Chapter 89
Dong Shanhe didn't know that his promotional words caused a great sensation, especially the four characters [recommended by the store manager].

Who is the store manager?What do you recommend?Many nerds and nerds are attracted by these four words. When they click in, it turns out that it is a free trial store.

Everyone immediately shouted that they were cheated, but they didn't think about it, how could there be a car for you on Taobao.

Many buyers who came back to their senses saw wild hemp walnuts, one thousand copies, and immediately applied for a free trial. Although the lottery will be drawn after ten days, but first apply first, it is a bastard in the spirit of not taking advantage of it Think, bookmark the store, click apply, and then close the webpage.

However, many people went shopping in the store. Although they saw only one item on the entire shelf, the price was too cheap. Wild hemp walnuts cost 15.9 yuan per catty. Buy five get one free, buy ten get three free.

Although the monthly sales volume is still 0, but some people are more curious and click to buy.

But Dong Shanhe didn't know all this, and now he has taken his wife to the old man's house.

When I came to the old man's house, the mother-in-law was busy in the kitchen, the uncle was playing games in the bedroom, the sister-in-law was lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone, and the little nephew was fast asleep on the bed.

"Mom, where's my dad?" Dong Shanhe asked his mother-in-law after looking around but seeing no sign of the father-in-law.

"He disappeared after lunch, who knows where he went?" the mother-in-law said dissatisfiedly, and then chatted with Liu Miaomiao in private.

"Miaomiao, talk to mom, I'll go down and have a look!" Dong Shanhe thought for a while that it was inappropriate for him to tell his mother-in-law that this kind of thing still requires his own daughter-in-law to do his parents' work.

Dong Shanhe walked downstairs as he spoke. The community where the mother-in-law lives is diagonally opposite Gao Zhan's residential complex, and the distance is only one mile away. Dong Shanhe originally wanted to go and have a look, but he made a phone call first to inquire. one time.

"Gao Zhan, what are you busy with? Are you at home?" Dong Shanhe, who was sitting on a wooden chair, asked carelessly.

"No, are you busy? Am I shopping on Red Street?" Red Street is a street for weddings and funerals in Qicheng. This street is not very big, but there are many stores. As long as there are weddings and funerals, I will come here to buy necessary things Things, as for why it is called Red Street instead of White Street, Dong Shanhe is not very clear. It is just that the name of White Street is not good and unlucky.

"Then you are busy, call me if you have anything to do." Dong Shanhe hung up the phone immediately. He also came from that step, and he also knew that he would be busy half a month before the wedding. It would be fine if someone helped, but no one If you want to help, you need to do everything by yourself, and Gao Zhan's parents are still doing business in Shanghai.

After sitting on the wooden chair for a while, Dong Shanhe turned around and went upstairs again.

When he came to the living room, Liu Miaomiao was still whispering to his mother-in-law, so Dong Shanhe had no choice but to sit beside Liu Miaomiao.

"Go, go, our mother and I are whispering, don't listen to me!" Just as Dong Shanhe sat down, Liu Miaomiao was beside him pushing him.

"Liu Miao, don't mess around!" The mother-in-law quickly criticized, and Liu Miaomiao was being honest.

"Did you tell mom?" Dong Shanhe asked in Liu Miaomiao's ear.

"I said it, mom agreed, and my brother and sister-in-law also agreed." Liu Miaomiao said while holding Dong Shanhe's arm.

Although at home, in front of her parents, Liu Miaomiao doesn't mind just hugging her husband like this.

"Did you tell Dad?" My daughter-in-law mentioned three people, it seems that there is nothing wrong with my father-in-law?
"It's okay, it doesn't matter if he agrees or not. My mother said that if he disagrees, then he won't own the shares here?" Liu Miaomiao was also a little dissatisfied with her father. I didn't even see him when I was sleeping. Later, I heard from my mother that sometimes I didn't come back until eleven or twelve o'clock at night, and then I didn't see anyone after breakfast in the morning.

"Let mom decide this! Let's not interfere!" Although Liu Miaomiao is a daughter and a family, but the married daughter splashes water, whether or not to intervene in her natal family, save the elder brother's daughter-in-law Talk nonsense.

"I don't care. Anyway, my mother and the three of them have already agreed. If you are busy, you can find another person to help. The second uncle and uncle's child can just help!" Liu Miaomiao said that the second uncle and uncle's child, Dong I've seen Shanhe before. He's not yet 20 years old, but he looks like a big boy, like his uncle. After finishing high school, he didn't go to college, and he has nothing to do all day long.

"Let the eldest brother decide for himself!" Dong Shanhe still said this to his wife.

After finishing speaking, Liu Miaomiao took his mother and whispered again. Dong Shanhe had to hide aside again. He really didn't understand how there were so many conversations. He and his mother couldn't even talk on the phone. Three to five minutes, sitting together and having nothing to talk about.

Dong Shanhe, who was bored, had to go to the small bedroom to lie on the bed and play with his mobile phone. This house was where Liu Miaomiao lived before. Dong Shanhe was very impressed with this house. Here in this bed, he became a transformation of his life.

Dong Shanhe first opened his own penguin. At the end of the year, there were no people bubbling in the group, but Mao Mao was bubbling all day long, but he either asked for the license plate or wanted to get in the car. Dong Shanhe was too lazy to respond to him.

But now Dong Shanhe wanted to tease him, "Maomao, when I find the bridge for you, can you make a movie with her then?" Dong Shanhe circled Maomao and asked.

"Really? Really? Really?" Maomao sent three question marks in a row.

"Of course it's true? I will be the director and you will be the lead actor." Dong Shanhe said boldly, and he still used his voice.

"Brother Da Pao, my Brother Da Pao, you are really my benefactor!" Maomao almost knelt down in excitement.

"Da Pao, are you teasing me?" After recovering, Maomao realized that this might be a joke between Dong Shanhe and him.

"Maomao, do you think I'm that kind of person?" Dong Shanhe asked back.

"You are that kind of person. You said you came to sleep with me in Chuncheng, but you didn't come." Mao Mao said resentfully.

Dong Shanhe suddenly got goosebumps all over his body, and then he remembered that he was still young at the time, and he said this sentence for a while, but he didn't expect to be screenshotted, and then he would be sent out to hang and beat him every time.

"Maomao, you can sleep with Fatty, Xiaoai, Jiu Ge!" Dong Shanhe listed several people for Maomao.

"No, no, I'm going to sleep in the same bed with you!" Dong Shanhe sent two emoticons with chills, and closed the penguin.

"Why did you call me home in such a hurry?" Dong Shanhe, who was watching the sports news, suddenly heard the old man's voice from outside.

"It doesn't matter, let them solve it!" Dong Shanhe shook his head, he is a son-in-law, but he is also an outsider, so don't be thankless when the time comes!

Turning around and continuing to watch sports news, "Curry scored another 10 three-pointers, breaking the historical record and ranking No. 15; James has scored in the top ten in history; 'C Ronaldo has scored more than 500 goals."

(End of this chapter)

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