My portable world of mixed farmers

Chapter 56 Grabbing a Parking Space 【Please recommend!Ask for collection! 】

Chapter 56 Grabbing a Parking Space 【Please recommend!Ask for collection! 】

"Honey, how am I doing today?" Dong Shanhe asked while driving the car.

"It's not bad!" Liu Miaomiao was very satisfied with Dong Shanhe's performance today, especially for her face at home.

When her mother found out that Dong Shanhe had bought the car, Liu Miaomiao's triumphant excitement broke through the sky.

That expression said, "Look how good it is for me to find a husband! Look! Take a look!" The mother-in-law slapped Liu Miaomiao in response.

But Liu Miaomiao still didn't care, the two of them left from the mother-in-law's natal house after dinner.

"Husband, let's not go home, okay? Let's go to the night market!" Liu Miaomiao suddenly said to Dong Shanhe.

"What? Going to the night market?" Dong Shanhe glanced at his watch. Although it was only seven o'clock, Dong Shanhe was still more worried about his wife's safety. After all, he had traveled a long distance today, so he couldn't go on like this.

"You don't want to?" Liu Miaomiao asked in a raised voice.

"Is your body okay? If not, don't hold on. We have plenty of time. If you don't come today, you can do the same tomorrow!" Dong Shanhe said with concern.

"I don't want you to be sent to the hospital with a stomachache!" Under the threat of his own wife, Dong Shanhe finally agreed to her sudden decision.

"Let's go shopping for a while, just for a while." Dong Shanhe was still worried.

"All right, all right! Just talk too much!" Liu Miaomiao said impatiently.

It's really unpleasant that I want to go to the night market on a whim and push back and forth, but Liu Miaomiao also knows that her husband cares about him.

"I'm not a child, I've been chattering all day, even more than my mother!" Liu Miaomiao muttered softly.

Dong Shanhe, who had already strengthened his ears, heard everything in his ears verbatim.

"Where are we going?" Dong Shanhe finally asked.

"Go to Huaxia!" Huaxia Supermarket is the largest and oldest supermarket in Qicheng, and it is also a local supermarket in Qicheng. Although it is not well-known, in the eyes of Qicheng people, it is more meaningful than Carrefour, Wal-Mart, and RT-Mart.

"Okay!" Dong Shanhe speeded up and went straight to Huaxia.

Huaxia Supermarket is located in the city center of Qicheng, opposite to the People's Hospital, to the east is the No. [-] Middle School, to the south is the No. [-] Middle School, and to the north is the No. [-] Middle School. It is really a treasure of Fengshui.

It is precisely because the location of Huaxia Supermarket is so good that this place is a traffic jam area from morning till night.

"Dididi! Madan, why are you driving!" They all cursed in the car.

Just turning left from Huaihai Road to Qicheng Road, and soon to Huaxia, Dong Shanhe drove the car carefully, after all, there are many cars in this place.

But Dong Shanhe still yelled at the car that jumped out suddenly and jammed it in front of his car.

"Why is the quality of people so low?" Although Dong Shanhe really wanted to learn the way of going straight past without slowing down in the video, but when he thought that there was a pregnant daughter-in-law in the car, it would be better to do less than to do more. Just two sentences.

It doesn't matter to the car in front, anyway, it's his responsibility to change lanes illegally, and it's a big crime to hurt his own wife!
"Okay, okay! Isn't it just a stop? Be less angry, calm down! Calm down!" Liu Miaomiao continued to comfort Dong Shanhe.

"I listen to my daughter-in-law, I don't have the same knowledge as him! We are young people with higher education, we must show our high quality!" Dong Shanhe depressedly opened a car window to let in the air.

"It's here!" Dong Shanhe followed the car slowly and after 3 minutes, he arrived at the entrance of Huaxia Supermarket.

Due to the very good location, the parking spaces at the entrance of Huaxia are very tight, and it is an old supermarket without even an underground garage. Dong Shanhe used his [-] eyesight to observe carefully and found that there was still a parking space without a car.

"There is still a parking space, hurry up!" Dong Shanhe turned the steering wheel and headed inside.

"Squeak!" Dong Shanhe slammed on the brakes, and the two people in the car fell straight forward. If they were not wearing seat belts, they would definitely hit the front window.

"How do you drive? Can you drive?" Dong Shanhe rolled down the window and shouted at the car in front of him.

I just stopped and was about to reverse the car into the garage, but a car came out from nowhere and squeezed directly into the parking space.

If Dong Shanhe hadn't braked in time, he might have hit the car directly.

"You don't care how I drive! It's amazing to drive a good car!" At this time, two people got off the white CRV.

Dong Shanhe felt nauseous looking at the natural attire of killing Matt and burying his beloved family.

"Bang bang bang! What about you? Can you drive? I've already occupied this parking space, who told you to squeeze in?" Dong Shanhe slammed the car window vigorously and roared.

"Are you in place? Why do you say that? If I occupy it first, it will belong to me!" said the young man with red hair.

"Daughter-in-law, wait for me, don't get out of the car!" Dong Shanhe turned around and said something to his daughter-in-law, then opened the door and got out of the car.

"Apologize to me, you almost hurt someone!" Dong Shanhe came in front of the two and said to the red hair who seemed to be the leader.

"Which onion are you? Are you looking for trouble? I called seventeen or eight people and immediately smashed your car!" said the yellow hair behind the red hair disdainfully.

Dong Shanhe really didn't like such a young man at all, and he thought he was some kind of big shot if he didn't know this tone!
"Apologize to me! Or I'll smash your car! Isn't it just a broken car of a little RB devil? Isn't it worth more than 20 yuan? Believe it or not?" Dong Shanhe took a step forward and grabbed the red car. Mao's collar roared.

At this time, more and more people gathered at the entrance of the supermarket. Chinese people naturally love to join in the fun.

"Where are you?" Before Hongmao could finish his sentence, he was so frightened that he couldn't speak. He found that Dong Shanhe had brought him up abruptly.

"Apologize to me! Otherwise, I will let you have a taste of my fist as big as a sand bowl. Anyway, the People's Hospital is opposite, and I have plenty of money!" With red hair.

At this time, let alone the red hair and the yellow hair behind him were surprised, even Liu Miaomiao in the car and the surrounding crowd were dumbfounded.

My dear, is this still human?Dong Shanhe looks thin and weak, not even 1.8 meters tall, but he can lift an adult with one hand.

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Hongmao said stumblingly.

"Speak louder, I didn't hear it!" Dong Shanhe said angrily, he was about to smash Lao Tzu's car, and he didn't even look at how much he had.

"I'm sorry!" the red hair shouted loudly.

"Hmph!" Be careful next time!Dong Shanhe pushed back, the red hair fell to the ground, and he stumbled back two steps.

"Give me the car!" Dong Shanhe said to the two who bowed their heads and were about to leave.

"Okay!" After 2 minutes, Hong Mao still drove his CRV away, leaving the original parking space.

"Daughter-in-law, come down!" Dong Shanhe smiled and shouted to Liu Miaomiao in the car.

(End of this chapter)

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