you since I graduated from high school."

Zhao Zhirou also waved her hand in greeting.

Wang Haitang replied: "Hey, I went abroad to study. To be honest, it's better to be at home."

Upon hearing this, Yang Yang's eyes crooked with laughter, and he said with a smile, "Old Wang is a sea turtle."

"What turtle?! It's a returnee!"

Wang Haitang naturally recognized which gui Yang Yang was talking about, and immediately corrected it.

"Okay, okay, the dishes are getting cold, you must be very hungry, let's eat first."

Zhao Zhirou pointed to the delicacies on the table. To be honest, she had wanted to taste Yang Yang's cooking for a long time.

"Yes, yes, come on, handsome guy, sit down."

Ye Fei immediately opened a table and arranged for Wang Haitang to sit next to him.

Afterwards, the four of them began to eat.

After eating halfway, Yang Yang looked at Ye Fei and asked, "Oh, yes, Ye Fei, I heard from Rou Rou that you like acting very much?"

Yang Yang knew about it a long time ago, but now he wants to hear what Ye Fei has to say.

"Yeah, I've wanted to act since I was a child, and I went to learn professional acting and practice hard, but in today's society, alas~"

Ye Fei sighed, and seemed to want to say something between the words.

Wang Haitang beside him asked decisively: "What's the matter? It's not that many people go to acting after their debut, and their acting skills are average. If you are good at acting, there must be many directors looking for you."

Wang Haitang felt that with Ye Fei's beauty, it was too perfect. If Wang Haitang was the director, he would want to come to Ye Fei to make a movie.

Sexy director Wang, teaching drama online.

"Well, there is, but alas."

Ye Fei sighed again.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Zhirou said, "Those directors are all sex critics."

"What the hell?!"

Yang Yang and Wang Haitang stopped, and they were surprised in unison.

"Yeah, every time I come to see me, at the beginning, they say that they have arranged many important roles for me, but if there are conditions, they just want that."

Speaking of this, Ye Fei felt aggrieved.

She just wants to act, why is it so difficult.

"Go to their uncle's big durian stewed watermelon! A group of perverts, don't let me meet next time, if I meet, I won't recognize it until I beat it."

Wang Haitang was so angry that she clenched her fists tightly, and now she really wanted to find a sandbag to vent her anger.

"Old Wang, calm down."

Yang Yang stretched out his hand to signal to Wang Haitang that the show was over.

Looking at Ye Fei who was full of displeasure, he said, "A friend of mine recently found a female number one. I think you are quite suitable."

"Girl number one?"

Ye Fei looked up at Yang Yang in confusion.

Did she hear it right?
Female number one?Yang Yang said I am suitable?
"Yeah, Wu Dajing, you must have heard of it. His current "War Tiger 4" lacks a female lead. I have already recommended you to him, and I will contact you in the next few days."

Yang Yang said, Yang Yang had already told Zhao Zhirou about this, lest Zhao Zhirou would be unhappy.

But in fact, it's too late for Zhao Zhirou to be happy. Her best friend finally has a movie to film, and she is also the female lead in the fourth part of Wu Dajing's most popular "War Tiger" series, which proves that Ye Fei's dark road has come to an end. The next step is Sunshine Avenue.

"Director Wu agreed?"

Ye Fei's eyes widened, she was shocked, it was like a dream, no!Dreams are not so exaggerated.

"Yes, of course, don't worry, Wu Dajing won't be like such a rubbish director whose mind is full of those dirty things all day long, Wu Dajing will take care of you, and there will be no intimate scenes."

Yang Yang took a sip of the soup, and then said: "Just act well, and don't let us down."

"Well! Definitely! Thank you! I am very excited now, I really want to thank you, but I am not very good at speaking, I don't know how to express my inner excitement, I..."

Ye Fei was so excited that she was incoherent. She thanked Yang Yang, but she didn't know how to thank her. After thinking about it, she stood up and bowed to Yang Yang: "Thank you!"

"You're welcome, Rourou's best friend is mine, no, you are Rourou's best friend, of course I am."

Yang Yang realized that what he said was a proposition no matter what, he glanced at Wang Haitang and had a flash of inspiration.

Pointing to Wang Haitang who was eating, he said, "I'm trying to save face for Old Wang."


Wang Haitang was called out suddenly, and looked up at everyone blindfolded, with a piece of meat hanging from his mouth, and blinked his eyes.

Inside: what's wrong?Why is everyone looking at me?Blame me for being handsome?Or am I eating too much and they don't have to?I'm really hungry!

"Thank you, Brother Wang!"

When Ye Fei heard what Yang Yang said, she immediately bowed to Wang Haitang at ninety degrees.

"Nani? Why are you thanking me? You don't have to thank me. Also, don't call me Brother Wang. My name is Wang Haitang. It's a crabapple with pear blossoms pressed against it. Just call me Haitang."

Although Wang Haitang was still a little dazed, it was fine to answer.

"Okay, thank you Haitang."

Ye Fei was very touched, Haitang people are so kind.

At this time, Yang Yang asked Wang Haitang: "By the way, Lao Wang, how is your father's company doing?"

This is what Yang Yang wants to know most now.

At Shenchuan Airport in the afternoon, Wang Haitang said that his father's Jade Company had nothing else to do, and he didn't say anything else. This was just to whet Yang Yang's appetite, and he was really curious.

Wang Haitang didn't speak, but put down his chopsticks first, took out a tissue to wipe his mouth, and sighed softly.

Then he opened his mouth and said, "Actually, it's my dad's company."

(End of this chapter)

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