My portable world of mixed farmers

Chapter 61 Pink Diamond Ring [Please recommend!Ask for collection]

Chapter 61 Pink Diamond Ring [Please recommend!Ask for collection]

Starting a family and starting a business, starting a business and starting a family, always complement each other, but also contradict each other.

Dong Shanhe didn't want to be looked like a school student who just graduated, so he could only wear mature men's clothes, and sooner or later he would do business.

"Honey, let's go to the department store!" Dong Shanhe knew that there were no well-known brands in the clothing section of the department store, but the clothes inside were indeed beautiful and of good quality.

Before getting married, Dong Shanhe gritted his teeth and bought a dress worth 4000 yuan for his daughter-in-law.

It hurts to think of Dong Shanhe. Although she was very moved after giving it to her daughter-in-law, she only wore it a few times and never wore it again.

"Honey, slow down, slow down!" Dong Shanhe felt his arm being tightly held by Liu Miaomiao.

"What's wrong?" Dong Shanhe asked in confusion.

"Don't walk so fast, I can't keep up!" Liu Miaomiao said a little bit aggrieved.

"Look at my brain, I just went to buy clothes for you, I'm sorry, let's slow down!" Dong Shanhe said and slowed down.

It was just that he was a little excited just now, and after realizing it, he and his wife walked slowly through the crowd.

"Daughter-in-law, should we take a look at the ring?" Dong Shanhe suddenly thought of something when passing Laofengxiang Gold Store.

"Ah?" Before Liu Miaomiao could react, Dong Shanhe directly dragged her to Laofengxiang Gold Store.

"Welcome!" Dong Shanhe and his daughter-in-law had just walked into Laofengxiang when they saw a sea of ​​people inside, and they couldn't squeeze.

"Let's see for ourselves!" Dong Shanhe said to the service staff at the door, and then led Liu Miaomiao inside.

"I didn't buy you a big diamond ring when I got married. I know you always kept it in mind. Now that we have money, I decided to buy you a big diamond ring!" Dong Shanhe said to his wife beside him.

Both myself and Liu Miaomiao are from Qicheng, and the marriage is also in accordance with the rules of Qicheng. In addition to the colorful and green, there are three golds, but there is no diamond ring. This makes Liu Miaomiao, who is studying outside, very unhappy. She really wants a diamond. The ring is often mentioned in Dong Shanhe's ears after marriage.

But Dong Shanhe could only smile. Whenever he made up his mind to buy a diamond ring for his daughter-in-law, Liu Miaomiao would always refuse. It wasn't that she didn't want it, but she knew that her family didn't have much money, and the money she earned needed to buy a house.

"Hmm!" Liu Miaomiao stared at Dong Shanhe with wide eyes. She remembered that she had never mentioned this matter since she was pregnant, but now that Dong Shanhe suddenly mentioned this matter, Liu Miaomiao was a little surprised, but more is happiness.

A woman is always an emotional creature. She doesn't care about the righteousness of her family and country. She only cares that the person she loves loves herself more, cares about herself more, and cares about herself more.

She hopes that her man can remember every anniversary of her, give herself a small surprise occasionally, and make life romantic, without the seven-year itch.

Time is always cruel, how beautiful it was at the beginning, and finally returned to plainness in the long river of time.

"I will keep your words in my heart forever!" Dong Shanhe held Liu Miaomiao's hand tightly, and led her to a counter.

The Laofengxiang Gold Store has a large area, but more than half of the place sells gold jewelry. The crowds that Dong Shanhe saw were mainly buying gold jewelry, especially gold bars and bricks.

This reminded Dong Shanhe of the news that Chinese aunts are crazy about buying gold. It is always said that Chinese aunts will lose money buying gold, but they don’t know that the biggest use of these people buying gold is to wear it for themselves, and to leave family heirlooms for their children. Investment is just incidental.

"Hi sir, welcome to Laofengxiang Gold Store." Dong Shanhe came to the counter and saw a young girl coming to provide service.

"Let's take a look at the diamond ring." Dong Shanhe said with a smile.

Dong Shanhe is very happy to be able to do something that his daughter-in-law has missed for a long time and make up for her regrets.

"What do you think of this?" Dong Shanhe pointed to a white diamond ring and said.

This diamond ring looks very beautiful. Although Dong Shanhe knows that diamonds are all blown out and marketed after hundreds of years of brainwashing, but women are so brainwashed, so Dong Shanhe can only pinch his nose when he makes mistakes. admit.

"De Beers, don't let me find diamond mines in space in the future, I will sell them as coal!" Dong Shanhe thought viciously in his heart.

"Uh! Even if I find a diamond mine, I won't be able to mine it!" Thinking that diamond mines are basically buried hundreds of meters deep, Dong Shanhe can only give up this idea.

"I like this?" Liu Miaomiao pointed to a pink diamond ring next to her, pink ring?

"This lady has a good eye. This is the work of our old Fengxiang's top craftsman. The pink diamond is paired with 995 platinum. This is the only thing in our Qicheng store. It happened to be out today." Regarding the service staff's just-in-time interjection, Dong Shanhe didn't believe it, what was the only one, Dong Shanhe believed that if he bought it today, there would be another exactly the same thing in this place tomorrow, and what they said was just a psychological hint.

"I like it, let's buy it!" Dong Shanhe glanced at the price next to it, eighty-eight thousand.

"It's too expensive!" Liu Miaomiao said timidly, but the eyes that kept staring at Fan Jie betrayed her heart.

"Buy!" Dong Shanhe replied righteously.

"Take it out and try it out first? We'll buy it if it suits you!" Dong Shanhe said to the service staff.

Soon the pink ring came to Liu Miaomiao's hand. Although the pregnant Liu Miaomiao's fingers were a little swollen, after adjustment, the diamond ring was still worn on her right ring finger.

"Swipe the card!" Seeing his daughter-in-law smiling, Dong Shanhe directly took out the bank card and handed it to the service staff.

After swiping the bank card and entering the password, Dong Shanhe quietly looked at his daughter-in-law after signing.

"A good horse with a good saddle, a good diamond ring with good clothes! Daughter-in-law, let's go shopping for clothes!" Dong Shanhe walked out with a small bag in one hand and led Liu Miaomiao in the other.

"Diamond ring, diamond ring! I haven't put it down yet!" Liu Miaomiao said anxiously, the diamond ring was still in her hand.

"I wear it, and I bought it to wear it!" Dong Shanhe said aggressively, if you buy it, you can wear it. It's better not to buy it under the box.

"Hey! Lao Fengxiang still buys gold?" When he walked to the door, Dong Shanhe saw a small counter that said buying gold, but the counter was too small, and basically not many people would see it .

"Go shopping for clothes!" Dong Shanhe walked out of the gate holding Liu Miaomiao's hand.

Along the way, Liu Miaomiao tightly held Dong Shanhe's big hand, feeling his warmth and happiness.

 I didn’t recommend it for two consecutive weeks, and I was so drunk!
  Write your own story, feel free to recommend anything!

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(End of this chapter)

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