The superstar is here

Chapter 14 Women Are Liars

Chapter 14 Women Are Liars
After leaving each other's contact information and agreeing to make another appointment in the future, Chen Zi'ang took Dai Shuai and Yu Wen out of the square to have dinner.

"Brother Zhen, when I saw these three little kids, I remembered us back then, haha." The bass player had a smile on his lips, both self-deprecating and sneering.

Everyone who takes the road of music feels that they are awesome at the beginning, and they will definitely be popular in the future. Standing in the center of the stage, shining brightly, accepting the worship of fans.

The truth is, the waters are deep.

There are too many talents in this line of work.

Cao Zhen smiled: "Looks like a kid from a rich family. Whether it's ambition or fun, we'll follow suit."

"Haha, if you have money but don't make money, you're a bastard. It doesn't matter what he records, it has nothing to do with us." Guitarist Xiaodong also laughed.

"Original? Arranged by yourself? I laughed so hard, haha." The bass player laughed, but there was a bit of sadness hidden in the laughter. He glanced at the guitar case lying on the ground and the audience who gave rewards. money.


Chen Ziang's side.

"Ziang, is it really okay to find such a band to record the accompaniment?" Dai Shuai thought it was too easy, and thought that he would have to run around and search all over the city to find a "master" to help them record the accompaniment , but Chen Ziang just mentioned recording songs, turned around and saw a band, and uh, that's the band.

So simple?So sloppy?

Chen Ziang stepped on his bicycle, and said angrily: "You think only those people on TV can record, so you can get into your eyes, don't you? Let me tell you, I can't afford those people's appearance fees even if I go bankrupt. Besides, their appearance They are all introduced to acquaintances or acquaintances, and there is no time for small people like us. I told you, if you want to treat it as an investment, you should be prepared to lose all your money, and don't think about selling it to make money."

The commander-in-chief was silent, and said for a while: "Well, it feels good to put a hope there. Who told us that we are civilians and have no chance to be exposed."

What Chen Ziang wanted to say hesitated, but finally he couldn't help but said: "He came to Laian from Youzhou, it's not good for you to leave him alone."

The Dai Shuai was stunned for a moment, and soon understood what Chen Ziang meant, and said indifferently: "They didn't come here to match our two children, they have a project to discuss with my parents. Besides, their family will stay together for the next two days. Stay at my house, and I also promised to take her around Lin'an tomorrow, and I will not be rude in terms of etiquette."

Dai Shuai's house is an independent two-storey villa with a large area. There are eight bedrooms alone, and there is no shortage of space for guests.

Chen Ziang had visited Dai Shuai's house several times. His parents had no airs at all, they were very approachable, and they couldn't tell that the two elders were more powerful business tycoons than the other.

Yu Wen, who was riding a bicycle in front of him, slowed down. He had obviously been listening to the chat between Chen Ziang and Dai Shuai, and said to Dai Shuai with a look of incomprehension: "Handsome, I think he is so beautiful, and there are no such beautiful girls in our school." , you are actually unwilling to pay attention to others, your vision is too high."

Dai Shuai said contemptuously: "You are too superficial, you only know how to look at your face."

Yu Wen concluded, feeling angry in his heart, a full man doesn't know a hungry man is hungry.

Chen Ziang sighed secretly, his background was different, his own conditions were different, so his vision was different.

In his previous life, even if Chen Zi'ang got to the back and was worth tens of millions, he still couldn't wash away the hanging silk aura all over his body for a while.

Those who are not familiar with Dai Shuai will definitely think that he is a boy with perfect appearance and personality, plus his temperament, there is no girl who doesn't like him.

The environment changes people, and the origin determines the starting point.

Perhaps because of his fearlessness, Dai Shuai lived a free and easy life, relaxed, and naturally looked farther than ordinary people.

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, that's the truth.

After searching for a long time, the three finally decided to enter a self-service hot pot restaurant.

Find a seat, choose the bottom of the pot, and everyone chooses meat dishes.

Dai Shuai came back with a big plate of meat and a big plate of vegetables, as if he would not stop going out tonight without leaning on the wall.

Boys in this age group have a big appetite, and they can't lose money if they go to the buffet or hot pot buffet.

The three of them were eating the steaming hot pot, suddenly.

Dai Shuai looked behind Chen Ziang with sharp eyes, but quickly pretended nothing happened and continued to eat.

"I'll go get some more. What do you want to eat, I'll bring it back for you." Chen Ziang put down his chopsticks and said to Dai Shuai and Yu Wen that his favorite dish was gone.

Yu Wen lowered his head and waved his hands while eating: "I don't need it, I haven't finished eating yet, I'll talk about it after I finish."

Dai Shuai also put down his chopsticks and said, "I'll go with you."

As he spoke, he got up first and walked to the passage behind him.

Chen Ziang was taken aback, and followed: "Go quickly through the passage behind me, what are you doing in a big circle?"

Dai Shuai laughed and said in a low voice: "Walk a few more steps, it will help digestion, you can eat more, you can't lose money."

Chen Ziang laughed to himself, but said nothing, and the two went to get the food together.

When he came back, it was normal, and the deputy commander took Chen Zi'ang back from the shortcut.

When Chen Ziang went to get food for the second time, the Dai Shuai put down his chopsticks and dragged him a long way.

When he came back, he still pulled him to take a shortcut.

Chen Ziang didn't notice it.

After Yu Wen finished eating the dishes he brought, he got up, ready to go get them again.

He and Chen Ziang were sitting side by side. He was surprised when he turned around and did not take two steps.

Dai Shuai covered his forehead.

Because Chen Ziang watched Yu Wen get up and leave, and he noticed that something was wrong with Yu Wen.

He followed Yu Wen's gaze.

Seeing this, a little surprise appeared on his face.

Behind him, by the window with two tables across, sat a man and a woman.

Chen Ziang knew these two people.

The woman was the girl who was at the same table as Chen Ziang when she was high, and who had boldly pursued and wrote songs for her——Wang Jing.

The man was a boy from the class next door, he played basketball, and his academic performance... For Yuan Chen Ziang, he was someone who could enter the top [-] in the school.

Chen Ziang turned his head and looked at Dai Shuai.

Dai Shuai lowered his head to eat hot pot.

This guy must have seen it a long time ago, no wonder he kept pulling himself away just now.

If you walk over here, you will definitely see Wang Jing.

It's not necessarily the case when you come back. Unless you look at it specially, you will just walk over in a daze.

Yu Wen was a little embarrassed, if he were Chen Ziang, he would probably be very upset seeing this scene.

Women are all liars, what do you say that studies are the most important thing, and the college entrance examination is coming soon, so you are dating another boy?
Seeing Wang Jing dating other boys, Chen Ziang really felt uncomfortable. It was the sequelae left by the former Chen Ziang.

Otherwise, the current Chen Ziang would just treat it like air when he saw this scene.

It's impossible for a beautiful woman to have a partner. After getting married, even a man will feel uncomfortable, and it's none of his business.

Wang Jing didn't notice this side at first, but almost everyone in the store was sitting, and suddenly there was a person standing not far away, which could easily attract people's attention, so she subconsciously looked over.

Seeing this, the smile on her face gradually disappeared.

When she saw Yu Wen and Dai Shuai, she also saw Chen Zi'ang with his back turned to her.

"Zi'ang, why don't you come out tomorrow and I'll introduce Tongtong to you? Well, it's the girl you saw on your phone today. Her full name is Guan Tongtong. She has a very good personality. She doesn't dislike the poor and loves the rich... ..." Dai Shuai stopped eating hot pot, raised his head and said to Chen Ziang.

(End of this chapter)

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