My portable world of mixed farmers

Chapter 13 Crazy buying of hemp walnuts

Chapter 13 Crazy buying of hemp walnuts

"Hey, hey! Don't grab it, don't grab it, we have it all!" Looking at the people surrounded by tricycles in front of him, Dong Shanhe, who was in a hurry, had to shout loudly.

No way, who makes his business better now, you buy three catties and I buy five catties, in fact, Dong Shanhe doesn't know that wild hemp walnuts are much more fragrant than the artificially grown hemp walnuts he usually eats, people , is always not stingy about eating.

But Dong Shanhe was too busy alone, especially when the people around the tricycle saw Dong Shanhe bagging and weighing one by one, they always felt that this was too slow, and some people just picked up plastic bags and packed them by themselves.

If it wasn't for Dong Shanhe's sharp eyesight, some people would even sneak away after packing the bags. In order to prevent his walnuts from being sneaked away by others unscrupulously, Dong Shanhe had no choice but to put all the plastic bags in his arms .

"This group of guys are all in their 50s and [-]s. If they are still like this, do they need these tens of dollars?" Dong Shanhe, as a young man, of course doesn't understand, and he doesn't know how much cheaper the middle-aged and elderly people are for supermarkets. How crazy are dime eggs, and even some supermarkets can line up dozens of meters for people who buy cheap eggs every day.

"Come one by one, tell me how much you buy, and prepare the money, so that it will be convenient for the customers in the future." Dong Shanhe shouted loudly while busy.

The tricycle is not very big, and a car can only hold 2 snakeskin pockets. The onlookers at the gate of Jinxiu Jiangnan also directly attracted people from the Yinhe Green Garden on the opposite side.

What Chinese people like most is to join in the fun. When they saw Dong Shanhe’s tricycle circled around, they thought it was a lottery, but when they got closer, they turned out to be selling walnuts. They glanced at the shining 20 on the sign. The big characters of Yuan Yijin, I tasted the taste of wild hemp walnuts with my own mouth, and I was very satisfied immediately. Many people also took out their wallets, planning to buy some walnuts for their grandchildren.

Eat more walnuts to strengthen the brain, this is a thing that many people know, especially after learning that it is a wild hemp walnut, the mood of snapping up is even more exciting, especially some people take out their mobile phones to Baidu hemp walnut nutrition is It is even more crazy when artificially planting thin-skinned walnuts two or three times.

"My son is in the third grade of junior high school this year, and he is about to take the senior high school entrance examination. He studies until late every day. I want to buy him some more walnuts for him to eat, and see if he can improve his grades."

"Your son is only in the third year of junior high school. My son is now in the third year of high school. He studies until the early morning every day. I am afraid that he will not be able to hold on to the endless test papers. I heard that if you use your brain too much, you will become a fool. No, I want to buy it." Give him ten catties of walnuts."

Many middle-aged and elderly women immediately turned from thinking that this walnut was good to discussing their children's education.

For the sake of their children, these people are even more irrational. From two to three catties per person, it has become five catties and ten catties per person to carry home, isn't it just 200 yuan!For children, no amount of money is worth it. Besides, these walnuts are really delicious.

"Don't grab, don't grab! I'll give this grandma the last one. Wait a moment, I'll get two bags back when I get home, and I promise to come here again." Seeing that the two bags had bottomed out, Dong Shanhe couldn't help but Don't give the last five catties of walnuts in the pocket to the old woman with silvery hair. Looking at the old woman holding the hand of her granddaughter, Dong Shanhe couldn't help but think of her grandmother.

Many people who buy walnuts can only look at the empty cart and sigh, but this tricycle is too small.

"Young man, will you come back later?" "Young man, you must come over later!" "Young man, I'll be waiting for you!"

Dong Shanhe just started riding the tricycle when he heard the voice behind him, but to him, the voice was like the sound of nature, it was all money!
Tightening the bag on his body, Dong Shanhe rode a tricycle straight to the house, "wife, wife, how much money do you think I earned?" When he came home, Dong Shanhe poured all the money in the bag on the coffee table, I saw that the coffee table was covered with banknotes, red, black, and green.

When Liu Miaomiao came out of the bedroom and saw the money on the coffee table, she was also shocked.

"Is this what you earned just now?" Sitting on the sofa, Liu Miaomiao began to count one by one.

"A total of 4500 yuan, oh my God, in addition to the capital of 300 yuan, you sold it for 4200 yuan. If you split it in half, we earned 2100 yuan in these two hours." Till now, Liu Miaomiao didn't know that the money was all from himself. of.

"Well! You put all this money away, I will keep 500 yuan, and then I will go again. There are still many people here in Jinxiu Jiangnan who haven't bought it? In addition to Jinxiu Jiangnan, I can also go to Shuimu Tsinghua University, Longcheng Bieyuan, Wanda Plaza, and Evergrande Yujingwan are several large districts." Dong Shanhe felt that even if a district could sell a snakeskin pocket, it would not be a problem to find more than a dozen districts in Qicheng.

"Husband, you are awesome! I love you so much! Mua~~~" Liu Miaomiao hugged Dong Shanhe with a big belly and kissed him.

"Be careful, I'm going right away." Dong Shanhe hugged Liu Miaomiao and turned to leave.

Dong Shanhe went out from Swan Bay on a tricycle. He didn't dare to put walnuts on the car in the community, so he had to ride the bicycle to the woods along the river, put two bags in it and leave.

"It seems that I have to rent two warehouses. Otherwise, I will do this every time. If someone finds out, I will be finished." But before renting a house, I still need to make money.

Carrying two large sacks of walnuts, Dong Shanhe came to Jinxiu Jiangnan again. There was no way, Dong Shanhe had to go, otherwise he would never leave here in the future.

After Dong Shanhe stopped the car, the people who came after hearing the news surrounded his car again and started to rush to buy. Although the two big snakeskin pockets were very big, each bag was only one hundred catties, and each person bought five catties. If it is, it is only enough to sell 40 people.

But after all, not everyone's children are in the third year of high school, and not everyone likes to eat walnuts. When the crowd dispersed, there were about seven or eight catties of walnuts left in Dong Shanhe's car.

"Dong Shanhe!" Just as Dong Shanhe was about to leave and go home, a female voice came from behind.

Dong Shanhe turned around and saw that it was an old classmate, "You are Wang Dong? Do you live here?" Wang Dong is Dong Shanhe's middle school classmate, but he has never seen him since graduating from high school, except for New Year's Eve I met him a few times during class reunions, but I only heard that he was married, but he didn't know where he lived.

"I live here. When I went out just now, I saw you very familiar. I didn't expect it to be you? When did you start business?" Looking at Dong Shanhe riding a tricycle and carrying a small bag, I thought Dong Shanhe Shanhe started a small business.

"I have time on the weekend. I'll sell walnuts for my friends." Dong Shanhe grabbed a handful of walnuts from his pocket and stuffed them into Wang Dong's hands. Although the relationship between Dong Shanhe and Wang Dong was not very good, but She has a good relationship with her twin brother Wang Fei.

"This walnut is very fragrant, leave it all to me!" Wang Dong said after growing one.

"Give me 100 yuan!" Although he didn't have a name, Dong Shanhe could feel that the rest of it weighed seven or eight catties, but it didn't matter anymore!

(End of this chapter)

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