The superstar is here

Chapter 1 I'm Here

Chapter 1 I'm Here

"Zi'ang, Zi'ang... wake up, don't scare me." An anxious voice rang in Chen Zi'ang's ears.

Chen Ziang was shaken awake. He opened his heavy eyelids, and what he saw was a tall boy in a basketball uniform and a jacket. He looked flustered.

Seeing Chen Ziang wake up, the sports boy breathed a sigh of relief, with surprise on his face, and punched Chen Ziang on the shoulder: "You kid wants to scare people to death. You are tired after playing basketball. You said find a place to lie down. Lying down for a long time, I thought you were hiccupping, haha."

Chen Ziang blinked his eyes blankly.

Suddenly, countless memories flooded his mind like a flood, and he clutched his head, feeling very uncomfortable.

At the same time, he was surprised, remembering that he was still fighting with the gangsters just now, why did he wake up and lie here, in a campus, the handsome boy next to him was his classmate.

A thought suddenly came to Chen Zi'ang's mind, time travel?reborn?
"Don't be sad, you just lost a friendly match. Get up and go to eat. It's so late, the cafeteria is almost out of food." Chen Ziang's best friend, the deputy commander, pulled him up, and there was nothing wrong with it.

The acting commander didn't think too much about it, he just thought that Chen Ziang was too tired and worked hard in the basketball game just now, so he just found a place to rest after the end, and now it's been more than half an hour, the best friend has already rested.

Chen Zi'ang's head was still dizzy, he let his best friend pull him up, and followed his best friend.

After walking for a long time, Chen Ziang finally digested it completely.

He really died and was reborn, attached to a senior high school student who was competitive in his bones and died of exhaustion off the court in order to win the game.

The original owner of Chen Ziang's reborn body was also called Chen Ziang. He was a boy who liked sports.

He plans to sign up for the art test in February next year, but the culture class is a huge hurdle for him.

His academic performance is too poor, and he is at the bottom of the class.

"Zi Ang, don't be so depressed. A man has to be able to afford to lose. Look at me, I'm fine. It's just a friendly match. We won the championship in the first and second grade competitions, right? If it wasn't for the third year, the school wouldn't Organize the competition for the third grade, and we will still be the first in the grade..." In the cafeteria, the deputy commander-in-chief comforted Chen Ziang while eating.

Chen Ziang didn't speak, he ate slowly, he was still digesting and understanding the world.

Combining the memories of the previous life and the current life, this world has many places similar to the earth, with similar histories but different.

What surprised Chen Ziang the most was that the entertainment industry here was far less prosperous and developed than in his previous life.

In his previous life, because his family was poor, Chen Ziang couldn’t afford to go to university, but he had a dream of being a star, so he went to the film and television city and started as an extra actor. He is not afraid of heaven and earth, refuses to give in, and clashes with gangsters.

Obviously, he died.

"Ziang, let me tell you, you have to work harder, you have to pass both the art test and the college entrance examination. Hehe, when you enter the film school and enter the entertainment circle, there are so many beautiful classmates and celebrities, remember to introduce them to me One. I don’t have any other hobbies, I just like chasing stars, tsk tsk, if I can get a female star who shines on the screen as my wife, I will have a sense of accomplishment..." Dai Shuai was full of longing, he is really handsome. He is very rich, but he has no artistic talent, and his academic performance is worse than that of Chen Ziang.

Therefore, in this life, he should not even think about being admitted to any art school, and the sports school is almost the same, but he is afraid of hardship and tiredness, he only runs when he is playing basketball, and don't want him to sweat at other times.

"Hurry up and finish your meal and go back to take a shower. There will be a class New Year's Eve party tonight." Chen Zi'ang finished his meal earlier than the Dai Shuai, and he smiled and said to the Dai Shuai.

The Dai Shuai was busy talking, and more than half of the food on the plate was left uneaten.

While digesting the fact of rebirth, Chen Ziang ate slowly, eating faster than Dai Shuai.

"Hey, wait a minute, wait a moment." Chen Ziang said, and the eyes of the deputy commander-in-chief lit up. This guy should be fine, so he hastened to eat.

Today is yesterday, the last day of this year's new calendar. Their school has a traditional class New Year's Day party, which is held on the penultimate night of the new year.

Why not hold it on the last day?

Because after school is over tomorrow afternoon, it will be the New Year's Day holiday, and the students outside the urban area will leave school and go home, so who is going to hold a New Year's Day party.

"Let me tell you, next year I don't know if I will be admitted to Youzhou or Songjiang Prefecture. Are you really planning to go to the same place as me? Is your family willing to let you leave Lin'an?" Chen Ziang looked at the devouring Daishuai and said.

Dai Shuai was taken aback, swallowed, shook his head, and then nodded.

After swallowing the food in his mouth, he said with a bitter face: "Our Lin'an is very close to Songjiang Mansion. My family readily agreed to let me go to Songjiang Mansion for the exam, but they still don't agree to it in Youzhou."

"At present, I only plan to choose three schools for the art exam, Shangxi, Beijing Film Academy, and Nanyi Academy of Jinling. Whichever I pass the exam, I will fill in the college entrance examination volunteer. Um, if I can't pass the exam, then our buddies will go together Go to Songjiang Mansion for the exam, it doesn't matter which school you choose." Chen Ziang said, looking very mature and steady.

He and Dai Shuai have been buddies since the first year of high school. They both like to play basketball and they both play well. There are sports students from the basketball school team in another class, and they lose more than they win when they play against their class.

Dai Shuai likes to hang out with Chen Ziang. One of the reasons is that Chen Ziang can sing, play the guitar well, and can write songs. Although the writing is not very good in his opinion, it is compelling, and many girls like it.

Another point is that he knew from the first year of high school that Chen Ziang's goal was to enter an art school.

"Hey, if you don't get admitted to the art school, my life will be bleak from now on. Ziang, good brother, you must pass the exam. I'll just wait for you to introduce me to a beautiful female classmate who will be a big star in the future. What?" Dai Shuai wailed.

Chen Ziang was speechless: "Beauties are not only found in art colleges and entertainment circles, for example, foreign language colleges in Youzhou or Songjiang prefecture have a lot of them."

Dai Shuai shook his head resolutely: "I just like celebrities and beauties, and I don't care about anything else. Brother, my future happiness depends on you."

Chen Ziang was helpless, stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the phone."

Dai Shuai's family is rich and equipped with high-end mobile phones. Chen Ziang is from an ordinary family. Although he used to have a mobile phone, his father confiscated it since he was in the third year of high school. The purpose is to let him study hard.

Dai Shuai put down his chopsticks, took out his mobile phone and handed it to Chen Ziang, and continued to eat.

Chen Ziang knew the lock screen password of Daishuai's phone, and made a gesture to enter the phone desktop.

He opened the browser, typed a few words, and searched.

With this search, his eyes lit up.

Re-enter a few words and continue searching.

Seeing the search results, his eyes brightened.


After searching several times in a row, Chen Ziang almost couldn't help shouting.

God, earth, he searched for a few classic songs and a few classic movies, but he couldn't find any of them.

what does this mean?
It means that the classic works of the previous life in his mind are not here!
(End of this chapter)

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