Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 1228 "Flower Chapter 4"

Chapter 1228 Flower Festival "Fourth Change"

Looking down at Qiu Yantong's sexy red lips, Ye Xiao couldn't help swallowing, and directly lowered his head and kissed her.

blah blah
Qiu Yantong struggled a little but didn't resist, she hugged Ye Xiao's neck and responded.

"Hey, hey, I kissed in broad daylight, can you pay attention to the influence, and consider the mood of a single dog like me!"

A familiar voice suddenly came.

Ye Xiao was extremely helpless, every time this woman appeared, she looked at Miao Cui angrily and said, "You can't pretend you didn't see it and interrupt our intimacy!"

"I wanted to pretend I didn't see it, but your kissing skills are too bad, and your posture is too firm. I can't stand it anymore, so I couldn't help but say something to call you!"

Miao Cui walked over with a smile, talking nonsense as usual.

Ye Xiao's head was full of black lines.

Too lazy to care about Miao Cui pulling Qiu Yantong: "Let's go, let's go to the ice cellar first!"

"Well, good, it should have been arranged!"

Qiu Yantong nodded, and then the two walked towards the ice cellar.

"Hey, what are you doing in the ice cellar!"

Miao Cui shouted after her.

"You'll know when you go!"

Ye Xiao waved his hand and said.

The ice cellar is under a building, and the area is quite large, very clean and tidy.

The temperature is about ten degrees below zero, and the meat products stored inside are frozen hard.

Qiu Yantong brought Ye Xiao to the innermost room of the ice cellar: "Do you think this place is suitable?"

"No problem, it's good!"

Ye Xiao nodded, and immediately threw Apollo's body out of the storage ring.

Miao Cui was taken aback and couldn't help but said, "Why did you put his body here!"

"Use his corpse to revive a senior!"

Ye Xiao said softly, she has nothing to hide from Miao Cui, she and Qiu Yantong are the best girlfriends.

"People can be resurrected after death? How is this possible!"

Miao Cui shook her head in disbelief.

"As long as the strength is strong enough and the soul is strong enough, everything is possible!"

Ye Xiao said softly, his current soul is not weak, but if the body is destroyed.

Whether the soul can continue to exist, he has no certainty in his heart.

Maybe even if it exists, it will disappear when a gust of wind blows.

"How much strength is needed to do that!"

Seeing the serious Ye Xiao, Miao Cui believed it, and continued to ask.

"At least a tenth-level fighter, maybe even stronger!"

Ye Xiao shook his head. He couldn't tell the details, there are too many uncertainties in this thing!
"Will he have Apollo's strength after resurrection, or will he restore his previous strength!"

This time Miao Cui got the point.

"None of the two, you have to practice from scratch!"

Ye Xiao smiled and replied that he himself was in a similar situation, his cultivation base disappeared and he could only practice from scratch.

However, the speed of cultivation in the two lives is extremely fast.

"Okay. I'm going to make alchemy tomorrow, and I still have some time this afternoon. Let's go out for a stroll!"

Ye Xiao suggested with a smile.

"Okay, let's go to the pedestrian street. Today is the annual "Flower Festival". It must be very lively. Let's go and have fun!"

Hearing this, Qiu Yantong was also extremely happy.

"Hey, let's go shopping with you, I'm just a super-powerful light bulb!"

Miao Cui shook her head and said with a face full of embarrassment: "Forget it, I'll be with you!"

Too lazy to pay attention to the duplicity of Miao Cui, Ye Xiao took Qiu Yantong and set off.

Zhonghua Building is some distance away from the pedestrian street, so I plan to drive there.

But the cars in country E are all right-handed, that is, the steering wheel is on the right.

It is the opposite of Huaxia.

Ye Xiao was really not used to it, plus he didn't know the way, so it was Miao Cui who was driving.

Not to mention that Miao Cui's driving skills are good, fast and stable, and occasionally drifts.

Not to mention how exciting it is!
This guy is indeed a woman.

The wind and electricity along the way went extremely smoothly, and we arrived at the pedestrian street an hour later.

Pedestrian streets all over the world are estimated to be similar, with shops on both sides and special snacks in the middle.

People come and go.

It is the best place to fall in love.

Qiu Yantong and Miao Cui immediately turned into shopaholics, and Ye Xiao became a follower again.

Clothes stores, bag stores, one after another, tirelessly.

Tired of walking for a long time.

The three of them came to a snack bar to rest their feet, eat something and drink, and they were quite happy.

"Hey, what's going on over there!"

Across the street is a flower shop, the shop is very big, and there are many people, everyone is holding a pot of flowers in their hands.

Groups of three or five gathered together to talk, looking excited.

Ye Xiao couldn't help asking!

"Didn't I tell you before? Today is the annual "Flower Festival"!" Qiu Yantong explained softly: "Every country has its own characteristics. The people of China like piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and the people of country E like Flower arrangement, they believe that flower arrangement is a very artistic art that can cultivate one's morality and temperament, so a flower arrangement conference is held every year, which is also known as the "Flower Festival"!"

"The famous flower arrangement master has a great status in country E, and is respected by many people, even more popular than those celebrities. It is said that this year's "Flower Festival" also invited several masters!" Qiu Yantong looked opposite: "This The flower shop is the largest and oldest flower shop in the pedestrian street, and there is a flower arrangement master in charge, so there are so many people!"

"Let's go over and have a look. I also like flower arrangement, but I always put them in a nondescript way. I just happened to go to see and learn!"

Miao Cui also said softly.

"Okay,,, let's go and have a look!"

Ye Xiao became interested.

Flower arranging is actually quite interesting.

He drank the drink in one gulp, then got up and walked over.

As soon as the three of them reached the entrance of the flower shop, they were stopped by the security guard at the entrance when they were about to enter: "Do you have an invitation letter?"

"Do you need an invitation to enter a flower shop?"

Ye Xiao was stupefied, this is really a hell!

Miao Cui said in a deep voice: "Presumptuous, we are from Zhonghualou, how dare you ask us for an invitation letter!"

Hearing that the expressions of the two security guards changed drastically, Zhonghua Building is still very powerful in Country E, few people would dare to offend them!
The security guard didn't dare to stop him and said repeatedly: "Please come in, please come in!"

Immediately the three of them walked in.

There are a lot of tables in the room, and the tables are full of inserted flowers, each of which has its own characteristics and exudes a charming fragrance for people to watch.

People coming and going gathered together to discuss and discuss intensely.

Qiu Yantong and Miao Cui looked from one side to the other, chattering with excitement.

"Master Lillard is here, he's finally here, and I'm sure you'll be able to see the flowers he arranged with his own hands today!"

"Yeah, this is a good opportunity to learn. I spent a lot of effort and money to get the invitation letter, in order to consult Master Lillard up close!"

"So excited, so excited, Master Lillard is my idol"

(End of this chapter)

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