The superstar is here

Chapter 3 The Story of Time

Chapter 3 The Story of Time

This Chen Ziang is not that Chen Ziang, so he doesn't have much feeling for Wang Jing anymore.

Now he just thinks she is pretty, has a good family background, and her academic performance is not bad.

There are not 1000 million such girls in the world, but there are 800 million.

In his previous life, Chen Zi'ang had seen several women, and they were so shockingly beautiful.

Seeing such a peerless and independent woman, normal men would rather have a beauty than a country.

Therefore, the current Chen Ziang's vision is no longer comparable to that of the original Chen Ziang in this world.

In the arena, after a few trial plays, Chen Ziang calmed down, and after mobilizing his emotions, his eyes slowly changed.

Chen Ziang's classmates in the attention field were slightly taken aback.

Chen Ziang was not the kind of sunny boy. On the contrary, after he failed to confess in his freshman year of high school, he had always seemed very decadent. He was not a sponsoring student, but he was admitted to Lin'an No. [-] Middle School, a key middle school in the city, with his grades plummeting.

No matter which class, the students with the lowest grades are almost all like Dai Shuai who rely on sponsoring schools to exchange places.

Wang Jing has been paying attention to Chen Ziang, and seeing him like this makes her feel a little uncomfortable.

Chen Ziang was also very sunny before, but after being rejected by her, he was devastated.

She has a crush on Chen Ziang, but she can't be called a liking, and now she suddenly feels that in the past two and a half years, has she been too cruel?

A boy with a promising future may not even be admitted to a public junior college because of himself.

There are quite a few couples in school who encourage each other, and they didn't let their studies go to waste. Am I doing too much?Wang Jing reflected.

Promise him, encourage each other, hold hands at most, and there is nothing to lose.

But I didn't, and I didn't even say a word to him for more than two years.

At this time, Chen Ziang in the field started to play the guitar.

The tune is surprisingly pleasant, which is different from the songs he wrote himself that everyone has heard in the past.

The classmate who wanted to see a joke at first couldn't help but put away his contempt.

After playing for a while, suddenly, Chen Ziang started singing.

"The flowers of spring bloom with the wind of autumn and the setting sun of winter."

Throughout the year, the characteristics of the three seasons are perfectly expressed by a line of lyrics.

The classmates who didn't pay much attention to Chen Ziang's program were also attracted at this time.

"I used to think so ignorantly when I was a melancholy youth."

Dai Shuai was stunned, why is he a little bit literary, the songs written by Chen Ziang were not so brilliant before, they were very empty, to put it bluntly, they were moaning without illness.

"In the song of reincarnation of the four seasons, the windmill circulates every day, and in the poems of wind, flowers, snow and moon, I grow up every year."

After singing this, the students began to listen carefully. The guitar is nice and the song is even better.

Great feeling.

Everyone looked at Chen Ziang in the field as if they didn't know each other. The songs he wrote had tasteful lyrics and good tunes, and they were still very nice.

"The story of running water taking away the time changes a person, just in the sentimental and waiting youth for the first time."

The students no longer feel that Chen Ziang is moaning about nothing, but he is telling a story, about a period of youth.

It's all about everyone's stories and youth.

"Yellowing photographs, old letters and faded Christmas cards."

This sentence can resonate with the students. Who hasn't taken pictures when they were young, who hasn't written or received letters, and who hasn't sent and received Christmas cards?

The photos from my childhood have already turned yellow, the letters from elementary school or junior high school have become old, and the brand new Christmas cards I received that year have faded and are no longer fresh.

"I'm afraid you have forgotten the song I wrote for you when you were young."

Chen Ziang looked ahead and didn't look at anyone, but this sentence made everyone's hearts move.

Is this song also written for the person he likes in his heart?

Everyone looked at Wang Jing unconsciously. The whole class knew that Chen Ziang had always liked Wang Jing.

It's a pity that she has high vision and is more arrogant than Chen Ziang.

When Wang Jing heard this sentence, her body shook slightly, and her heartstrings were plucked.

"The oaths of the past are like the colorful bookmarks in the textbook, depicting so many beautiful poems, but they are a puff of smoke after all."

The lake in Wang Jing's heart was rippling. Hearing this sentence, it was as if a basin of cold water had been poured on it. It was cold from the beginning to the end.

The students opened their mouths wide. This story, this plot, is so sad.

They were not only thinking of Chen Ziang and Wang Jing, they were thinking more of themselves.

It turns out that this is also our story and youth.

Dai Shuai rubbed his eyes, this song is so nice, and the lyrics resonate with him even more, is that person in the field the Chen Ziang he knows?
Yu Wen's eyes are hot. He is a top student, but it's because he can only study, sing, play ball, write songs, and play the guitar...

So when Chen Ziang admired him, he was also envious of Chen Ziang.

"The story of running water taking away the time changed two people, just in the sentimental youth that shed tears for the first time."

When Wang Jing heard this sentence, she felt lost for a while.

He made it very clear, he gave up, and from then on, the road went to the sky, and each went his own way.

Being liked, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl, is a joy in the heart.

After being given up, I felt like I was lost in love, which was uncomfortable.

"The distant distance, yesterday's dream and distant laughter,
When we meet again, how many miles have we traveled,

I am no longer the old familiar I have the old wild dreams,

It is not that you who are familiar with you in the old days have the same smile. "

When Chen Ziang sang this, some female students couldn't help but have red eyes. The college entrance examination is not far away, which means that the separation is not far away.

This song can touch the nerves of anyone with campus life experience, and it is easy and natural to evoke nostalgia for the past.

Youth is perishable, youth is easy to grow old, the story of running water taking away the time, also taking away the sentimental youth.

That touch of youthful red is engraved in our lives.

After Chen Ziang finished singing, the students were still in a daze.

Soon, the way they looked at Chen Ziang changed, with curiosity, strangeness, and strangeness...

Was such a classic song written by Chen Ziang, who could only write sour songs?

But he didn't write it, and no one has heard of it.

Such a nice song, if it goes on the shelves, it will definitely not remain unknown.

After Chen Ziang finished singing, he put away his guitar and returned to his seat without saying a word.

The host didn't continue to host the show, and it wasn't a formal party anyway, so everyone was just joking around, so the two of them gathered around Chen Ziang like many classmates.

"Zi Ang, this is the song you wrote."

"Zi Ang, sing it again."

"It's not enough yet, I still want to hear it."

"Sounds great."


A group of students chattered a lot. Although some people were skeptical, it was impossible to speak so straightforwardly.

"It's going to be like this tonight. It will be a long time in the future. Everyone wants to listen to it in the future, and I will still sing." Chen Ziang is not in a good state now, and it is really uncomfortable to sing such a song that brings back many memories of him when he first came to this world.

The Dai Shuai had never been so beautiful today, sitting next to Chen Ziang, he felt like a star.

Although everyone is rooting for Chen Ziang, it feels like he is rooting for him.

(End of this chapter)

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