Chapter 90
In the evening, Dong Shanhe returned home with Liu Miaomiao after dinner, without much delay.

When the father-in-law just came home, he didn't quite agree with what his mother-in-law said. He didn't want to do this kind of day-to-day work, but was later suppressed by the mother-in-law and uncle.

In the evening, what the mother-in-law and the uncle made for Dong Shanhe and his wife was the black goat brought by Dong Shanhe. This time, Dong Shanhe also tasted the craftsmanship of the uncle. Even better, this made Dong Shanhe even more sad, and his idea of ​​finding a famous teacher to practice cooking became more determined.

After dinner, Dong Shanhe drove Liu Miaomiao home. Due to the displeasure of the father-in-law, the atmosphere at home was still rather gloomy. In addition, tomorrow is the new year, and Dong Shanhe still needs to take his wife back to his hometown.

Before leaving, Dong Shanhe changed the mobile phone number bound to his Taobao account to his uncle's, and told his uncle to advertise well, and if he couldn't, he would go to Taobao to spend money on recommendations.

Originally, Dong Shanhe thought that the unscrupulous Baidu was doing this, but he didn't expect that Taobao, which sells fake products, would also do this.

"Daughter-in-law, do you want to go fishing at night?" Dong Shanhe asked while driving the car.

Dong Shanhe didn't mean to tease his daughter-in-law on purpose, but really wanted to find something for his daughter-in-law to do, and staying at home all day was not a problem.

"Go and go, whoever is afraid of anyone, must fish well today." Sitting in the co-pilot, Liu Miaomiao said with her hands on her hips. For yesterday's game, Liu Miaomiao was not convinced. Catch a fish.

"This time I will accompany you to the big river to catch big fish." I said that if you want to accompany your wife to catch big fish, you must go to catch big fish, and the swing rod you bought must also be useful.

When he came back in the morning, Dong Shanhe bought two throwing rods by the way and kept them in the back seat of the car.

"Okay, shall we try it in a competition, and whoever loses will bark like a dog?" Dong Shanhe asked, patting his wife's thigh.

"Take off your paw, you just wait to bark like a dog today!" Liu Miaomiao knocked off Dong Shanhe's mischievous hand vigorously.

"Then it's settled!" After returning home, Dong Shanhe took his daughter-in-law to go fishing on the bank of the big river without saying a word.

In fact, the banks of the big river are not suitable for fishing. The wind is high and the waves are rough, and there are shells and the like everywhere on the banks, which are full of fishy smell.

"Daughter-in-law, I'll go back and bring a chair!" Dong Shanhe ran back and brought two chairs over after finishing speaking.

The two old gods sat on chairs with a fishing rod under their feet. While chatting with his wife, Dong Shanhe noticed the bell on the fishing rod.

After a while, the bell of Dong Shanhe's fishing rod rang, and Dong Shanhe immediately stopped chatting with his wife and started shaking the handle.

Take three meters and release two meters, take two meters and put one meter, just like this back and forth, one minute later Dong Shanhe took the fishing net and picked up the big fish he caught for the first time.

It has golden scales and red tail, but it is a Yellow River carp at a glance, but it is many times smaller than the big carp I raise.

"Hey, that's right! Where's the big carp I raised?" After seeing this carp, Dong Shanhe remembered that he also raised a carp. He and his wife have been at the river for more than ten minutes. didn't show up?

"Damn! Did this fish run away?" Dong Shanhe said to himself, it shouldn't be!After being instilled with space aura by Lao Tzu, it shouldn't be like this.

Dong Shanhe suddenly lost interest in fishing, and all he could think about was his pet carp.

"Honey, what are you talking about?" Liu Miaomiao, who was staring at her fishing rod, couldn't help asking when she heard Dong Shanhe's whisper.

"I'm saying we've been here for more than ten minutes. Why hasn't my big fish pet come? Did it run away?" Dong Shanhe expressed his doubts.

"Probably not, look at this little dog, since you came here, it has always been around you." Liu Miaomiao pointed to the little dog lying on the ground behind Dong Shanhe.

When the little dog heard the hostess talking about himself, he immediately stood up and wagged his tail, as if to show his loyalty.

"You poor dog, lie down quickly, and catch me two pheasants if you have nothing to do." Dong Shanhe, who was in a bad mood, kicked the little dog and said to it.

After hearing Dong Shanhe's words, the little dog stuck out its tongue and was stunned for a moment, as if thinking whether to lie down or catch the pheasant. After three seconds, it turned around and ran, and soon got into the grass and disappeared. trace.

"This dead dog runs really fast." Dong Shanhe couldn't help but sneered seeing the little dog's movements.

"This dog is not bad. After our villa is decorated, we will bring it to our villa." Liu Miaomiao also looked at the direction where the dog was running and said.

"Small dogs can also hunt, not suitable for fighting. My father likes dogs so much, so I don't know if I can find him two Tibetan mastiffs to play with." Thinking of how many large dogs will be used in the fish pond, Dong Shanhe thought of himself again Space.

Although according to Dong Shanhe's estimate, there should be everything in this space, but he must be able to find the right place. Dong Shanhe also knows that Tibetan mastiffs live on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, but he doesn't even know where the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is, and even if he knows I don't know how to go.

Are you going by car?There is not even a road, so why should I drive there? Dong Shanhe wants to buy two small propeller planes to put in the space, but he doesn't know how to drive.

"It seems that after the child is born, I have to go to a foreign country for training." Dong Shanhe first sent the training of flying a plane abroad. Whether it is the United States or Australia, it is much more convenient than China. When the time comes to buy a rack propeller plane Put it directly into the space, and then you can fly freely in the sky.

Thinking of the vast and boundless space, and he can only go to three places at present, Dong Shanhe feels very regrettable.

In addition to not being able to appreciate the beautiful original ecological scenery, the rest is that I have not been able to encounter delicious ingredients, interesting things, and even valuable things.

"There should be cattle in this place!" According to Dong Shanhe's own estimation, this place should be the Yellow River Basin, but why is there no cattle? You must know that there are many types of cattle in the lower reaches of the Yellow River.

"I don't even want to eat beef." But I can only sigh in my heart.

"Haha! I caught a big fish, husband, look I caught one." Just as Dong Shanhe was thinking, the daughter-in-law beside him also laughed happily.

After hearing the notification bell for the fishing rod, Liu Miaomiao also imitated Dong Shanhe's appearance, and pulled the fish that ate the hook to her side.

"Not bad, not bad!" Seeing his daughter-in-law also caught a carp, Dong Shanhe praised, there is no way, who let her be his daughter-in-law, it is always right to praise her more.

(End of this chapter)

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