Chapter 85
"Uncle Liu, how much does this land cost per year?" Dong Shanhe asked, pointing to this land on the map.

"This place was originally 50 yuan per mu of land, but what is the relationship between us, this price is for outsiders." Liu Qingyun is very honest and did not ask for such a high price. He also knows that this price is absolutely It cannot be sold.

"Uncle Liu, your village committee made a decision and told me, if it's okay, I can sign the contract today, if not, I'll go to Wanglou Village to have a look, there are quite a few subsidences in Chenwei Village." Dong Shanhe patted the map and said to Liu Qingyun.

Although he is a local, Dong Shanhe will not let people treat him like a fool and let others slaughter him. For 50 yuan per mu of land, he might as well rob him.

Originally, there were so many water areas in the village that could not be contracted out. This time, I finally met a benefactor, and I couldn't let him run away.

After Liu Qingyun and Dong Shanhe bid farewell, they went straight to the conference room. Although he was the village director, he still had to promote a democratic style. The most important thing was that if something happened in the future, he would not let himself be blamed alone.

Half an hour later, "Nephew, our village committee has decided that this area of ​​water will cost 30 yuan per mu, but it will take at least three years to sign." Liu Qingyun's words reached Dong Shanhe's heart.

"Three years is no problem, but I also have a condition, that is, I have the priority to renew the contract. At that time, I will have the priority to renew the contract for three years. Can I sign the contract now?" As for the three-year tax exemption and five-year halving, Dong Shanhe didn't ask, he knew that it was impossible for the village to be the master.

"Uncle Liu, you can sign the contract, but it's agreed. Although the contract is signed for three years, the contract fee will be paid once a year." Dong Shanhe decided to pay the contract fee once a year after thinking about it. Holding a bomb in his hand, if someone in the village is jealous, he will give up the contract directly.

Especially when Dong Shanhe saw that the contract did not state that there would be liquidated damages for early abandonment of the contract.

Dong Shanhe glanced at the contract, and signed the contract in quadruplicate, "Uncle Liu, when will this land be available to us?" Although the contract was signed, when will it be available is a problem.

"Nephew, soon, very soon. Tomorrow, I will go to the town to ask the secretary for approval, and then go to the district to make a record. If everything goes well, I can hand over the land to you the day after tomorrow." After signing the contract, Liu Qingyun is very happy, 60 yuan a year, 200 million yuan in three years, the village has not been able to earn that much money for a long time.

"Well, after the contract is filed, Uncle Liu will call me, and I will pay the money at that time!" After Dong Shanhe said goodbye to Liu Qingyun, he came out of the village committee. Dong Shanhe did not return from the east national road Home, but from the concrete roads from village to village to the water area contracted by myself.

Nuoda's waters are surrounded by four county roads and township roads, but there are still many roads piled up with coal gangue in the waters. Otherwise, how to fish the two square kilometers?

Dong Shanhe walked north along the largest coal gangue road in the middle. He had a very clear impression that this was the road in front of his house back then.

But the original houses were gone, and everything was buried in the water.

Dong Shanhe didn't know how deep this place was, but he thought it wouldn't be too shallow. Dong Shanhe had never been to the coal mine in the north, but his father had worked there for seven years. According to what he said, underground mining There are five or six layers of coal seams, each layer is at least two or three meters thick, and the depth of the collapse is supposed to be at least ten meters.

"Ah!" Getting off the car, Dong Shanhe yelled frantically facing the east.

He wanted to vent, vent his dull nostalgia for a long time, vent his yearning for childhood.

"At that time, several roadblocks will be built on this road, and several dogs will be raised." After careful inspection after entering the Dongshan River, there is a wide coal gangue road in the middle of this two-square-kilometer water area. One road is at least five or six meters wide. These two roads divide the water area into four parts.

There are four subdivisions between the main roads, that is to say, this piece of water of two square kilometers is divided into sixteen parts, and the area of ​​each part is about 1000 square kilometers. The area is more than [-] mu.

"That's it, let's build another house here!" Dong Shanhe stood at the intersection of two main roads, looked around, and finally decided to build a house here.

It doesn't need to be very big, three houses are enough.

"Father, when the time comes to let you sleep in this place, I don't know if you can sleep?" Dong Shanhe chuckled, but Dong Shanhe just thought about it, he didn't want to let his father sleep alone in this place. Spending the night in the wilderness, who knows if there is anything unclean.

"Just ask two people to watch it when the time comes!" Anyway, there are many middle-aged and elderly people in my hometown who have not gone out, and they only do mud and tile work at home. If they are given [-] a month to look at the fish pond, how could they disagree?

The fish that Dong Shanhe intends to breed are different from others. He doesn’t need to make any feed, but plant more aquatic plants and plankton, which is similar to pure wild fish.

As for the slow speed of breeding, it doesn't matter, Dong Shanhe can pour some out of the space at any time to replenish the fish pond.

After planning, Dong Shanhe drove home.

I've been out for a day, and it's past four o'clock. If I don't go home, my daughter-in-law should wait anxiously.

After getting in the car, Dong Shanhe headed north all the way, and came directly from the coal gangue road to the mine gate.

At five o'clock, Dong Shanhe returned home, and the sky was already dark. When Dong Shanhe returned home, the headlights in the living room were turned on, but Dong Shanhe didn't find where his wife was.

The sound of jingling came from the kitchen, and Dong Shanhe went to have a look. It turned out that the daughter-in-law was not watching TV but was cooking in the kitchen.

"Daughter-in-law, I'm back!" Dong Shanhe hugged Liu Miaomiao from behind.

"Release quickly, the food will be mushy soon!" Liu Miaomiao twisted her body and broke away from Dong Shanhe's embrace.

"Let me see what my daughter-in-law is doing?" Dong Shanhe took a look and saw that his daughter-in-law was cooking cumin mutton.

"Daughter-in-law, that's not how cumin mutton is made, you made a mistake!" Dong Shanhe knew at a glance that his daughter-in-law made a mistake, and there was too little oil.

"I don't want to learn!" Liu Miaomiao said, and then put the shovel into Dong Shanhe's hand.

"You do it!" Dong Shanhe took the shovel and poured out the mutton in the pot without saying a word, then put some peanut oil in, and put the mutton in when the oil was smoking green.

"Zi la!" With a sound, the smell of mutton mixed with chopped green onion spread far away.

"Do you want to learn from me!" Dong Shanhe turned his head and asked while doing it.

"You cook and I eat, but I won't cook. I'll follow you wherever you go in the future." Liu Miaomiao stood at the kitchen door and watched Dong Shanhe's quick movements with a little envy.

(End of this chapter)

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