My portable world of mixed farmers

Chapter 100 White Cockatoo

Chapter 100 White Cockatoo

Sure enough, it is the world of birds. After Dong Shanhe and Liu Miaomiao walked into this store, they entered a world of birds like a Buddha.

All kinds of birds were chirping one after another in the cage, and Dong Shanhe and Liu Miaomiao couldn't see it.

There are several birds living in each large birdcage more or less, there are more than a dozen at most, and each large birdcage is hung with a sign, which says the name, type, characteristics and price of the bird. .

Dong Shanhe observed for a while, only to find that these ornamental birds are roughly divided into three types, some singing, some dancing, and some ornamental feather colors. Ornamental birds such as parrots and starlings are listed as a separate category.

"Husband, look at this thrush bird's singing is so beautiful!" Liu Miaomiao said, pointing to the birdcage containing the thrush.

"This is a thrush, of course it sounds nice, and there are also larks and larks, which are also very nice." The layout of this store is also very interesting. Chin, magpie robin, etc. put together.

"Honey, let's buy two!" Liu Miaomiao looked at Dong Shanhe pitifully and asked.

"Have you really thought about it?" Dong Shanhe knew that most of his daughters-in-law would ignore them as soon as they got hot-headed, and they didn't even know that their family was not suitable for raising these things.

The current house is too small. If you wait until the villa is decorated, you can build a bird house on the roof to raise some ornamental birds. But where do you put the ornamental birds in your home now?balcony?
"Daughter-in-law, you didn't think about it. These are singing ornamental birds. Some of them will sing at night. When our baby is born, they will still sing like this. The baby will not rest well, and you will too." It’s not good to rest.” As soon as Dong Shanhe said this, Liu Miaomiao immediately shook her head and refused to buy it.

"No, no more!" Liu Miaomiao shook her head like a rattle, pulling Dong Shanhe forward again.

"Husband, what do you think of this?" Liu Miaomiao pointed to the kind of ornamental birds that mainly practice dancing.

"Daughter-in-law, this is a white-eyed bird. It flies beautifully." Dong Shanhe watched these birds singing and dancing, with graceful and changeable postures. Gliding is like an excellent acrobatic performance.

"You can buy one if you like, but this kind of ornamental bird needs a particularly large cage, preferably a large cage two or three meters high, otherwise they can't fly, and it doesn't look good when they fly. "Dong Shanhe told Liu Miaomiao about his shortcomings again.

After hearing this, Liu Miaomiao pulled Dong Shanhe forward again, "What about this one?" Liu Miaomiao pointed to a sparrow-like bird.

"Daughter-in-law, this is a brown-headed sparrow, which is specially used for fighting, just like what we call cockfighting and dogfighting. Do you want to watch two birds fight?" Liu Miaomiao had to give up her depression and move on to the next one.

"This is the head office!" Liu Miaomiao said, pointing to the single and familiar creatures.

"This is fine." Looking at the parrot that Liu Miaomiao pointed at, Dong Shanhe could only say yes, otherwise his wife would definitely kick us directly.

"Good parrot, let's buy two parrots!" There are several types of parrots in front of him, and Dong Shanhe wants to take a closer look.

The first thing Dong Shanhe saw was a particularly beautiful parrot with pure white feathers and a high crown like a phoenix.

"Daughter-in-law, what do you think of this parrot? Does it look good?" Dong Shanhe pointed to the parrot and said to his wife.

"It's beautiful, it's beautiful." Liu Miaomiao nodded quickly. White is her favorite color all the time, and this parrot happens to have white feathers all over its body.

"Then buy this one?" Dong Shanhe said to Liu Miaomiao, looking left and right to see if the boss was there.

"Boss? Boss?" Dong Shanhe took a look, but he didn't see anyone, so he had to shout twice.

"Boss? Boss?" The parrot in the birdcage heard Dong Shanhe's cry, and followed suit. Boss, Boss, yelled non-stop, and suddenly several parrots yelled together.

"Little brother, which parrot do you like?" A young man in his 30s came to Dong Shanhe and asked.

"Are you the boss?" Dong Shanhe looked at the man in his 30s and dressed in fancy clothes, and always felt that he was not doing his job properly.

"Hehe, this is my dad's property, I'm just running errands here." The young man said with a smile.

"How do you sell this parrot?" Dong Shanhe asked, pointing at the big white-feathered parrot.

"This parrot is a white cockatoo, little brother, you have a good eye, it is the most beautiful kind of cockatoo, and it is also the largest cockatoo." The young man pointed to the parrot in the cage and said , "This parrot is about [-] centimeters long when it grows up. Except for the macaw, there are not many other parrots that are bigger than it, and it is also very good at learning tongues."

"Your parrot should not be [-] centimeters long!" Dong Shanhe glanced at the parrot, which was at most the size of a slap, more than double the distance of [-] centimeters.

"Hehe, this parrot is still small. If you don't believe me, you can check it online. This white cockatoo can grow to a maximum length of nearly half a meter. This thing can't fool anyone."

Hearing what the owner of this small shop said, Dong Shanhe really took out his mobile phone to check on Baidu, glanced at the information, and then looked at the parrot.

"Okay, that's all, how much is it?" As long as the daughter-in-law likes it, just buy it.

"Twelve thousand." The young man almost let Dong Shanhe paste his face with his mobile phone when he opened his mouth.

Your sister, Baidu's adult white cockatoo just now is only seven or eight thousand, even if you count the regional differences, ten thousand is almost the same, but it is a mature parrot that has grown up, not the one that has not grown up. Parrot.

"Brother, don't you think I'm easy to deceive? Your little bird can sell for more than 1 yuan?" Dong Shanhe almost pointed at his nose and sprayed.

"Little brother, even though that is the case, you have to know that the white cockatoo is very famous. There are no more than two white cockatoos in the flower and bird market in Qicheng. Most of them are at this price. If you go to the slant The house opposite costs [-] adult parrots. Although I am a young bird, it has already been three months old, and it will be mature in half a year." How can young people admit their shortcomings just like this, and ask for a lot of money? money.

"That's too high. For 8000 yuan, I'll buy one back." Although Dong Shanhe is rich, he is still not like that upstart. The habit hasn't changed yet.

"Little brother, I think you are also a bird lover. 8000 yuan is too little, [-] yuan, okay, you can take it."

The two went back and forth like this, hacked for 5 minutes, and finally sold for 1 yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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