My portable world of mixed farmers

Chapter 91 Miracle Physician Helps "Home"

Chapter 91 Miracle Physician Helps "Home"

"Husband, it's dawn, get up quickly!" Dong Shanhe, who was sleepy, was shaken awake by Liu Miaomiao beside him.

"Daughter-in-law, can you sleep a little longer?" Dong Shanhe said and lay on the bed with his arms around his daughter-in-law.

"Sleep when you sleep, and don't move your hands." Liu Miaomiao, who was close to Dong Shanhe's chest, shrank.

"I'm used to it, I'm used to it!" Dong Shanhe hastily moved his hands down on the mountain peak.

After speaking, Dong Shanhe closed his eyes and went to sleep again. I don't know how long it took, but Dong Shanhe was still woken up by Liu Miaomiao.

"Husband has woken up, and I have to go back to my hometown today, have you forgotten?" Hearing Liu Miaomiao's words, Dong Shanhe suddenly lost all sleepiness.

"Daughter-in-law, why didn't you tell me earlier, what time is it?" Dong Shanhe sat up gruntingly and asked.

"It's nine o'clock!" Liu Miaomiao glanced at the phone and said.

"It's nine o'clock, why didn't you call me earlier?" Dong Shanhe hurriedly put on his clothes when he heard it was nine o'clock.

Today is a new year, and Dong Shanhe still needs to rush back to his hometown to have dinner with his grandparents and his parents who came back last night.

"Who made you play so late last night?" Liu Miaomiao snorted and turned her head away from Dong Shanhe.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Dong Shanhe also knew that he shouldn't get angry at his wife, so he quickly apologized.

"Okay, okay!" Liu Miaomiao pushed Dong Shanhe who was leaning over.

"mua~~" Regardless of his wife's objections, Dong Shanhe embraced her and kissed her.

"It's so disgusting! My mouth is full of drool!" After being punched, Dong Shanhe ran out of bed without even putting on his pants.

After getting dressed, Dong Shanhe began to help Liu Miaomiao get dressed. After more than six months of body, her belly was getting bigger and bigger, her hands and feet were swollen, and her movements became more and more inconvenient. Dong Shanhe couldn't bear his wife to dress herself. So every day I dress her by myself.

"Well! It's big again! Not to mention one child, even two children can be fed."

"The arms and thighs seem to be thinner. It seems that the aerobics I taught you still have some effect."

"The belly is getting rounder and rounder, it really looks like twins."

They were all commenting while dressing their daughter-in-law. Liu Miaomiao didn't say a word. She was used to it. Ever since her husband dressed herself, she always talked while wearing clothes. Even if she did it herself, she couldn't change it. He, simply never say let him go.

Sure enough, Liu Miaomiao didn't say a word, and Dong Shanhe quickly closed his mouth. No one talked to him, and he talked about how lonely he was alone.

"Okay, let's go home!" After washing, Dong Shanhe made a simple breakfast for his wife.

Dong Shanhe has no feeling for breakfast like western food, what kind of bread and butter?What fried egg milk, Dong Shanhe thinks it is not as good as a bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge, which is delicious and filling.

"Husband, shall we go home empty-handed?" Seeing Dong Shanhe pulling her home empty-handed, Liu Miaomiao asked in wonder.

"Daughter-in-law, that's our own home. My brother and I haven't separated from our parents yet?" Dong Shanhe said helplessly.

"Then wait for a while until I tidy up the inside of the ground cage before leaving." Even though it was already ten o'clock, after what his wife said, Dong Shanhe actually ran into the space to clean up the ground cage.

Dong Shanhe cut out a section of the ground cage several hundred meters long, cleared out some large green prawns, rice field eels, kudzu fish, loaches and crabs, and threw them into the small river.

"Next time I have to change the place. I can't always keep the cage in one place." After Dong Shanhe threw the ground cage into the river, he felt that he couldn't keep it in the same place for a long time.

Put it in a plastic bag and put it in the space. Dong Shanhe drove his daughter-in-law back to his hometown in a car.

When I got home, my grandfather was sitting in front of the door basking in the sun.

"Grandma, how is grandpa's health?" Dong Shanhe asked after putting the things in his hands into the kitchen and walking to grandpa's side.

"Since your grandpa went to your sister-in-law's house last time, he is in much better health, he eats more than before, and his face is much ruddy." Hearing Dong Shanhe's return, grandma hurried out of the hut.

"It's good that grandpa can eat. I still have some river seafood here to make soup for grandpa at noon." Since grandpa cut half of his stomach, Dong Shanhe, his boss and a few aunts and uncles tried to find some good ones for him. Nutritious stuff.

"Your grandpa can't eat that much." Grandma blamed and walked into the kitchen.

We have lived together for more than 50 years, and even my father is 53 years old. The ups and downs of this half of my life have made the relationship between grandma and grandpa very good. At the end of the day, grandma would be reprimanded. Grandma was so sad that she wanted to divorce several times, but when grandpa was hospitalized, grandma took care of him day and night for three months.

"It's good, it's good!" Dong Shanhe murmured to himself, but no one heard him.

Now that my method has worked, I will do it again as soon as possible. If a miracle really happens to my grandfather, then the elders in my family will be blessed and live a long life. Grandpa sent a second of space aura.

"Try it for my wife when I get home!" Dong Shanhe thought of his own thoughts and the silent child again.

"Grandpa, do you want me to take you for a walk?" Dong Shanhe asked grandpa while sitting on the ponytail.

"No need, you can do your work!" After chatting with his grandparents for a while, Dong Shanhe led Liu Miaomiao to the street.

Qizhen is not very big, and the main street is three horizontal and vertical. After calling, my mother and father are shopping for vegetables, and I will go back in a while. As for the eldest brother and sister-in-law, who are busy with the store, I don’t know if it will be available at noon. return?

The end of the year is the busiest time for my elder brother. After all, Qicheng is a fourth-tier city. Unlike the imperial capital, where fireworks and firecrackers are strictly prohibited, the end of each year is the day when my elder brother earns money. The year before and after the month are busy days.

When they walked back home, Dad and Mom were cooking. Seeing Dong Shanhe bring Liu Miaomiao back, Dad took out several bags from the big suitcase.

Dong Shanhe saw that they were all special products of Xijiang, such as Tianshan ebony plums, dried hami melons, raisins and the like.

"Father, why didn't you bring some Hami melons back?" Dad works in Hami, and it is reasonable to say that he should bring some local products back when he comes back.

"Don't you look at what time it is now, kid? How can I bring you such a big Ha Mi melon with luggage in both hands?" Dong Qi slapped Dong Shanhe.

"Father, can you deliver it here!" Dong Shanhe stuck out his tongue and replied.

Since the father didn't bring back fresh cantaloupe, he had to buy it by himself, and the daughter-in-law really wanted to eat grapes and cantaloupe in winter. Don't you know it's cold in winter?

(End of this chapter)

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