Huadu Superb Mad Doctor

Chapter 1521 Watching Monster Beasts Show Their Love

Chapter 1521 Watching Monster Beasts Show Their Love
Hu Fei, Feng Xu, Li Jie and others also looked over. Although they didn't say anything, they felt that Ye Xiao was too crazy.

Regardless of pride or arrogance or other characters, there must be a bottom line.

If you cross the boundary, things will backfire, which is disgusting!

And Yan Feiyun's complexion was even paler, he felt that Ye Xiao disrespected him and despised him by saying this.

After all, he was defeated against the Gorefiend Bear.

Ye Xiao, on the other hand, threatened to deal with a more powerful monster by himself, and there were still two heads.

Isn't that just hitting him in the face?
Therefore, Ye Xiao's words offended almost everyone, or lost their goodwill.

"You can't stop someone trying to kill you, let's not waste time, let's allocate people first!"

A martial artist said loudly.

"Yeah, the Ancient Land of Disillusionment is about to close, we have to pass the ladder before it closes!"

"Hmph, I'd like to see how he will deal with Hei Ji Python and Bing Ning Jiao!"

Soon the remaining hundreds of warriors had already divided into camps.

Teams are also very particular.

First of all, every genius in the "Tianbei Dashi Ranking" is the captain, and the number of teams without a genius leader is much larger.

With a super genius like Hu Fei Duan Tianya leading the team, the number of teammates is naturally much smaller, and their strength is generally weak.

It's also about balance.

After all, no matter which team has an accident, it will affect other teams.

After the teams were divided, everyone's eyes were on Ye Xiao, and no one spoke.

But the meaning is obvious.

You kill yourself to deal with Hei Ji Python and Bing Ning Jiao, it doesn't matter if you die, don't implicate us.

Don't let us fight well, Hei Ji Mang and Bing Ning Jiao defeated you, or you ran away.

Then these two monsters came towards us.

Therefore, even though the teams were divided, no one acted rashly!
Seeing this, Ye Xiao smiled slightly, and said softly with puns: "Don't worry, I won't implicate you, how about this, I'll come first, if I lose, you can also adjust the deployment!"

It is said that these warriors nodded, that is what they meant.

Then Ye Xiao walked towards the ladder under the gaze of everyone.

Li Yang and Li Han followed closely without any hesitation.

Seeing this, the corners of the warriors' mouths twitched again, they are really two evil spirits, following Ye Xiao to die.

This is not the time to talk about loyalty, life-saving is the most important thing.

Crap, idiot.
The blood demon bear came out and yelled at Ye Xiao, the roar was filled with astonishing coercion, and the bear's eyes were full of bloodthirsty and crazy luster.

It looked like it was going to tear Ye Xiao into pieces.

Another roar.

This is the roar of the Heiji python, perhaps conveying some special meaning.

The Blood Demon Bear retreated.

Seeing this, the corners of the mouths of the other warriors gloated again. It seemed that this Heiji python was about to make a move himself.

But this is normal, after all, Ye Xiao said that he dealt with Heiji Python before.

Heiji Python is very spiritual, he must have heard it, and in the face of provocations, in order to maintain his status as the king, he must take action himself.

This Ye Xiao is dead.

Heiji Mang looked at Ye Xiao with hatred in his eyes. Although his injuries had recovered, he could still vaguely feel the pain.

Ye Xiao looked at Heiji Mang and smiled without saying a word. The next moment, the Yunquan Sword appeared in his hand.

Ye Xiao was able to catch the moment when the Yunquan Sword was unsheathed, Heiji Python's red eyes shrank, and its huge body trembled slightly.

Obviously he was scared by Ye Xiao before.

Ye Xiao stroked Yunquanjian and said in a calm tone: "How about it, do you want to fight with me, or let me in, I think your IQ is very high, you are not stupid, you should know how to choose!"

The scene fell silent for an instant.

I'm going, what's the situation?
Was Ye Xiao really kicked in the head by a donkey?
It must have turned into a paste.

He is actually threatening Hei Ji Bog, mother Aini, is this a joke?
"Ha ha."

Some warriors couldn't help but laughed out loud.

"It's fun, it's the funniest joke I've heard this year!"

These warriors are all sarcasm.

As for Ye Qing and Liu Xiangyang, his eyes flickered and his complexion changed slightly, as if he had thought of something, he looked at Ye Xiao in disbelief.

roar roar
Not only the blood demon bear, but also the sinew-toothed wolf or the bloodthirsty poisonous scorpion all let out terrifying roars. How could they dare to provoke and despise their bosses? Thousands of dollars.

If it wasn't for the fact that Heiji Mang hadn't spoken yet, they couldn't help but rush forward and swallow Ye Xiaosheng up.

Seeing this scene, the other warriors became more firm in their previous opinion that this Ye Xiao was doomed.

And it was a miserable death.

But something eye-popping happened.

Heiji python and Bing Ningjiao roared at the same time, these warriors couldn't understand, but they saw the blood demon bear, bloodthirsty poisonous scorpion and other monsters retreating, and then made way for a passage.

The meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"You're funny!"

Ye Xiao laughed lightly, feeling relieved in his heart, he still took the risk of pretending to be X.

In case Heiji Mang refused to agree to fight, he could only fight with all his strength at the risk of exposing his strength.

However, this Heiji python is quite witty and smart.

Saved him a lot of trouble.

In fact, monsters have the keenest sense of crisis. They have fought against Ye Xiao twice, and they know how powerful Ye Xiao is.

Moreover, he could instinctively feel the powerful power and aura hidden in Ye Xiao's body.

This is what they can't mess with.

So, let’s admit it!

Ye Xiao waved to Li Han and Li Yang to signal them to follow.

Then he strolled over with his hands behind his back, set his eyes on Bing Ningjiao's body, met his blood-red and resentful eyes, and said softly: "Although your strength is a bit weak, your vision is not bad. A smart man!"

After speaking, he strode away.

Bing Ningjiao blinked her big eyes when she heard the words, then put it on Heiji Python, and immediately turned her huge head away, as if she was shy.

And Hei Ji Bog also let out a loud roar, as if he was proud of it.

This scene completely stupefied all warriors.

What the hell is going on with your sister?

Monsters fall in love?
Show affection?

What the hell!
Afterwards, their eyes flickered, seeing Ye Xiao who was climbing the ladder, they understood everything, this Hei Ji Python was so afraid of Ye Xiao.

It must have been defeated by Ye Xiao before, and it was a disastrous defeat, and I was afraid of being beaten.

Otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

He was horrified in his heart, how strong is this Ye Xiao, who can scare such a powerful Heiji python like this.

Hu Fei, Duan Tianya and the others looked extremely ugly. They didn't take Ye Xiao seriously at first, and then gradually felt the pressure and fear.

But now there is actually a little fear, facing Ye Xiao feels like facing the sea.

Such people are the scariest!
(End of this chapter)

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