My portable world of mixed farmers

Chapter 14 1 days 2 million

Chapter 14

After packing up all the walnuts and handing them to Wang Dong, Dong Shanhe rode a tricycle back home.

"It's 11:30, and I can go home and cook a meal for my wife." Dong Shanhe would always go home and cook for his wife whenever he had time. He was worried that his wife would go out to eat alone. I feel unhealthy.

Whistling along the way, Dong Shanhe happily wandered home, thinking that he sold four bags of walnuts in one morning, how could he feel unhappy, one bag can earn at least 2000 yuan, and he earned [-] yuan in one morning.

"The days are too short now, this morning has passed in a short time, and only four bags have been sold, and there are still a few more bags in the space! How long will it take to sell them all?" People always have Greedy, Dong Shanhe originally thought that he could earn 1 yuan a day and be satisfied, but this time he earned 2 yuan in less than half a day. At this rate, it is easy to earn [-] yuan a day.

"It's still too slow to sell retail by myself, it's really too slow." But Dong Shanhe knew that he could only do this, there was no way, why couldn't he tell anyone about this?
"Rent a warehouse tomorrow, I can't be here anymore!" Dong Shanhe plans to find a warehouse and rent it as soon as possible tomorrow at noon, at most 2000 yuan a month, but the safety is guaranteed!

When he got home, Liu Miaomiao was still sitting on the sofa, and the money on the coffee table was still there.

"Didn't I tell you to put away the money? Why haven't you put it away yet?" Dong Shanhe was surprised. According to his wife's usual personality, he had already put away the money, and when he came back, he would still ask for it Money, but what happened today?
"It's too easy for us to earn this money! We earn two thousand at a time, and another two thousand again. If this continues, earning 1 yuan a day always feels like a dream to me." Hearing what Liu Miaomiao said, Dong Shanhe realized It was a sigh of relief, it turned out that his silly wife hadn't woken up from this stimulation yet.

"Husband, is what you said really true? Did you do something illegal? I don't want to bring you food with a big belly in the future?" Liu Miaomiao turned around and hugged her Touching Dong Shanhe's arm, he seemed to be crying a little.

"Hey hey hey! Wake up, wake up! Clap clap!" Dong Shanhe patted Liu Miaomiao's face while talking.

"It hurts! What are you doing? Why are you hitting me?" Liu Miaomiao was hurt by Dong Shanhe's beating, and she opened her mouth to bite.

"Are you a dog? I've said it all. I earned all the money. How could I do illegal things? I don't even run red lights. How can I have the guts to do illegal things? Besides, I can What kind of illegal things can make me earn 1 yuan a day?" Dong Shanhe intends to negotiate with Liu Miaomiao and not let her go on like this, and it may hurt her heart to be so worried.

"I told you to take the money, so you just take it, so much nonsense, do you still want to buy a house for your child?" Dong Shanhe poured out the more than 4000 yuan he just earned from his satchel while talking.

"I'm going to cook, you think about it carefully." Those who can enlighten will also enlighten. As for whether my stupid wife can figure it out, it's up to her.

But Dong Shanhe also has a headache, what if his stupid wife doesn't turn her head around?
"Forget it, let's take one step at a time! As long as I'm not afraid." When he first got the space, Dong Shanhe didn't act like the protagonist in the novel. Benz, kicking the US emperor, Dong Shanhe doesn't have such big ambitions, and thinks those people are like fools.

If the government knows about the space, it is the easiest way to take it in. It is not impossible to snatch it directly, or put it under house arrest to be a guinea pig. For a house, after quitting his job, he can earn more than [-] yuan a month, which is enough.

With such an income, Dong Shanhe is very satisfied. He can take his wife and children to travel, and he can do some things if he wants to.

"When I have money, buy a house, buy a car, sleep as long as you want, play as long as you want, this is the best life." Dong Shanhe I never feel that I am a great person. As for what Spider-Man said, how much ability is there, and how much responsibility is there?This kind of chicken soup for the soul has long been immune to him, how could such a stupid thing brainwash himself.

"I'm making money, I'm making money, and I don't even know how to spend it. I have an apple in my left hand and a Samsung in my right hand, bah bah bah! I'm rice noodles, not fruit noodles." The happy Dong Shanhe hummed while cooking Song.

Before Dong Shanhe was ready to cook, Liu Miaomiao walked into the kitchen, "Husband, come on, earn more money, buy a house for the children, and if you have the ability to buy another house for yourself, when you have money, you Also buy a car, don't buy any Haval, I know you have liked the Grand Cherokee for a long time." Liu Miaomiao hugged Dong Shanhe from behind.

"You idiot, isn't everything I did for you and my child! How could I do those illegal things? I don't want to see my child, and I don't want to leave a stain, so that the child can't hold his head up in the future To see people."

"Okay! Okay, let go first, the food will be ready soon!" At noon, Dong Shanhe simply made a stir-fried vegetable lettuce and a spicy prawn.

After eating, Dong Shanhe didn't delay for long. After washing, he hurriedly rode his bicycle to continue selling walnuts.

If you don’t sell it, you can’t do it. Now it’s more than one o’clock, and it takes as long as one trip. If the speed is faster, you can sell three trips in one afternoon.

In order to earn more money, Dong Shanhe didn't bother to go for a walk with his wife, and left in a hurry on three rounds.

This time, Dong Shanhe rode a tricycle instead of going to Jinxiu Jiangnan Community, but went directly west to the community next to No. [-] Middle School, Shuimu Tsinghua.

No. 8000 Middle School is a provincial key high school with at least [-] students in the high school. The entire community of Shuimu Tsinghua University is almost full of parents who accompany their children to school. I learned from selling walnuts in the morning that these parents who go to school for their children, for their children’s study, really Is willing to spend money.

After Dong Shanhe came to Shuimu Tsinghua University on a tricycle, the same thing happened again in the morning.

In particular, Dong Shanhe has already written a sentence on the back of the big brand name, brain-building.

This effect is simply more effective than six walnuts.

(End of this chapter)

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