My portable world of mixed farmers

Chapter 93 The Happiness Blessed by God

Chapter 93 The Happiness Blessed by God

Firecrackers also need to be set off in Qicheng on Xiao'eve, so at five or six o'clock, firecrackers began to be set off in many places, and there was a series of crackling sounds, and Dong Shanhe also took out a roll of firecrackers from his bag. in the bag.

Although this is not his "home", Dong Shanhe happily lit firecrackers in front of the stairs.

"Crackling!" The voice kept echoing in the corridor.

In the dining room, Liu Miaomiao is already sitting on a chair and preparing to eat.

"Come on, let's drink some red wine!" Dong Shanhe took down a bottle of dry red wine from the shelf, found a screwdriver, opened it, and poured a glass for himself and his wife.

"Where did you get the red wine?" Liu Miaomiao asked, looking at the wine glass in front of her.

"I got a bottle from my elder brother's house. I heard that it is some kind of red wine that his father-in-law got from France. I don't know the brand, but I guess it is an ordinary brand. I searched the Internet, and this box is just 3000 yuan." A bottle of 500 yuan is certainly not high-end red wine, but even if it is high-end red wine, Dong Shanhe feels that he can drink it when the atmosphere is up. Wine tasting has nothing to do with him, he wants it It's the atmosphere, it's the feeling.

Now even if Lafite, Latour, and Romanee-Conti are placed in front of his eyes, he will open it without hesitation, and then two people who don't know anything about red wine will taste it.

"Don't look at it, eat it quickly, it will be cold if you don't eat any more, these are the dishes you like to eat." After returning from his hometown, Dong Shanhe began to prepare dinner for tonight.

A big five-pound black fish that was purposely found in the space was made into a pickled fish by Dong Shanhe, and a crab the size of a fist was also made into a spicy crab by Dong Shanhe. Although it would be nice if the crab could be smaller, but I can also make do with it, stir-fried eel segments, and the stewed white-bellied golden pheasant with soft-shelled turtle that Dong Shanhe specially sought out.

"Husband, you can eat too." Liu Miaomiao looked at the seven or eight dishes on the table in front of him, and tears rolled down his eyes. Dong Shanhe had been busy all afternoon cooking his favorite dishes, but his favorite dishes were not. do one.

Liu Miaomiao put down her chopsticks and stood up, "Wife, you?" Dong Shanhe asked without knowing why.

Before he could finish speaking, Liu Miaomiao hugged him from behind, "My husband, why are you being so nice to me?" Liu Miaomiao hugged Dong Shanhe's neck and put his chin on his head.

"You are my wife. If you are not good to you, who is good to you? Come on, don't be sensational, and eat quickly." Dong Shanhe patted Liu Miaomiao's hands around his neck.

"I hate it!" Liu Miaomiao laughed through tears, as if the beautiful atmosphere had been destroyed by Dong Shanhe.

Dong Shanhe kept adding vegetables to Liu Miaomiao, and told her to eat more, eat more.

"If I eat again, I'll weigh 150 catties!" Although Liu Miaomiao said coquettishly, she still didn't stop the chopsticks in her hand.

"You are two hundred catties, I want you too!" Dong Shanhe didn't stop his chopsticks and continued to hold vegetables for her.

"You are only two hundred catties. If I were two hundred catties, you would definitely not want me!" Liu Miaomiao said dissatisfiedly, women, no matter how old they are, pay attention to their figure.

"Hehe! Eat more, eat more!" Dong Shanhe wisely didn't answer, but continued to add food.

"Eat some too! Don't just serve me food!" Liu Miaomiao said after eating two bites and looking at Dong Shanhe.

"Eat what you eat, I'm full!" Dong Shanhe said, patting his chest.

In fact, he was not full at all. There was not a single dish on the table that he liked, except braised prawns and spicy crab. .

"Liar, you give me to eat too!" Liu Miaomiao said and put two eel segments in Dong Shanhe's bowl.

"All right! I'll eat!" Dong Shanhe looked at the situation as something wrong, if he didn't eat it, maybe his daughter-in-law would immediately make him cry, make trouble and hang himself.

Dong Shanhe pretended to eat with relish, and finished two eel segments in three or two bites, "Eat some more!" Seeing that his daughter-in-law wanted to add vegetables, Dong Shanhe hurriedly did it himself, if he did it himself, he could eat some of his favorite , if my wife picks up vegetables, maybe what will I pick up.

When the dishes on the plate were almost eaten, the glass of red wine was also finished by the two of them.

"Daughter-in-law, let's go shopping later. I haven't gone shopping for a few days. I'll buy you two big watermelons and cantaloupe later." Dong Shanhe leaned on the sofa and said to Liu Miaomiao beside him.

"Let's go!" Hearing the watermelon, Liu Miaomiao was about to go down with Dong Shanhe regardless of how much she had just eaten.

"Wait a minute!" Dong Shanhe yelled, then changed his daughter-in-law's shoes, put on two big boxes of sparklers and a lighter, and went downstairs.

"Husband, hurry up!" Liu Miaomiao shouted while bouncing in front of her with two lit sparklers in her hand.

Looking at his daughter-in-law who was smiling like a child, Dong Shanhe was filled with happiness, and took out his mobile phone to take several photos of her.

Upload "The Happiness Blessed by God" to Space and Moments

Dong Shanhe hurriedly took two steps forward to hold Liu Miaomiao, so as not to let her get too excited. There are pedestrians everywhere on the road tonight, and it would be bad if they bump into each other.

Going south along Renmin Road, the two smiled happily, watched and talked, and ignited the sparks in their hands from time to time.

When Dong Shanhe came to the department store, the dozens of sparklers in their hands had been completely ignited.

"Husband, let's go in!" The huge screen illuminated the whole street, and Liu Miaomiao dragged Dong Shanhe into the department store.

"Husband, from today onwards, we will prepare new year's goods!" The moment Dong Shanhe just entered the gate, Liu Miaomiao's voice came from Dong Shanhe's ears.

"Buy!" Dong Shanhe replied simply, one word, buy.

After the two entered the department store, they didn't go to the fresh food area immediately, but just strolled around casually.

"Honey, do you think this Winnie the Pooh looks good?" Liu Miaomiao asked while holding a small Winnie the Pooh.

"It looks good!" Dong Shanhe replied without thinking.

Then Liu Miaomiao threw the Winnie the Pooh into the cart pushed by Dong Shanhe.

"Honey, do you want to eat chocolate?" Liu Miaomiao asked while grabbing a handful of gold coin chocolates.

"Eat!" Chocolate is not Dong Shanhe's favorite, but he has no objection, but what Dong Shanhe likes to eat is cocoa butter substitute chocolate, not pure dark chocolate.

"Husband, do you see this?" "Husband, do you look at this?" "Husband, what do you think of this?" Liu Miaomiao always kept asking Dong Shanhe with things in front.

Then throw them all into the rack truck one by one.

"Daughter-in-law, if you don't buy watermelons, the truck won't be able to fit them!" Looking at the already full truck, Dong Shanhe had no choice but to remind him kindly.

"Oh! That's right! If you don't tell me, I'll forget it!" Dong Shanhe could only shake his head helplessly for his daughter-in-law's personality. She was so mad that she couldn't remember what she said last time.

(End of this chapter)

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