Chapter 101
"Boss, do you have a macaw here?" After buying the white cockatoo, Dong Shanhe suddenly thought of the colorful parrot he saw on TV, which was very beautiful.

"Brother! To tell you the truth, there are no macaws in Qicheng, and even if there are, I dare not sell them. You must know that macaws are protected animals, and it is against the law to sell them." Who knew Dong Shanhe was It's not a plainclothes policeman, so the little boss can only refuse to come, and besides, he doesn't have a macaw.

"Little boss, you see, I like macaws very much. If anyone in Qicheng has a macaw, can you introduce it to me!" Dong Shanhe said to the little boss.

"Okay, okay! Little brother is so polite, if I really know that someone in Qicheng is going to shoot the macaw, I will definitely let you know." After the little boss finished speaking, he heard someone call him to turn around and leave.

"Damn it! This guy hasn't told me his contact information yet." Dong Shanhe watched the little boss leave before he remembered that he had no contact information with him yet.

But Dong Shanhe also understands that his worry is necessary, he cannot do anything illegal, and if he is caught, he will be detained for at least fifteen days.

"Daughter-in-law, let's go see what other parrots there are. Let's buy two more and train them into a chorus." Dong Shanhe looked to the side again.

There are not many kinds of parrots in the Bird World store. Dong Shanhe looked at them one by one, and finally decided to buy six. In addition to the white cockatiel just mentioned, there are also a cockatiel and two budgerigars. Two purple-headed parrots.

The cockatiel is also a very beautiful parrot. The cockatiel bought by Dong Shanhe is a pure white parrot without any variegated color. Except for the yellow fluff on both sides of the cheek, everything else is white. The tall yellow crown is also very popular.

In addition to this cockatiel, Dong Shanhe also bought four large and medium-sized parrots. The budgerigar and the purple-headed parrot are both medium and large parrots, and they like to be in pairs the most. Dong Shanhe is not good at buying only one. I could only buy two of the same, put six parrots in four birdcages, and brought ten packages of bird food from the shopkeeper. Dong Shanhe put them in the back seat of the car and drove Liu Miaomiao home.

Back home, Liu Miaomiao couldn't help but want to tease these parrots. Although parrots are ornamental birds, they are really not used to being in a strange place.

Dong Shanhe hung them on the balcony, and Liu Miaomiao began to name the six parrots.

"Your name is Baifeng, and your name is Huangfeng." Liu Miaomiao first pointed to two large and medium-sized parrots.

She named the white cockatiel Baifeng and the cockatiel Huangfeng, but both parrots ignored her.

Liu Miaomiao focused on the budgerigar and the purple-headed parrot again, and began to name the four parrots, "You two are called Big Tiger and Little Tiger, and you two are called Big Green and Little Green." Hearing his wife's words, Dong Shanhe didn't want to leave the house. I couldn't help laughing out.

"Can you think of a more beautiful name? This name is too vulgar." What big tiger and little tiger, what little green and little green, you can't just call someone big green and little green if his whole body is green!

"I don't care, I just call it like that anyway, and they will belong to me from now on." Liu Miaomiao said something with a pouted mouth, then turned around and started teasing a few parrots.

"Come on, talk!" Liu Miaomiao said, pointing at the white cockatoo.

As for the parrots here, her favorite is the white cockatoo, and what responded to her was silence.

"Hurry up and talk, or if you don't talk, I'll kill you!" Liu Miaomiao gestured with his hands as he spoke.

"Killer! Killer!" Now not only the white cockatoo shouted, but also several other parrots shouted in unison, and the house was filled with excitement.

"Fortunately, the window on the balcony was closed, otherwise I would have to call 110 if someone overheard me." Dong Shanhe worriedly checked again whether the window on the balcony was closed tightly.

"Killer! Killer!" The parrots yelled together, ignoring Liu Miaomiao's instructions.

"Stop, stop!" Liu Miaomiao put her finger in front of her mouth as if to shut up, but the parrots couldn't understand this gesture.

The happy Dong Shanhe laughed, "Laugh again, laugh again, I will let you laugh again!" Liu Miaomiao, who was not sure about the parrot, turned around and gave Dong Shanhe two punches.

"You are responsible for training them for me, or you will sleep with them at night." Liu Miaomiao said and walked from the balcony to the living room.

Dong Shanhe shrugged, and could only do experiments with a few parrots honestly.

After Dong Shanhe closed the sliding door, he opened the cage and took out the white cockatoo, "Your sister, you dare to peck me!" When Dong Shanhe reached out to grab the parrot, he was pecked by the white phoenix. Dong Shanhe slapped it.

"Killer! Killer!" Bai Feng shouted after being slapped, and a sharp voice rang in Dong Shanhe's ear.

"Your sister, do you know how to say this! Say hello!" Dong Shanhe said while grabbing Bai Feng's wings.

"Hello! Hello!" Bai Feng opened his mouth and shouted.

"That's more obedient!" It seems that these parrots should have been trained briefly in the flower and bird shop, otherwise they would not open their mouths and say hello.

"Thank you!" "Thank you!" "I love you!" "I love you!" Bai Feng said a few more words after Dong Shanhe.

Not to mention that Dong Shanhe feels very interesting about parrot learning tongue, especially the sense of accomplishment is really spontaneous. Dong Shanhe suddenly thought of his future child, and it was the same way from babbling to being able to call daddy when he opened his mouth. Mom, wasn't that the same sense of accomplishment back then?

Although Baifeng's brain is relatively easy to use, Dong Shanhe did not forget his own method and sent Baifeng a second of space aura. Dong Shanhe felt that this parrot was relatively small, although it claimed to be able to grow to half a meter long. But that will only be available after half a year. Can we talk about it in the end? Anyway, feeding it some space aura will make it smarter. This can be known from Dong Shanhe's first pet hunting dog.

Dong Shanhe then sent the space aura to the remaining five parrots one by one, and then put them in the cage. It's not that Dong Shanhe is worried about these parrots, but that he hasn't trained them well yet. After two days of training them, they don't even need a cage, just let them fly around the house.

"I remember what kind of parrot has a long tail?" Dong Shanhe suddenly thought of a parrot with a long tail. It flies like a king of birds and is very beautiful. , but Dong Shanhe didn't see it in the flower and bird shop either.

"Forget it, let's buy it next time we have a chance!" Dong Shanhe opened the sliding door and walked to the living room. It was already past six o'clock and dinner was ready.

(End of this chapter)

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