Chapter 4
After the class's New Year's Eve party was over, Chen Zi'ang and Dai Shuai rode their bicycles home. After leaving the school, they rode two streets together and separated at an intersection.

With the cold wind blowing, Chen Ziang rode slowly.

While going home along the road in memory, I calmly think about life.

That's right, he is indeed thinking seriously about this life, which is something he never thought about in his previous life.

At that time, he only knew to rush forward, strive to survive, live hard, and fight hard.

In his previous life, he had a younger brother, but his younger brother was weak and sick. Although both brothers had good academic performance, after graduating from high school, Chen Ziang resolutely left home to work alone.

In the previous life, my parents were simple farmers in the countryside, and the family didn't have much land, so I had no money to send both sons to college.

He is in good health, leaving the opportunity to go to college to his sick brother.

"I don't know what happened to my parents? What happened to my younger brother, he is about to graduate from college." Thinking of his parents and his younger brother, Chen Ziang's nose was sour because he couldn't go back.

"At least my younger brother is still here, so my parents should be fine." Chen Ziang felt sad. Their family was very harmonious. At the beginning, his parents insisted on letting him go to college. He didn't send it home. One night, he took 200 yuan in his pocket and quietly left home...

It was not until two months after the start of school that he called home to report that he was safe.

After thinking about it, Chen Ziang rode his bicycle back to the entrance of the community, and rode in through the side door.

After locking the bicycle at the bicycle parking spot, Chen Ziang looked up at a residential building.

This is an elevator room with 35 floors, and his family lives on the 21st floor.

Before entering elementary school, he lived in the country with his grandparents.

I didn't come to LA until I was in elementary school. When I came here, I didn't live here, but rented a house in another community.

My parents are ordinary office workers, and they worked hard all their lives to buy an apartment here, and they just paid off the mortgage a few years ago.

After checking the access control, taking the elevator, and taking out the key at the door to open the door, Chen Ziang hesitated, and stepped back for a moment to the window opposite the elevator, looking at the city outside the window.

He is also ashamed of his parents in this world.

His parents put all their hopes on him as a son.

But he is not doing his job, singing, playing guitar, and imitating others to write online novels. His academic performance is getting worse and worse, and he is failing to pass the entrance examination of a public junior college.

In the past two years, his parents tried their best to persuade him to study hard, but there was no effect at all, and the two elders were almost desperate.

The two elders are from ordinary families. They have no contacts and resources, and they can't help their sons. They can only rely on their sons to study hard, go to college, and find a good job.

But his son's current academic performance is worse than some high-priced students who spent money to buy into Lin'an No. [-] Middle School, so how can the two elders not be sad.

Looking at this familiar but unfamiliar city by the window, Chen Ziang was a little dazed.

Familiarity is because of previous memories, and strangeness is because it is different from the world in his previous life.

After standing for a long time, Chen Ziang turned around and went back to the door of the house, opened the door and went in.

in the living room.

Father Chen Feng and mother Shi Jia were sitting on the sofa watching TV, and they were still awake.

"Why are you back so late tonight?" Chen Feng frowned slightly when he saw his son entering the door.

In the past, my son came home before ten o'clock, but this time he came back late after almost eleven o'clock.

Shi Jia looked at Chen Ziang's eyes differently from Chen Feng's. Although there was blame and sadness in it, it was more pampering.

"Is there a party at school tonight?" Shi Jia asked Chen Ziang softly. She is a high school teacher, but not from Lin'an No. [-] Middle School. She knows that the school has this unwritten custom when New Year's Day approaches.

"Well, the party ended relatively late, so I came back late." Chen Ziang replied while fetching water from the water dispenser next to the TV.

Chen Feng and Shi Jia were a little surprised. The old Chen Ziang was not so easy to talk to. He either ignored them, or said impatiently that he was delayed because he had something to do, and he didn't mean to do something bad.

