My portable world of mixed farmers

Chapter 57 One Punch Down [Please recommend!Ask for collection! 】

Chapter 57 One Punch Down [Please recommend!Ask for collection! 】

"Boss, shall we just leave it like this?" Hong Mao parked his car here more than 100 meters away from the Huaxia Supermarket.

"Who am I, Lin Xiaoyun? How can I swallow this breath? I'll call right away. I will call a dozen people to beat him up. How dare I scare me." Lin Xiaoyun yelled crazily in the car.

Who would have thought that he would be so ridiculed for grabbing a parking space?Who would have thought that the man in front of him who was neither tall nor strong could lift himself up with one hand?

"So what if you are strong? The tiger is no match for the pack of wolves. Take a knife and cut off his tendons and tendons!" Lin Xiaoyun said, then took out the phone and started calling.

"Brother Long? I'm Xiaoyun. I was bullied just now at the entrance of Huaxia Supermarket. I don't know you. I mentioned your name. It doesn't work. People don't care about me at all. They don't treat you at all." Keep it in your eyes!" Lin Xiaoyun said emphatically to Brother Long on the other end of the phone.

"Okay, okay! I'll be waiting for you. They have gone to Huaxia Supermarket, but the car is still parked outside. They will definitely come out again. I will wait for him outside." Lin Xiaoyun said humbly to Brother Long on the other end of the phone Said.

"Hmph! That man is finished. Brother Long said he will bring 20 people over! Li Jiaqiang, you have to give him a good beating in a while!" Huangmao also came to beat him up.

"Husband, those red and yellow hairs are not a good thing at first glance. Will they take revenge on us later?" Liu Miaomiao asked worriedly.

"Who knows, I guess they will, but it doesn't matter, now is a society ruled by law, if they dare to do something, I won't be stupid to beat them!" Ever since Dong Shanhe discovered that his strength was getting stronger and stronger, Dong Shanhe had a very serious attitude toward the former gangster. It is also becoming more and more unattractive.

What is the difference between the Shamat aristocrat and the shirtless and tattooed gangster at the beginning of the century?No.

Another thing Dong Shanhe has the greatest confidence in is that he is someone else, and his eldest brother's brother is a very famous gangster, but he has successfully gone ashore to clean up his crimes, and several of them have opened an entertainment club in partnership.

I also have a lot of brothers who were in the society at the beginning. Although I don't know if they are still in the society now, but if I make a phone call, many people will definitely come to give me a posture.

Of course, Dong Shanhe felt that if he could not trouble others, he would not bother others.

Hearing Dong Shanhe's answer, Liu Miaomiao was relieved a lot, but then she remembered Dong Shanhe's actions just now.

"Husband, when did your strength become so strong? You used to struggle to lift me up, but now you can lift a person with one hand?" Liu Miaomiao was inconceivable about Dong Shanhe's actions just now. She felt that Dong Shanhe just now Shanhe is really full of masculinity.

When a man stands up for a woman regardless of everything, it makes a woman feel full of security.

"I don't know, but I think I was angry just now, otherwise I would never do such a thing. I tried it at noon. I can hold the 100-jin fish tank with both hands alone, but once Lifting a person with only one hand, I don't know why?" Even if he didn't know why, Dong Shanhe definitely knew that it was the benefit of space.

Since getting the space, Dong Shanhe's original myopia has become two-point-zero eyes. At first, even his wife couldn't hold him, and he could carry a fish tank weighing more than 100 kilograms in the car, and he could even lift a fish tank with one hand. adults.

"Stop talking about that, let's go shopping!" Dong Shanhe took Liu Miaomiao's hand and walked inside.

The first floor of Huaxia Supermarket sells all kinds of daily necessities, the second floor is all kinds of food, the third floor is home appliances, and the fourth floor is clothing. Dong Shanhe first brought his wife to the third floor.

"We are going to decorate a new house soon, and we need to buy some good home appliances." All TVs, refrigerators and washing machines are replaced with big, expensive ones.

The [-]-inch TV was replaced by an [-]-inch one. If it wasn't [-]-inch, it would be the biggest one here. Dong Shanhe wanted to replace it with a [-]-inch TV.

Dong Shanhe, who considers himself a gentle and royal man, chooses domestic brands. Although so many people say that domestic products are not good and the quality is not good, this and that, Dong Shanhe really wants to say to them, "I made my own products. If you don’t support it yourself, how can they make better products, and you can catch up with the development of old capitalist countries for hundreds of years after you have been a local turtle for 30 years?”

"Husband, what do you think of this washing machine?" "Husband, do you think this color air conditioner is good?" "Husband, do you think this brand of refrigerator is okay!" After shopping around, Liu Miaomiao, who had already let go, chirped and greeted With Dong Shanhe.

"Okay!" "Buy!" "This refrigerator is too small!" Dong Shanhe kept responding.

"Honey, let's buy some big ones. Don't be afraid of spending money. Earning money is for spending! In two days, we will have more money." Now it is NO.14, and in three days Poly's The auction will start, and a lot of money will definitely be auctioned at that time. Dong Shanhe can know this from the news about the century-old ginseng on the Internet news. It has bombarded the eyes and brains of many people overwhelmingly.

After picking out a bunch of home appliances, Dong Shanhe didn't immediately spend money to buy them back home. The new house hasn't been renovated yet, so he wasn't in a hurry to buy it, and besides, he had no place to put it.

"It's almost nine o'clock, daughter-in-law, should we go home!" Dong Shanhe glanced at his watch and asked his daughter-in-law sitting beside him.

"Go home!" Liu Miaomiao stood up in response, and walked towards the elevator with Dong Shanhe's arm.

"Why haven't this couple of dogs come out yet?" Red-haired Lin Xiaoyun kept muttering.

Brother Long's manpower has already arrived, and all five cars are parked in front of Huaxia Supermarket, waiting for Dong Shanhe to come out.

As soon as Dong Shanhe came out, he immediately rushed up to punch and kick Dong Shanhe.

"Come out, come out! Brother Yun, those two are out!" the yellow-haired Liu Jiaqiang shouted excitedly.

"I saw it, get out of the car!" Hongmao excitedly opened the door and was about to get out of the car.

At this time, Dong Shanhe also noticed something was wrong. Isn't the CVR parked next to his car the same as Hong Mao's car just now?Since it is now parked in front of his car, it is likely that he is here for revenge.

"Daughter-in-law, back off and go back to the supermarket!" Dong Shanhe reached out to stop Liu Miaomiao who was walking forward.

"What's wrong?" Liu Miaomiao seemed to have forgotten what happened just now.

"It's okay, the troublemaker is here, you go back quickly, I will be distracted if you are here." Dong Shanhe waved back, and Liu Miaomiao took two steps back.

"Go back quickly, they don't dare to enter the supermarket to make trouble!" Dong Shanhe turned his head and shouted at Liu Miaomiao.

"Bang!" Hong Mao who had just stepped out of the car was punched down by Dong Shanhe who quickly ran up to him.

Hongmao didn't know what was going on when he fainted, because there were Venus in front of his eyes, followed by endless darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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