My portable world of mixed farmers

Chapter 84 Eight Mile Village, 8 Mu of Water Area 【Please recommend!Ask for collection! 】

Chapter 84 Bali Village, [-] mu of water [Please recommend!Ask for collection! 】

Qizhen, a thousand-year-old town, has been passed down for more than 500 years since the state of Chu in the Warring States Period until now, but it is a pity that it is still a town.

Dong Shanhe's hometown is here. He was born in Qizhen, grew up in Qizhen, went to school in Qizhen, and didn't leave Qizhen until he was in high school.

For Qi Zhen, Dong Shanhe always has happiness in his heart.

After Dong Shanhe sent his mother home, he stopped by the village director in his hometown.

On the way back, Dong Shanhe had already discussed with his mother, and her mother also agreed with Dong Shanhe's suggestion. At that time, Yuan Yulan said to Dong Shanhe, "Don't say your father will agree, even if he disagrees, I will take him After being tied back, what to do in the coal mine is not enough to worry about every day, I am 53, and I will retire in two years, at worst I just keep my organizational relationship and go home, anyway, the benefits of the mine are not good.”

Since his mother said so, Dong Shanhe didn't call his father. He knew that in this family, it was always his mother who had the final say.

About four kilometers south of Qizhen is the village where Dong Shanhe is located. The original natural village has been submerged by the collapsed lake. The current village is merged with the east village to form an administrative village, but this is nothing to Dong Shanhe. Everyone in Left and Right Villages is familiar with the difference.

The village is called Bali Village, and Dong Shanhe drove to the village committee.

Two-story small building and a large courtyard, this is the administrative center of the village of Bali Village.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" Dong Shanhe just got out of the car when he met a young man and asked himself.

"Hello, is director Liu here?" Dong Shanhe, the village director of Bali Village, didn't know him, but his mother did, and he was a classmate with his mother. Dong Shanhe was very unfamiliar with this. Didn't even know his surname was Liu.

"Director Liu is in a meeting, may I ask what you can do with him?" The young man watched Dong Shanhe get off from a high-end car, and knew that he had something to do with Director Liu.

"I want to contract some collapsed lakes, and I want to come to the village to ask if there is any room?" Dong Shanhe took two steps forward, took out two cigarettes and handed one to them.

"Thank you. Director Liu is in a meeting. It will be ready soon. You can wait for him in the office." The young man said and took Dong Shanhe to the village director's office.

"Wait a minute, Director Liu will be here in a while." The young man looked like he was running errands, poured Dong Shanhe a cup of tea, and left the office.

Dong Shanhe took a look at the company. It was not as good as when he was in the company's office. There was an old desk, which was very big and dilapidated. There was a computer on it, and two filing cabinets were placed side by side behind the desk. Two small flags were planted on the table.

Before waiting for 5 minutes, Director Liu walked in.

"Welcome! Welcome! I heard from Xiao Liu that it is an honor for you to come to our Bali Village to contract the waters!" Director Liu extended his hand to shake Dong Shanhe's hand with a smile on his face.

Although Dong Shanhe looks very young, he is not an easy person to be able to drive a luxury car. Since he is the beneficiary who sent him to his door, of course he cannot be left out in the cold.

"Hi Director Liu, I'm from Bali Village. I just want to come to our hometown today to see if there are any subsidence lakes. I want to contract some." Dong Shanhe told himself straight to the point.

He also did this to put pressure on the negotiations for a while. Dong Shanhe's meaning is obvious. He is a local and I am familiar with everything in the village. If your village committee wants to treat me like a big dog, it is wrong possible.

"Oh! I didn't expect that the little brother is also from the village. It really is a golden phoenix flying out of the mountain nest!" After hearing Dong Shanhe's self-introduction of his family, Director Liu was slightly taken aback, and then smiled even brighter.

Since he is from this village, it seems that he sincerely wants to contract the water area, not the kind of outsider who wants to be a white wolf with empty hands.

"Director Liu, you're being polite!" Dong Shanhe restrained himself a little, and handed him a cigarette.

"Xiao Liu, Xiao Liu, go and get the map of our village!" Director Liu shouted loudly to Xiao Liu outside the door.

After a while, Xiao Liu came over with a map in his arms.

"Little brother, I don't know which place you want to choose?" Director Liu spread out the map and asked Dong Shanhe beside him.

"Director Liu, I don't dare to be a little brother. If my mother finds out, she will break my leg." After Dong Shanhe said this, Director Liu found out that this young man still knows himself.

'My name is Liu Qingyun, I don't know your mother's name? " Liu Qingyun asked hesitantly.

"My mother's name is Yuan Yulan." Dong Shanhe said while looking at the map.

"Oh, it turned out to be Teacher Yuan. I said whose young master is it? So it's a family!" It turns out that Liu Qingyun is not only a classmate of Dong Shanhe's mother, but his wife is also a primary school teacher, and he and his mother have been together for decades. Colleague relationship.

"I'll ask you to call you big nephew!" Ling Qi said with a smile.

"Liu Liu is being polite, I should have called you uncle." Everyone carried the sedan chair, and Dong Shanhe was not a stranger. As for the "family" surnamed Dong and Liu, they had already forgotten about it at that time.

"Since it's the eldest nephew, you can give it to you wherever you like, as long as it's unowned." Regardless of the thumping of Liu Qingyun's chest, in fact, his heart is still relatively empty.

The area of ​​Bali Village is not small. It is three to four kilometers long from north to south, and four to five kilometers long from east to west. The area plus one piece is [-] to [-] square kilometers. Most of these lands have collapsed, but there are very few people contracting the water area, because the entire Qi The city, including Xiangcheng to the west, has collapsed in a mess, with a lot of water.

It is difficult for people who were originally farmers to raise fish and shrimps suddenly. Therefore, many people in Qicheng, Qizhen, including Bali Village went out to work directly instead of staying at home.

"Then I'll take a good look!" They all stared at the map carefully, and he wanted to find a relatively large water area.

Although most of the land in the village has collapsed, the division is very clear. The cement roads leading to each village are the natural division lines of these waters. The criss-crossed cement roads divide the collapsed lake into pieces, scattered all over the village. .

"Uncle Liu, how about this place!" Dong Shanhe pointed to a place, for no other reason, it was the place where he was born.

It's just that the brick and tile house back then has collapsed, and the big pagoda tree behind the house has also been cut down, and even the grain drying field in front of the door has forgotten its appearance.

"This one?" Liu Qingyun asked suspiciously. This place is not small. The north is directly to the mine gate, the south is just north of the village committee, the east is the original county road, and the west is the township road. Fangfang surrounded the city in a circle, covering a full two square kilometers, or [-] mu of water, accounting for one-fifth of the subsidence water area of ​​the entire village.

"Nephew, did you really choose this place?" Liu Qingyun asked as if wanting to be sure.

"No more, just this piece, there should be no one!" Dong Shanhe asked with a smile.

"No, no, as long as you pay the money and sign the contract, this place can be used immediately." Liu Qingyun smiled happily. These are all political achievements!
 I was dragged to drink seven bottles of beer by my friends, and I was so dizzy that I didn’t want to code at all, but I thought I couldn’t stop updating on the first day of the new year, so I coded a chapter. By the way, I wish you all a happy new year! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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