The superstar is here

Chapter 2 New Year's Day Party

Chapter 2 New Year's Day Party
Lin'an No. [-] Middle School, Class [-] and [-] of Senior High School.

All classes in the school will hold a New Year's Eve party tonight, so the evening self-study has been cancelled.

The class cadres arranged the class after school in the afternoon, surrounded the desks into three circles inside and outside, and left an open space in the middle to serve as a stage for students who signed up for performances to show their talents.

The Chinese New Year greetings are plastered all over the classroom windows and walls, and the blackboards are also filled with festive greetings and blessings.

Every class is filled with a festive atmosphere, only the blackboard behind the classroom of the third year of senior high school, the reminder of the sprint to the college entrance examination is still there, reminding the third party of the senior high school to always remember that the two days that determine life and destiny are not far away.

The class's New Year's Day party started at 09:30, and a few minutes before, Chen Zi'ang, Dai Shuai and another buddy, Yu Wen, came in slowly, with a guitar on his back.

Chen Ziang and Dai Shuai are not students living on campus, but they sometimes go to play basketball after school in the afternoon, and instead of going home, they will have dinner in the school cafeteria after the game, and then go to the Yu Wen dormitory where they live to take a shower.

Because they had to take a bath from time to time, Chen Ziang and Dai Shuai deliberately left a change of clothes with Yu Wen.

Yu Wen is gentle and gentle, with a weak physique, and doesn't play basketball very much, but he has a skill that Chen Ziang and the acting coach envy - Xueba.

This top student has never dropped out of the top three in the school since the first year of high school.

Such talents can apply for almost any university in the country if they perform well in the college entrance examination.

It is also fate that a scumbag and a top student can get along well.

In the first year of high school, Yu Wen somehow offended a bully in the third year of high school, and was blocked by the other party with four people at the school gate during the holidays.

Chen Ziang and Dai Shuai happened to meet each other when they came out, they were in the same class, so they were saved without further ado.

But it wasn't without price. The two sides met by the river and fought with bare hands. As a result, Chen Zi'ang's side won miserably.

Yu Wen didn't know how to fight, so he couldn't help at all. Chen Ziang and Dai Shuai were two-on-one, each with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Since then, the trio's relationship has remained strong until now.

"Zi Ang is sharp."

"Here comes the artist."


Seeing Chen Ziang and the other three coming in, some classmates greeted with a smile. Chen Ziang has a show tonight, playing the guitar and singing.

Some students were not interested in Chen Ziang's talent, and felt that he was not doing his job properly.

Said that he will rely on singing for food in the future? His singing is not much better.

Speaking of whether he will become an actor in the future, he is not as handsome as Dai Shuai.

In short, it feels like it's not his turn to come out.

As for writing songs, it's a joke. Many students have heard him sing the songs he wrote, and they want to dance awkwardly. It's so awkward.

If you didn't know that Chen Ziang was going to apply for an art school, his talents would still shock ordinary classmates, but once you knew that his goal was so lofty, everyone felt that it was not enough.

Leaving aside whether he can pass the art test, everyone thinks it is impossible to pass the cultural test. His grades are really bad, and there is still hope for a public junior college entrance examination.

For art colleges, such as Beijing Film Academy, candidates who pass the professional examination of theater and film director major (editing direction), the cultural examination score must reach more than 70% (inclusive) of a batch of undergraduate courses in the province where the candidate is located.

The performance major (performance direction) has a lower requirement. Candidates who pass the professional examination must have a cultural examination score of more than 45% (inclusive) of a batch of undergraduate courses in the province where the candidate is located.

Admission to these majors is still based on merit. It is not that students who reach the score line can be admitted. Other candidates have better grades.

The score requirements for the acting major are relatively low, and Chen Ziang also planned to apply for the acting major before.

But now, he has changed his mind, changed the original master's mind.

"Damn, brother, my real brother, if you apply for an acting major, our scores may not be able to pass the exam. You still have to apply for a director major with higher scores. Either you are crazy or I am crazy." Sitting in the corner While chatting, upon learning of Chen Ziang's impromptu decision, the acting commander almost knelt down.

"The director can get in touch with more beautiful stars." Chen Ziang said in a low voice.

Dai Shuai was about to cry: "The premise is that you can pass the exam first. I know that the director is in charge, but the problem is..."

Chen Ziang was also convinced by this buddy, so he just wanted to sneak into the entertainment circle and find a female artist to be his girlfriend.

Before the party started, some nearby students heard the chat between Chen Ziang and Dai Shuai, and they were a little surprised. Chen Ziang wants to take the director major?
It's really crazy, according to his previous test scores, the public college entrance examination is very reluctant, and the director major... It is said that if he wants to pass the entrance examination, if he can't reach the second batch of undergraduate entrance examination scores, don't even think about it.

So ambitious, whimsical.

This was a classmate's private evaluation of Chen Ziang. This person has no such ability, but is so arrogant. It's true that people who engage in art are lunatics.

The class's New Year's Day party started. Two student hosts each held a microphone and walked into the center of the "stage" to host the party.

The evening party held by the students themselves is another class. The programs are basically singing, non-original sketches or cross talk, which are nothing to watch. Some programs are going on, and the students below are eating, drinking and whispering.

Some even got up and left their seats to go out, turn around a few times and come back.

Chen Ziang frowned slightly. When his classmates were performing, others would ignore them. It was a very disrespectful behavior.

For a while, he felt that the original owner was wrong to sign up for the show.

If you want to practice courage and gain experience, you don't want to use it for this kind of occasion.

Going to a bar to accumulate stage experience and earn money is the right way. It doesn’t matter whether the guests below you appreciate it or not, I’ve earned it anyway.

After waiting for almost an hour, Chen Ziang's show finally arrived.

The hostess was a girl who served as the art committee of the class. When calling Chen Ziang to come on stage, she deliberately said two words: genius.

Chen Ziang felt it was particularly harsh, it was ironic.

But thinking about the character of the original owner of this body, he is indeed a little self-aware. If he likes to write songs, he will write them. Everyone knows why he sings them to his classmates if he has nothing to do.

If it's well written, then that's fine. The problem is, Chen Ziang searched for the songs written by the original owner in his memory. Emma couldn't bear to look directly at them.

"Hey, I play and sing by myself, and I wrote the song myself." Sitting in the "center of the stage", Chen Ziang said cheekily with his guitar in his arms.

The students cheered and applauded.

But Chen Ziang, who had been in the rivers and lakes for many years in his previous life, could feel many emotions from their cheers and eyes, contempt, disdain, ridicule...

Only Dai Shuai and Yu Wen sincerely applauded and supported him. For Dai Shuai, it doesn't matter if he can write a good song or a bad song.

As for Yu Wen, although he did not express his expectation and welcome to the song that Chen Ziang was about to sing, he was sincere, because the person who wanted to play and sing by himself was a friend he admired, and he had many bright spots that he didn't have .

In the arena, Chen Ziang hugged the guitar to test the sound, cleared his throat, then raised his head and glanced across a corner.

The girl in the corner has a slim figure and a pretty face. She is one of the best little beauties in Lin'an No. [-] Middle School.

She and Chen Ziang looked at each other for 0.3 seconds, then turned away, with indifferent eyes and a calm expression.

Chen Ziang had written a song for her in freshman year of high school, and the whole class knew about it, but the ending was so obvious that no one even looked at him.

(End of this chapter)

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