Signed in at the beginning of the 18th year

Chapter 95 Can You Be My Boyfriend?

Chapter 95 Can You Be My Boyfriend? (seeking subscription)
"Actually, there is nothing wrong with my dad's company, but there are some problems with the jade veins, and we need to investigate them in a few days."

As soon as he heard it, Yang Yang was thinking.

There is a problem with the jade vein.

The jade that should be the jade vein is not as rich as expected, or it is impure, or it is harassed by the local villagers.

Basically these are the questions.

"Then what preparations do you not need to make for the time being?"

Yang Yang asked, if you want to visit the mine veins in a few days, then you should look at the relevant materials of the mine veins and the preparations for various needs now.

"Tonight is special. Fortunately, I came tonight. Otherwise, I would not have seen such a beautiful young lady like Ye Fei. In addition, I also hope that the condition of the mine is not as bad as I imagined."

As he said that, Wang Haitang picked up the wine glass and said, "It's rare to be able to drink again, do it! Starting tomorrow, I will focus on the mineral veins first."


Yang Yang decided to have a wine glass full of snow beer, clinked glasses with Wang Haitang and drank it all in one gulp.

Snow beer, brave the world!
This is the wine that Yang Yang and Wang Haitang often drank before.

"Sure enough, the beer is still delicious."

Wang Haitang praised, and at the same time remembered the red wine brought by Romank at the Guangu Hotel, boasting so well, it must not be as good as beer!

Then, Yang Yang drank with Wang Haitang again, and at the same time, Zhao Zhirou and Ye Fei watched the two of them get drunk.

But Yang Yang's alcohol capacity can't be compared with Wang Haitang's at all, with only two cans, Yang Yang looks dizzy.

Finally, Yang Yang and Zhao Zhirou returned to the room.

And tonight, in order to clean up Yang Yang and Wang Haitang's cooking, Zhao Zhirou specially asked for leave and did not broadcast live.

Now, she and Yang Yang have something to do.

Leaving Wang Haitang and Ye Fei behind, they came to the balcony, looked at the bright moonlight, and sat down with their backs against the fence.

"Ye Fei, how about some prestige?"

Wang Haitang asked, otherwise Yang Yang and Zhao Zhirou were watching there just now, he would have joined.

"Yes you can."

Ye Fei has a good impression of Wang Haitang, so she will naturally agree.

Afterwards, the two added prestige to each other, leaning their backs against the fence, and then enjoying the moonlight, chatting together and getting acquainted with each other.

At this time, Yang Yang and Zhao Zhirou poked their heads out in the passageway of the living room, watching Wang Haitang and Ye Fei get very close, chatting so happily, and admiring the moon.

It appears that the plan was very successful.

Just now Yang Yang pretended to be drunk in order to give Wang Haitang and Ye Fei a chance to be alone.

"Rourou, look how well they match, and the atmosphere is so good now, let's not disturb them, let's go, let's go to the room."

Yang Yang put his arms around Zhao Zhirou's waist, and whispered in her ear.

"What are you doing in your room?"

Zhao Zhirou pretended to be confused and asked.

"I'll show you something, let's go."

Yang Yang hugged Zhao Zhirou and said.

"No." Zhao Zhirou refused.

"It's not up to you."

With that said, Yang Yang directly picked up Zhao Zhirou, carried her into the room, and closed the door.

Put Zhao Zhirou on the bed smoothly, the lips were close to each other, at the same time, Yang Yang's hand was restless, slowly moving up from Zhao Zhirou's abdomen.
the next day.

Yang Yang and Wang Haitang left Zhao Zhirou and Ye Fei's rental house.

Last night, Yang Yang and Zhao Zhirou were studying something together in the room, and Wang Haitang, Yang Yang woke up in the morning and saw that Wang Haitang and Ye Fei had fallen asleep sitting up!
Sit there and watch the moon all night?
But now, Wang Haitang wanted his father, so the company started to take the matter of the mine seriously.

As soon as Yang Yang returned to Shangpin Community, he received a prestige message from Bai Chuxia.

"Handsome Yang, are you in Shenchuan today?"

The prestige friends who just joined yesterday, Yang Yang and Bai Chuxia have been chatting on prestige all the time, but they were busy at Zhao Zhirou's place last night, so they didn't chat with Bai Chuxia for the time being.

Seeing the message from Bai Chuxia, Yang Yang replied two words.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"It's not very important"

"Since it's your business, it must be important, let's talk about it."

Looking at the message sent by Bai Chuxia, Yang Yang still doesn't know what she means?It's clear that there is something I want him to help with.

"That. Can you be my boyfriend?"

Bai Chuxia withdrew a message.

"That. Can you pretend to be my boyfriend?"

Seeing this, Yang Yang wanted to laugh, and immediately replied to Bai Chuxia.

"No, is it necessary to pretend? Isn't a boyfriend like me satisfied?"

The corner of Yang Yang's mouth twitched, his playfulness came.

"Satisfied and satisfied, meaning you agreed?"

Bai Chuxia was surprised and sent a clearing package. Listening to Yang Yang's words, it means that he agreed?
Originally, she had prepared a lot of words to impress Yang Yang to help her.

Now it seems that it should not be used.

"Yes, when?"

"Now, come to my company to pick me up, thank you."

"I've been your boyfriend since a few seconds ago, so why not be polite."

Afterwards, Yang Yang drove his Lamborghini Poison to the downstairs of Bai Chuxia's company according to Bai Chuxia's location.


As soon as his car appeared, the surrounding crowd immediately became a sensation!
"My giao! What kind of car is this? It's too cool!"

"This car logo? My wife's Gini! No, no, no, Lamborghini! But I just don't know which one it is."

"It doesn't matter so much, as long as it is a Lamborghini, it is awesome."

"A group of ground turtles, I don't know which series it is at this time, let me tell you, this is Lamborghini poison, for the noble Lamborghini."

"The most expensive? How much does it cost?"

"8000 million!"

When they heard that this Lamborghini was worth 8000 million, everyone was shocked again!
Despite everyone's surprise and envy, Yang Yang still sat in the car and waited quietly.

Before Bai Chuxia came, an annoying 'fly' came first.

"Hey! Dude, the car is not bad, where did it come from?"

A greasy guy knocked on Yang Yang's car window, then looked at Ye Fan who lowered the window, and said with a playful smile, "Does it have something to do with you?"

Yang Yang asked lightly.

Looking at the guy in front of him, he looks pretty good, and the clothes on his body are also very high-end. It seems that he is from a wealthy family.

But his complexion was sallow, and the dark circles under his eyes were a bit heavy. It was obvious that he coughed too much.

Coupled with the fact that he was still holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand at this time, he must be eyeing someone again.

However, Yang Yang also knows that this has nothing to do with him, and he is not interested in making friends with this kind of person!

At the same time, Yang Yang glanced at this guy, who was also looking at Yang Yang.

When he saw Yang Yang's appearance, this guy was shocked!
Because Yang Yang is so handsome!
Even though Yang Yang is wearing sunglasses, he can still be seen to be a handsome guy!
But that's not the point.

The key point is that Yang Yang's temperament is also very good, completely different from the rich second generation like him who only knows how to pick up girls all day long!
(End of this chapter)

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