Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 1229 Ascending the Ladder to Heaven "Gageng"

Chapter 1229 Ascending the Ladder to Heaven "Gageng"

"Who is Lillard!"

Hearing this, Ye Xiao couldn't help asking, looking at this posture is quite powerful.

"Lillard is one of the most famous flower arranging masters in country E. The flowers he arranges look very imposing, artistic and pleasing to the eye. They are very popular with the people of country E and are extremely popular!"

Qiu Yantong explained softly.

"It is said that Lillard is very handsome and very temperamental. I don't know if it is my favorite dish!"

Miao Cui raised her eyebrows and looked outside the door, looking extremely curious!

At this time, several security guards separated the crowd crowded at the door, and led a foreign young man in with great respect.

The blond hair, blue eyes, thin and tall figure are indeed handsome, but the arrogance in the brows is not concealed at all.

It is a little unpleasant.

People can have arrogance, but not arrogance!

"Master Lillard is so handsome!"

"Master Lillard is so temperamental, my heart is going to melt!"

Another burst of praise.

Hearing that Lillard was even more proud, he walked to the middle of the room, waved his hands and the audience fell silent, and said in a deep voice: "The annual "Flower Festival" is here again, this is a grand event for those who love flower arrangements, it is worth our gathering Celebrate together, discuss and learn, and carry forward the art of flower arrangement together!"

After a pause, he continued; "As for me, I have studied the art of flower arrangement a little deeper, and I have gained some reputation. I will take the liberty of giving you some guidance today. Listen to what I say, and don't take it to heart if I say it wrong. !"

Everyone was shouting that Master Lillard was too modest and so on.

Anyway, it's all kinds of flattery and flattery.

Immediately Lillard began to comment on those flower arrangements one by one.

Pointing to a pot of chrysanthemum and plum blossoms, he said softly: "The chrysanthemums are bright in color, while the plum blossoms are cool. These are two different kinds of flowers. Although they complement each other, they are somewhat nondescript, and the artistic conception is similar. And the pruning of this flower is too heavy, leaving too many branches and leaves.”

"Yes Yes Yes"

The owner of the flower arrangement was an old man, and he nodded his head like a schoolboy upon hearing this.

A teachable look.

Then came the second pot of flower arrangement, and continued to comment: "This is a flower arrangement of lotus and rose. The lotus is snow-white and the rose is fiery red. The combination of the two is indeed a perfect match, but your cultivation is not very appropriate. There are many lotuses and few roses. And too scattered."

Master Lillard commented on dozens of pots of flower arrangements with his hands behind his back, the sharp words, the calm confidence and demeanor, and the master's demeanor exuded all over his body.

convinced everyone.

They all admire Lillard extremely.

Among them were Qiu Yantong and Miao Cui, the two girls seemed to be infatuated, bouncing around.

Ye Xiao was extremely upset, and his face was full of disdain. This Lillard is only half-baked!
The so-called comments are only on the surface, there is no deep-seated stuff!
"Master Lillard's level is indeed very high. With a few words, we suddenly realized a new level. I don't know if we have the opportunity to see the works of Master Lillard today!"

A woman said with burning eyes.

"Okay, I'll show you how to arrange flowers on the spot!"

Lillard said with a smile.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard the words, and they seemed extremely excited.

It is a rare opportunity to see Master Lillard's flower arrangement in person.

Money can't buy it.

Absolute learning opportunity.

At this moment, Lillard waved his hand, and two women walked over holding orchids and plum blossoms.

Another man walked in holding a vase.

Then put orchids and plum blossoms in the vase.

Lillard walked over with scissors specially designed for pruning flowers, and squatted with his legs in a squatting posture.

Immediately begin pruning.

It was very quiet in the room.

Only the sound of scissors and leaves falling.

With the passage of time, the originally chaotic and trembling flowers immediately became formal and standardized.

And more and more there is a kind of temperament reflected.

It looks more and more pleasing to the eye.

Another 5 minutes passed.

With Lillard's final scissors falling, everything took shape.

The two kinds of flowers and branches and leaves are flourishing upwards and have a sense of hierarchy, as if they are going up to the sky one by one.

Everyone looked shocked.

"My God, this is the "Ladder to Heaven". This is an extremely difficult flower arrangement technique. Today is really eye-opening!"

"Climbing to the sky and looking far away, flying to the sky step by step, I can feel the indomitable spirit against the sky from this potted flower!"

"The rare thing about "climbing the ladder" is not only the pruning technique, but also how to reflect the artistic conception it represents. I dreamed of doing it, but the realm is far away. Today I can see this kind of pruning technique. You have gained a lot of knowledge!"

Everyone seemed to be crazy and talked about this potted flower, all kinds of shock.

"Ah, it's really amazing. It's worthy of being a well-known flower arrangement master in country E. This demeanor and skill are beyond words!"

Miao Cui said with bright eyes.

"Well, I want to learn too!"

Qiu Yantong also spoke softly.

Ye Xiao pursed his lips and said speechlessly: "There is nothing worth learning in this state, it's just a superficial appearance!"

Ye Xiao's voice was not low.

Naturally, the people next to him heard it.

They all looked at Ye Xiao angrily with wide-eyed eyes, and then sprayed wildly!
"Boy, what are you talking about, Master Lillard is something you can insult and look down on, get out!"

"Boy, apologize to Master Lillard quickly, or we won't spare you!"

"It's a joke to be grandstanding without knowing the heights of the sky!"

Lillard's complexion also changed when he heard the words, his eyes were full of anger, and then disappeared in a flash, and said with a fake smile: "This little brother listens to what you mean, you also know how to arrange flowers!"

"Know a thing or two!"

Ye Xiao said calmly.

"I've always felt that heroes come out of youth, and the skill of flower arrangement has nothing to do with age. Maybe you are sure that you have a very high skill, so let's use it and communicate with each other, so that everyone can make progress together!"

Lillard said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll show you what real flower arrangement is, a bunch of frogs in a well, I don't know much!"

Ye Xiao said calmly with a face full of indifference.

Naturally, he could see Lillard's malicious intentions and just wanted him to make a fool of himself.

When everyone heard the words, they complained and cursed again.

This kid who came out of nowhere is so crazy, so ignorant.

Lillard's face was even more ugly. If it wasn't for his scruples, he would have wanted the security to beat Ye Xiao up.

Qiu Yantong also frowned slightly, and said softly, "Ye Xiao, can you arrange flowers?"

Flower arranging is not cultivation, it is art, not fighting or killing.

If the flowers that Ye Xiao inserted were neither fish nor fowl, wouldn't it be ridiculous and generous.

Miao Cui also rolled her eyes, also worried.

At this time, Ye Xiao took the scissors, Lillard waved his hand, and immediately someone brought a vase, as well as roses and orchids.

everything's ready.

Ye Xiao looked at the scissors in his hands and began to trim!
(End of this chapter)

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