Chapter 62
"Brother, do you have time tonight?" After buying clothes, Dong Shanhe started calling his brother when he got home.

"Evening! I don't know? You should have time, right?" the eldest brother Dong Shanhai said uncertainly.

The construction site is already on holiday, but there may be another batch of small road goods coming tonight. Dong Shanhai is not sure whether he will come tonight.

"Brother, I told Brother Zhi yesterday that I want to invite him to dinner tonight. Brother Zhi said that he will be called Brother Bin, Brother Bo and the others. You also come together. If the goods come, we will help you do it together!" Dong Shanhe helped the boss unload the goods not once or twice.

"Okay, where is it?" Dong Shanhai didn't know about Dong Shanhe's arrest last night.

"Among the water and clouds at night! I still have something to tell you!" Dong Shanhe has already decided on the place to treat guests to dinner tonight.

Shuiyunjian is a well-known leisure restaurant in Qicheng. The place is not very big, but it is quite famous. If the chef is not a friend of my uncle, Dong Shanhe would not choose that place.

Qicheng is a coal city, and there are subsidences everywhere. Even his hometown, Qizhen, has five coal mines, which shows how this place has collapsed.

Therefore, many subsidence places have been contracted by many people, some for aquaculture and some for water parks.

The Shuiyunjian chosen by Dong Shanhe is the relatively large water park in Qicheng. Although it is not the largest, it is the most famous, because Shuiyunjian breeds a lot of unique aquatic products, so his private kitchen is even more famous.

"Second brother, why did you choose this place? It's not worth [-] to [-] yuan this night?" The boss was shocked when he heard that Dong Shanhe chose Shuiyunjian. The director of the construction committee came to eat once.

"Brother, it's fine if you come at night. I have something to tell you at night, and you will know it by then." Dong Shanhe knew that the explanation was not clear on the phone, so he had to prepare to explain it in the evening, and earned money by himself. I may earn more money in the future, so I can't just hide it from my family for the rest of my life.

What's more, my family is not very rich, and I always try to give some help to my family. If my elder brother is willing, he can sponsor some to make him a small contractor. The contractor is also good.

The eldest uncle also wanted to set up a personal company very early, but the financial ability was not enough to support him.

The other relatives tried to help as much as they could, and they never shirked when they helped themselves before.

"Okay, I'll go tonight!" Hearing the boss's promise, Dong Shanhe called Brother Zhi again.

Brother Zhi then notified the other brothers. After Chen Zhi answered the phone and notified everyone, Dong Shanhe started to catch some wild game in the space.

The biggest specialty of Shuiyunjian is aquatic products, and the other game is some game such as pheasant, duck and rabbit. As for other game, it is basically artificially raised and impure.

After explaining to his wife, Dong Shanhe went to Land No. [-] to catch some wild game.

Back and forth, Dong Shanhe brought several large buckets and a large bundle of nylon ropes purchased earlier, and started to set off against the dog.

After arriving at No. [-] ground, Dong Shanhe first started to lift up the ground cage that had been put down,
After four or five days in the small river, the ground cage is filled with fresh fish, whether it is a huge freshwater prawn or a foot-long eel, whether it is a plump kudzu fish or a fresh and tender white fish, Dong Shanhe puts five or six fresh fish into the river. The big water buckets were full, and there was no place to put the two ground cages left.

"It seems that this place will buy 20 to [-] large water buckets in the future!" Originally, Dong Shanhe wanted to buy more ground cages, but now it seems that he can't finish the fish caught by four [-]-meter-long ground cages. At most, it is a gift.

"You can bring white fish, green shrimp, and rice field eels!" There are not many rice field eels in winter, and rice field eels in Qicheng are all summer.

After preparing a few servings of seafood, Dong Shanhe started to catch some pure wild game again.

After crossing the small river, Dong Shanhe began to catch some wild game. He was able to use superpowers to catch fresh ones. Dong Shanhe used his abilities. He used his air dogs to catch those that could not be caught by birds flying in the sky. , but only one of this kind was shot down. This time, what Dong Shanhe shot down was an animal that looked like a goose. There is a very famous dish is roasted old goose, the cheapest roasted old goose costs more than 500, and the most expensive roasted old goose costs more than 1000.

"Taste the taste of wild swans too." In Dong Shanhe's eyes, there is nothing that cannot be eaten. Besides, there is no one in this ghostly place, so how much damage can it cause to nature.

Dong Shanhe is not that kind of extreme animal protection, besides, he also dislikes those extreme animal protection, he is simply green.

"Quail!" Dong Shanhe found a group of quails in the grass not far away. He and his friends went to catch quails before, but they could only be caught at night. Now they appeared openly in broad daylight. Dong Shanhe didn't know Is it the evolution of animals, or the eating of human beings that make them move from day to night.

Quail is not very big, it looks like a flying bird, about the size of a pigeon.

"Damn, there's a group of special pheasants!" Dong Shanhe caught a group of more than a dozen quails and tied them in his hands. After walking more than 100 meters, he found another group of pheasants. no the same.

The red feathers of this pheasant are the same as the common ones, but the entire abdomen is white, and the red and white colors are very distinct.

"Never mind him! Catch it first!" Dong Shanhe used his superpower to catch pheasants again.

This time the vigilance of the pheasants was much better than that of the dumb quails. Dong Shanhe only caught five or six of them.

Dragging a string of more than a dozen quails in his left hand and five or six pheasants in his right hand, Dong Shanhe began to walk inside.

Dong Shanhe hadn't inspected the grassland in Land No. [-] carefully, and he didn't know what was in the depths of the grassland. In fact, Dong Shanhe mainly wanted to see what fresh animals could be eaten.

"What kind of dog is this?" Dong Shanhe stood behind a tree and watched a slender dog not far away tracking a wild rabbit.

With his [-] eyesight, Dong Shanhe could see clearly. His whole body was completely black without any stray hairs. His slender body and tense muscles all looked so graceful, especially when he was chasing hares. The high-speed disguise of time is simply incredible.

"Catch it!" Dong Shanhe was going to catch this hunting dog, not for eating, but for playing.

(End of this chapter)

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