"Hurry up and take a bath. I'll make you supper and go to bed after eating." Shi Jia urged, although she felt that her son had changed from before and no longer resisted his parents so much, she didn't say anything.

"Yeah." After drinking the water, Chen Ziang went into the house to find clothes, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After entering the bathroom, he breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he was also happy in his heart.

Although Chen Feng was not very kind to him, but when he sat there, he was full of fatherly love.

Not to mention Shi Jia, she has never been reluctant to beat him and scold him, she is willing to raise her son for the rest of her life, and will never despise her son's bad behavior.

Of course, Shi Jia was very sad that Chen Ziang was in this field now.

Getting into a good university, finding a good job, and finding a good wife are the expectations of all parents in the world for their sons.

"The past and the past are clouds..." While taking a bath, Chen Ziang completely accepted this fact and integrated into the world with his current identity.

When he came out of the shower, Shi Jia had already cooked wontons and put them on the dinner table for him.

"Thank you mom!" Chen Ziang rolled up his sleeves and sat down at the dining table.

Shi Jia was taken aback. After his son grew up, he had never been so polite to his parents.

She was a little uncomfortable with being so polite.

After supper, Chen Ziang went to brush his teeth, and when he came back, he found his parents were still sitting on the sofa watching TV.

The two elders have been like this for more than two years. They turned off the TV and went back to the room to sleep after their son finished his work.

"Are you asking me for something or your mother?" Chen Feng said to Chen Ziang passing by the living room, his tone was not very kind.

The Chen family is notoriously strict father and mother.

Chen Feng was born in the IT industry, he was boring, he was not good at speaking, and he was very strict with Chen Ziang.

Shi Jia is a teacher by profession, and he treats children contrary to Chen Feng, very doting.

Chen Ziang originally planned to go back to his room to sleep after washing, but he was really tired today, so he had to stop after hearing what his father said.

"No." He was a little at a loss, why didn't I know that I had something to ask my parents.

Soon, he understood.

I was so polite to my mother before, my mother may have told my father, otherwise my father would not have asked.

There is nothing to be courteous, and it is either a traitor or a thief.

Thinking of this, Chen Ziang was a little embarrassed to overthrow the previous answer, and begged: "Well, Dad, I do have something to ask, so what, can I return my mobile phone? You see, I haven't come back so late, and I don't have any Mobile phone, you can’t find me even if you want to find it, it’s very inconvenient, isn’t it.”

Chen Feng was thoughtful.

Shi Jia nodded and said, "That's right, it's really inconvenient for Zi Ang not to have a cell phone. When we're not at home, we can't even get in touch with him."

After pondering for a while, Chen Feng said lightly: "If you have a mobile phone, you will know how to play every day and affect your studies. There is no need. Like tonight, if you don't come back, we will wait. It's not that we can't wait. If you want to get your mobile phone back, are you Don't even think about it..."

At this time, Shi Jia interrupted Chen Feng, and said to Chen Ziang: "I will charge your mobile phone before going to bed, and I will leave it to you when I wake up tomorrow morning. When you grow up, you must have self-control. Mom believes you can do it." arrive."

Chen Feng was stunned.

"Thank you mom, I won't affect my studies with my mobile phone, so don't worry." Chen Ziang was pleasantly surprised. In his previous life, he never left his mobile phone. In this life, there is not a day without a mobile phone in his hand. These days are really tormenting.


Before going to bed, in the parents' room.

"Old Chen, have you noticed that our son has changed a lot tonight, he's so polite." Shi Jia is still so excited that he doesn't feel sleepy at all. In the past two years, the relationship between father and son has not been very good.

Chen Ziang's actions tonight began to ease the uncomfortable atmosphere in their house before.

"What's the use of being polite? It's mainly about your academic performance. If you don't improve your grades, in the future... oh." Chen Feng was distressed. He loved Chen Ziang deeply and hated him deeply. He had a very bad attitude towards Chen Ziang in the past two years. It wasn't Shi Jia who stopped him, he didn't know how many times he did it.

(End of this chapter)

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