Chapter 1520
But it is obviously difficult to pass this level.

These dozens of monsters are basically equivalent to the 89th place in the "Tianbei Dashi Ranking".

Of the geniuses present, only Hu Fei entered the top [-].

Then there is Duan Tianya of One Hundred and One.

Although there are thousands of people present, but facing so many powerful monsters, the outcome is really hard to say.

Barely [-]-[-].

"I'm going to test the strength of these monsters!"

"Taxue Wuhen" Yan Feiyun walked out first, his eyes flickered at the dozens of monsters, and he said softly: "You are blocking the way to prevent us from passing, then come out and see if there is any strength to stop us !"

Although these monsters have not yet taken shape, their spirituality is self-evident and they are absolutely understandable.

Sure enough, Heiji python roared, and his voice went straight into the sky, as if he was giving an order.

Another roar.

The Blood Demon Bear strode out, the ground seemed to be shaking with its huge body, and the scarlet bear stared at Yan Feiyun.

Seeing this, Yan Feiyun's body erupted with a real martial arts will, and then his figure flashed and afterimages flickered, and he took the lead in attacking.

"Wind roar!"

His legs split like knives and split like wind, forming an extremely powerful attack wave.

And the Gorefiend Bear also started to run, trembling violently, and then bombarded it with an extremely ferocious punch.

Bang bang bang!

The fist light crushed the legs, the wind was like a broken bamboo, and the momentum did not change, and it directly rushed towards Yan Feiyun.

Feeling the extremely powerful fist light, Yan Feiyun's complexion changed drastically, and after using his body skills to the limit, afterimages spread across hundreds of meters.

The blood demon bear's fist attack shattered an afterimage, and then bombarded the ground.

The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.

Then a large pit of nearly [-] meters appeared.

Ten meters deep.

Many warriors who watched secretly smacked their tongues, Damn, if this bombardment hits the human body, there will be absolutely no bones left.

"Feng Lie!"

Yan Feiyun launched an attack again, he slashed down obliquely from a high altitude, shot all around the strong peak, and directly put his foot on the blood demon bear's chest, making a frightening and dull sound.

The Blood Demon Bear stepped back dozens of steps and nearly fell to the ground.

The place that was attacked was also dented!


The Gorefiend Bear went berserk, beating his chest frantically, blood splashed everywhere, and the place that was sunken before actually bulged up again, and the Gorefiend Bear's aura was much stronger than before.

It's just a monster tormenting.

It makes people shudder and tremble with fear.

Immediately, the Blood Demon Bear started to run, its speed soaring a lot, and the two huge fists bombarded frantically.

Fist lights the size of sandbags shot towards Yan Feiyun like missiles.

Yan Feiyun's complexion changed drastically, and he used his incredible body skills to dodge. Every time he saw that he couldn't dodge, it was inevitable.

But in times of danger, they can always save the day.

Quite a feeling of shuttling in the hail of bullets.

It made people tremble all over.

Many warriors nodded, Yan Feiyun is worthy of being Yan Feiyun, worthy of the title of "Treading Snow Without Trace", this light work is considered invincible.

The supernatural power turns decay into magic.

But Feng Xu, Ye Qing, Liu Xiangyang and the others frowned. Yan Feiyun's lightness kung fu was really powerful, but the situation was extremely bad at this time.

In the face of the violent attack of the blood demon bear, there is only the ability to dodge.

And no ability to attack.

People often say that the best defense is offense. Although Yan Feiyun dodges perfectly, there will be omissions and loopholes in the end.

Sure enough, this situation lasted for about ten minutes, maybe Yan Feiyun consumed too much of his true energy, maybe he was distracted.

A fist light galloped past.

Although Yan Feiyun also dodged, but he didn't completely dodge. His right arm was wiped off, and a large piece of his clothes was mixed with flesh and blood.

Yan Feiyun was covering his arms, his handsome face was terribly hurt.

Then swept back.

The Gorefiend Bear didn't chase after him, but continued to slap his chest as he pretended to be the winner, and roared to the sky, extremely arrogant and violent.

And many geniuses are a little silent here.

Although there are a lot of them, most of them are average in strength, Ye Qing, Liu Xiangyang, Hu Fei, Feng Xu and others are the only ones who can show it.

Asking them to bring many warriors to fight these goblins feels that the odds of winning are still very low.

The phenomenon of ants killing elephants does not happen every day.

What's more, now that Yan Feiyun is injured, this is another lack of main force.

So at this time, Hu Fei, Liu Xiangyang, Duan Tianya and others were all frowning and discussing with each other in low voices, but there was no good way.

Ye Xiao's eyes flickered and he didn't have any clue. Although he defeated Heiji Python and Bing Ningjiao a few days ago, he was not arrogant enough to deal with the dozens of powerful monsters in front of him.

The best way in front of us is the only way, let's all work together to fight.

At this time, the other warriors also discussed and agreed, and everyone worked together to fight these monsters.

However, some warriors have already retreated in their hearts, and they feel that it is impossible not to pass the test of the dozens of monsters in front of them.

Secondly, if you fight with these ferocious goblins, you won't be injured, maybe you will die.

And some fighters think they can give it a go, because they can obviously feel that there is a big treasure at the top of the ladder.

Maybe it is the ultimate goal of this trip to destroy the ancient land.

Excluding some warriors who withdrew, there were more than 700 people left at the scene.

Then Ye Qing walked over, looked at Ye Xiao and said with a smile: "Ye Xiao, what do you think of each of us leading a dozen or 20 people to deal with a monster!"

Ye Xiao shook his head.

Seeing this, the other warriors were slightly taken aback. Is this Ye Xiao scared?
Then there was a face full of sarcasm. Although this kid was very talented and had the potential to be perverted, he was too timid.

If a warrior lacks enough courage, no matter how good his potential is, it will only be a flash in the pan.

So, at this moment, they underestimated Ye Xiao a lot.

Ye Qing also frowned, he had been in contact with Ye Xiao a few times, and he knew Ye Xiao's character a little bit, he didn't think Ye Xiao was afraid, so he smiled slightly and said, "Do you have any good ideas?"

"I don't have any good ideas, just follow your plan, but just hand over the Heiji Python and Bing Ning Jiao to me!"

Ye Xiao smiled and said softly.

The tone is very light, as if talking about a small thing.

Many warriors were stunned when they heard the words, and then their expressions were extremely exciting, Nani?Is it because I heard wrong, or this Ye Xiao has become so arrogant.

It is obvious that Bing Ningjiao and Heiji Python are the strongest among this group of monsters, and any one of them is stronger than the previous Blood Demon Bear.

Even Hu Fei, who was ranked the highest on the field, would not dare to say that he would win against one side alone.

Not to mention facing both ends.

Was this head kicked by a donkey?

Or did it turn into a paste?
Really ignorant.

act recklessly!

(End of this chapter)

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