My portable world of mixed farmers

Chapter 102 The Vulnerability of Space

Chapter 102 The Vulnerability of Space

For dinner, Dong Shanhe only made a meat dish for his daughter-in-law, and the rest were vegetables. Dong Shanhe personally doesn't like meat, if his wife doesn't like meat, he wouldn't cook a few meals of meat throughout the year.

"Honey, how about trying this bamboo shoot?" Dong Shanhe picked up a piece of bamboo shoot and put it in Liu Miaomiao's bowl.

The bamboo shoots were dug by Dong Shanhe in the bamboo forest of No. [-] land. Although Dong Shanhe had never dug bamboo shoots before, this did not prevent him from digging bamboo shoots. Thinking about what he saw in the Huaxia documentary on the tip of his tongue, Dong Shanhe Take a machete and start up the mountain.

"Not bad!" Liu Miaomiao took a sip, and then began to eat braised prawns. For her, no matter how delicious vegetables are, they are not as good as meat.

Dong Shanhe could only sigh helplessly, and began to eat by himself, what should we do?Ever since she became pregnant, her daughter-in-law has never eaten meat, but looking at her balloon-like body, Dong Shanhe is really afraid that her daughter-in-law will not be able to lose weight after giving birth.

Besides, it’s not good to always eat meat and not vegetables. My daughter-in-law hates taking medicine very much. She doesn’t eat vegetables and fruits, and she doesn’t even like calcium tablets. This caused her hands and feet to be swollen and her legs were sore, but She is still the same.

Dong Shanhe had no way to make her change her stuttering to eating vegetables and fruits, so she could only let her take calcium tablets every night, even if she didn't eat it, she would force her to eat it.

"Husband, can I not take the medicine!" Liu Miaomiao looked at Dong Shanhe with wide eyes and blinked.

"No, you must eat it, or you will give me a plate of vegetables for every meal, and three meals of fruit and milk a day, so that you don't need to take calcium tablets." calcium.

Since you don't want to eat supplements, then take medicine!As Dong Shanhe said, he stuffed two Diqiao calcium tablets into her mouth.

"Eat!" Dong Shanhe stared at Liu Miaomiao chewing, and went into the kitchen to wash the dishes after she had finished eating. Dong Shanhe knew that if he didn't stare at her, he would stuff this side into her mouth and go the other way. She would spit it out, Dong Shanhe did not encounter this kind of thing once or twice.

After tidying up everything, Dong Shanhe began to watch TV dramas with his wife. After watching an episode of Qing Yun Zhi, Liu Miaomiao stretched himself, and Dong Shanhe knew that she was sleepy.

After putting his wife to sleep, Dong Shanhe came out of the bedroom again.

Since Liu Miaomiao became pregnant, Dong Shanhe had less and less private time. It was better when he was at work, and he could still do his own things during working hours. After he resigned, he basically revolved around his wife .

"Mom, are you asleep? Oh, I see. Since Liu Qingyun brought the contract, I'll go back to my hometown tomorrow." Dong Shanhe received a call from his mother just after entering the study.

After the village party secretary Liu Qingyun took the contract to the higher-level department for record, he sent the contract to his hometown this afternoon and handed it over to his mother. This is what Dong Shanhe told him.

Dong Shanhe knew that he might be very busy, so he wouldn't have time to go back to the village to get it. Anyway, Liu Qingyun didn't dare not send it over if he said something to himself.

"Since the contract must be obtained, let's start working tomorrow!" Tomorrow will be the 26th of the twelfth lunar month, and if you don't work hard, it will be the New Year.

Dong Shanhe plans to salvage all the fish in the fish pond tomorrow, and then change the water. Although no one is farming aquatic products in this water area, someone has contracted it before.

Cage farming is not what Dong Shanhe needs. Dong Shanhe plans to replace this backwater.

However, the question of how to replace the dead water also gave Dong Shanhe a headache, "Maybe we can try it tomorrow?" Dong Shanhe thought of a way, although he hadn't tried it himself, but he still planned to try it.

Thinking of this, Dong Shanhe opened the aquaculture net again. Although he would catch some fish from the big river and put them in the fish pond, there are still some fish in the real world that the big river does not have.

"I also want to breed some rare fish, otherwise how will I make money at that time." If you want to do it, you can do big things. It's nothing to raise some grass carp and bighead carp. Although this kind of thing is easy to feed, it can't be sold at a price. Some rare fish such as Songjiang four-gilled perch, Changjiang shad, dace, trout, and red carp are worthy of spending space to renew their lives.

Dong Shanhe took a look at the website and found that he really didn't have aquaculture bases in his locality, and these rare and precious fish were not something that local people in Qicheng could breed.

Dong Shanhe took a look at the website, and found that several relatively large aquatic production bases were near Shanghai. Dong Shanhe took a look and planned to go there again after the new year.

"Oh, there are also ornamental fish!" Looking at the official website of this Huadong Aquatic Products Company, Dong Shanhe also found that their company also sells ornamental fish such as arhat fish, arowana, and hibiscus koi.

Dong Shanhe decided that he also needed to introduce a batch of breeding. "It seems that we need to fence a few small pools in the water area." The more expensive the fish, the harsher the breeding conditions. Dong Shanhe knew that there were Some fish have strict requirements for temperature. The water temperature of [-] degrees cannot fluctuate more than two degrees. As long as the water temperature difference is too large, the fish will die.

Dong Shanhe didn't leave a message for the company's mailbox. He planned to go to the site directly after the Chinese New Year, but he didn't see it clearly on the Internet.

After closing the webpage, Dong Shanhe started to log in his own penguin, and when the penguin logged in, the sound of beeping kept ringing instantly, which startled Dong Shanhe.

"Damn it, what's the matter?" Dong Shanhe encountered this kind of thing for the first time, so many people left him messages before.

Dong Shanhe tried to open a message, only to find that the package he had delivered had already arrived.

"Da Pao, I'm committed to you brother. In the past, I reluctantly recognized you as a brother for the sake of my sister-in-law. Now you are my real brother. When I come to Qingdao, I will ask you to take care of me!" Fatty's message remained the same. wretched.

"Da Pao, I didn't expect you to keep your word in addition to driving. When you come to Ann, I will ask you to take care of your health. Of course, you don't bring your sister-in-law here." wretched.

"Da Pao, my eldest brother, I decided to go to your house next year and bring you Nuodeng ham from my hometown and Pu'er tea I picked myself." Maomao actually sent a voice message to Dong Shanhe.

"Your sister, how many times have I told you that my penguin and my wife go up every day, can you stop being so explicit, and don't circle me, if you say I went, you are going to the big health care Or not to go?" Dong Shanhe immediately posted in the group.

"Then you go! Take your siblings with you!" Firefighter suddenly appeared. "The last time I agreed to come to Jinmen, I took you to the big health care, but in the end only Xiaoai and Fatty were left here, you are not lucky!" Firefighter said and sent a few grinning faces.

(End of this chapter)

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