Chapter 92

After noon, Dong Shanhai and his sister-in-law arrived late.

The eldest brother brought some children's fireworks from the car. They were originally for the little nephew to play with, but Dong Shanhe took most of them away.

"Uncle, it's mine, my dad gave it to me." Dong Haoyu followed Dong Shanhe to ask for it.

"Don't you still have some in there! Give it to my uncle, and I'll give it to you when I finish playing." Dong Shanhe is also playing a new game, after all, he is 27 years old, how can he still be the same as when he was a child.

"You must keep your word!" The little nephew Dong Haoyu said behind Dong Shanhe.

"Uncle, you must keep your word." Dong Shanhe said while tossing the little goldfish.

Dong Shanhe couldn't enjoy playing alone, so he stuffed a few boxes for his wife, and the two of them started like this. You throw two on me, and I throw a few at your feet.

"Are you a child? What if you frighten the fetus in your stomach?" Grandma couldn't see it, and when she came to Dong Shanhe's side, she slapped her across the face.

"Grandma, the little goldfish has no power at all! You can see that I can pinch it in my hand." Dong Shanhe pinched two for grandma to show.

"That's not allowed, what if the tire gas moves?" Grandma didn't care how good Dong Shanhe's excuse was, she didn't allow him to play anyway.

Dong Shanhe had no choice but to put the little goldfish on the balcony, and then continued to endure his daughter-in-law throwing the little goldfish at his feet from time to time.

Dong Shanhe glared a few times, but Liu Miaomiao's white eyes blocked them all.

Dong Shanhe had no choice but to ask about the situation of his eldest brother.

"Brother, what are you thinking?" Dong Shanhe sat on the sofa and asked his elder brother who was playing with his mobile phone.

"Your brother, I am just a small technician. During this period of time, I thought about it carefully. I am really not a contractor. You also know that the project has become more and more difficult to do in the past two years. It doesn't matter if we don't pay, and if the owner doesn't pay, we can only watch." The eldest brother put down his phone and said with a sigh.

In fact, he has no choice. If it is really a good choice, how could he not do it? Although the project is difficult to do, as long as he can find a job, he can still make money. The current environment is not very good. The more formal it is, the big construction is in full swing like in the past few years when there was nothing.

"Then have you thought about what to do? Could it be that you have been making fireworks and firecrackers all the time, but this thing is only a seasonal business. Besides, environmental protection is becoming more and more strict now. Maybe when we will ban fireworks and firecrackers in Qicheng? "How can Dong Shanhai not be clear about Dong Shanhe's words? They are all engaged in engineering. Every day the environmental protection team comes down to make surprise inspections when they have nothing to do. They have visited various factory sites several times.

"I haven't thought about it yet, let's talk about it after the new year!" Dong Shanhai really doesn't want to do engineering, he is too tired and too worried, and he will spend more money if he pays attention to safety, but if he does not pay attention to safety, if one person is injured or killed, he will lose his life this year. It's all for nothing.

"Okay, tell me when you think about it, which of us brothers will be with whom!" Dong Shanhe and Dong Shanhai have lived together since childhood, and they both slept in the same room from elementary school to high school. Also give up constantly.

Dong Shanhe walked out of the house after talking with his eldest brother. His wife was playing with his eldest nephew, and his sister-in-law was also holding her little niece in the sun.

"I don't know if she will be like this after she has a baby?" People always want something when they don't have anything, but once they have it, they don't care anymore.

"Grandpa, grandma, parents, let's go back." After the eldest brother and sister-in-law left, Dong Shanhe also took Liu Miaomiao to leave.

Although Dong Shanhe enjoys spending time with his family, he doesn't have much to talk to, either with his grandparents, or with his parents.

"Slow down!" Grandma urged from the side.

"Grandma, help grandpa for a walk, don't lie on the bed and sleep all the time, let grandpa exercise more!" After giving grandpa another second of space aura, Dong Shanhe felt more relieved, he knew grandpa's The body is gradually improving, so the previous living habits have to be gradually changed.

"You don't need to ask more about our affairs, just take care of Miaomiao." Grandma carried another big bag for Dong Shanhe before leaving.

"Grandma, can I take back what I brought you?" Dong Shanhe didn't want it, but he couldn't screw her up, so he had to take it.

"This is a special product your father brought back from Xijiang. You can take some back to taste. There are also the spray flowers, little butterflies and sparklers that your brother brought just now." Dong Shanhe glanced at some of the things that his elder brother brought. Everything I played was put in my pocket by grandma.

Dong Shanhe could deeply feel his grandma's concern for him. Although he was forbidden by his grandma to play small goldfish with his wife, when he left, he still packed a big bag of fireworks for himself and went back to play.

"Grandma, go back!" Dong Shanhe led Liu Miaomiao into the car with a bag.

On the way, Dong Shanhe was still thinking about it and kept silent.

"Honey, why don't you speak?" Liu Miaomiao asked suspiciously.

"It's okay, I just feel that the elders' concern for me was never taken seriously in the past, but when you watch him grow old, you always feel very sad." While his grandparents were still alive, Dong Shanhe thought more Take them around.

Grandpa's greatest wish in this life is to visit the imperial capital, that city is his dream.

When grandpa was in good health, no one took it seriously, but after the operation, grandpa's health became very poor, and he needed to move slowly when he walked. When he wanted to take him to travel in the imperial capital, he I no longer want to travel far from home.

"Daughter-in-law, I will take you on a trip next spring." Dong Shanhe wanted to talk to a few aunts and bring his grandparents with him.

"I'm not going. I'm going somewhere with a big belly, and I can't play." Liu Miaomiao didn't want to go. It's hard to even mention how uncomfortable it is to have a big belly like this, let alone nine months.

"If you don't go now, you have to wait until the child can leave before you can travel." Dong Shanhe calculated that the child was born in April, and if you want to take the child to travel, you will have to travel in May and June next year. OK.

"Why do you travel? Isn't it just going from a place where you are tired of staying to a place where other people are tired of staying. When we have time, we can travel there without anyone disturbing us." After reminded by his wife, Dong Shanhe figured it out. I still have a big killer!If you want to travel in the future, you can go to the space to take a look.

"Okay! When the time comes, let's take an instant trip!" Dong Shanhe let go of his worries and speeded up.

(End of this chapter)

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