The superstar is here

Chapter 15 She Has No Vision

Chapter 15 She Has No Vision
"Eat your hot pot well." Chen Ziang smiled lightly, the sequelae were quickly discarded by him, and the past could not be completely let go for a while, but what is this little shit about the former Chen Ziang?
But Dai Shuai is interesting enough, the family intentionally introduced such a beautiful and well-matched girl to him, and he introduced it to himself as soon as he said the introduction, and he didn't mean to be hypocritical at all.

Yu Wen was in a dilemma. Hearing Dai Shuai's words, he immediately sat down and said cheekily: "Shuai, introduce me too. She's so beautiful."

Dai Shuai didn't even look at Yu Wen, and said: "You are useless, you can't hold it, and Ziang is hanging. When people make friends, they don't look at whether you have money. Anyway, they don't have money like hers, but they also look at you. Potential stocks, do you feel safe? Wen, I’m not talking about you. You only know how to read and have no interest. In the future, you will follow the route of the president, and you will meet countless outstanding men. You... rest .”

"Um, that's not what I mean, I just want to meet big beauties." Yu Wen adjusted his glasses, feeling very depressed. He was quite honest at first, and his face was not so thick. After hanging out with Chen Ziang and Dai Shuai for a long time, he naturally Without saying anything, his face thickened.

The words of the Dai Shuai sounded the alarm in Chen Ziang's heart.

In fact, Dai Shuai will also follow the route of the president in the future. Now that they are students, the three of them can still be inseparable, talking and laughing. In the future, when they step into different fields and meet people of different levels, the distance will naturally be opened.

When two people are together without a common language, it is the most painful, and often ends without a problem.

To be friends, to make friends, is probably the same.

"You can get whatever you want, you're welcome." Chen Ziang said to Yu Wen.

Yu Wen couldn't laugh or cry, why am I being polite, this is a self-service hot pot.

After thinking about it, he got up and took a detour, not wanting to go to Wang Jing's side.

An enemy of an enemy is a friend, and an enemy of a friend is an enemy.

Wang Jing was blacklisted by Dai Shuai and Yu Wen two years ago, the kind who didn't even say hello, unless she and Chen Ziang got married.

After Yu Wen went to get the dishes, Dai Shuai glanced at Wang Jing, and said to Chen Ziang in a low voice: "Zi'ang, don't blame me for speaking harshly. I think she is short-sighted and doesn't know how to look at people. You should take a long-term view. University and There are countless super-sized beauties waiting for us in the entertainment industry."

Chen Ziang smiled, knowing that as a substitute commander, as long as the original Chen Ziang didn't die, he would definitely be able to get on this big boat after graduation, which is a height that more than [-]% of people can't reach in their lifetime.

Surrogate parents and surrogate mothers often appear in financial news, because they are both business tycoons and have great influence.

In terms of individuals, although the two of them are still far from the richest man in the country, they are not far behind the richest man in the country when combined.

Chen Ziang suddenly remembered that the commander-in-chief had just mentioned that the girl who came to his house as a guest was named Guan Tongtong?
Surname Guan!

No way, Chen Ziang was moved.

"What are you thinking?" Seeing that Chen Ziang's expression was wrong, Dai Shuai asked with a smile.

Chen Ziang asked curiously: "The girl who came to your house is surnamed Guan?"

Dai Shuai chuckled: "What? Guess it?"

Chen Ziang smiled wryly. In his previous life, he had been at the "peak of life", and he had never come into contact with people at that level.

"Then let me introduce Mao, the class is too high." Chen Ziang scolded with a smile.

Dai Shuai didn't care and said: "What's so high, my family is not much worse than theirs, heck, anyway, our family's money is not less than theirs." In the end, Dai Shuai didn't dare to brag anymore, he lacked confidence .

Chen Ziang finally understood why the acting commander-in-chief didn't "see" that girl anymore.

How can I look down on this, I guess it's because I feel ashamed and feel that I don't deserve it.

If the yin prospers and the yang declines, it will definitely not be a good life in the future.

People's background can be big.

Seeing Chen Ziang smiling happily and feeling a bit cheap, Dai Shuai felt that he might have been seen through, blushed and said rudely: "What are you laughing at, that girl really can't be provoked, if she is provoked, she will be in prison for the rest of her life." 'Get ready, don't think about it in the future, if you dare to mess around, then change to a real prison."

"How powerful is her family?" Chen Ziang was stunned. Dai Shuai used to be proud of his parents, and he would not pay attention to the richest man in the country. It was the first time he saw him so solemnly and afraid to mention a person, or a family.

Dai Shuai returned to normal, brushed the hot pot, and said casually: "Let me tell you, the richest man on the surface, or the person on the rich list, is actually not a fart, and he is still at the mercy of others, just like my parents. Do business honestly, the kind of business that everyone can see. That kind of military industry, and energy, etc. Heck, who can a normal businessman intervene? Those who intervene will no longer appear on the rich list..."

Chen Ziang said angrily, "Isn't that fart? Can you take into account the feelings of us civilians?"

Dai Shuai chuckled and stopped talking.

Eat hot pot, eat hot pot.

When Yu Wen came back, Dai Shuai couldn't help but said to Chen Zi'ang: "Zi'ang, to be honest, come out tomorrow, well, I'll accompany her around alone, I... Anyway, I feel very miserable."

Yu Wen's eyes lit up, and he asked embarrassingly, "Are you accompanying the girl on the phone? I'm free tomorrow, I..."

"Go, it's none of your business. If she's unhappy when she sees her like this, my parents will beat me to death when I go back." Dai Shuai refused without hesitation, without even thinking about it.

Yu Wen asked strangely: "Didn't you say that she has a good personality?"

"But you don't look very good." Dai Shuai beat Yu Wen ruthlessly.

Yu Wen had no choice but to eat the hot pot in silence, he was indeed average in appearance, compared to Dai Shuai, he could really be described as ugly.

Chen Ziang is not bad, he is also tall, anyway, in Yu Wen's opinion, he can be pulled out for a walk and meet that girl.

"A companion is like a tiger, and I don't feel comfortable not looking for it." Chen Ziang didn't agree to the acting commander. Although he really wanted to meet that level and amazing girl, but after thinking about it, forget it. There is nothing to do, and there will be no intersection in the future. , Not a person from the same world.

"Don't tell you. When I came back from the plane at noon, my parents and her parents asked me to take her around in the afternoon and evening. I said that I had made an appointment with my classmates all day. They were reasonable. Today Let me go. Big brother, I'm just waiting for you as a rescuer, you can't just ignore death." Dai Shuai was anxious and no longer calm. He didn't feel any pressure when he contacted Guan Tongtong by SMS or phone before. When you come, stop cooking immediately.

Chen Ziang thought it was funny, it turned out that this guy was always pretending before.

Speaking of Dai Shuai, he is quite different. He doesn't like ordinary girls, and he doesn't even look at them.

But like Guan Tongtong, he was timid again, fearing that he would avoid it.

"Let me tell you, not all beauties in the entertainment industry are as open-minded as you imagined. They just take off their pants and go their separate ways after putting them on. You want that kind of life. If you accept this kind of heart early, it will ruin your life." For the rest of your life, do you think that once you play enough and then live a good life, you won’t feel any burden? Wrong, anyone with a conscience will feel guilty, just like committing a crime once, and it will be a lifetime of scars.” Chen Ziang I don't really hope that Dai Shuai will find a woman in the entertainment industry. In his previous life, he loved the entertainment industry, but he didn't love the people in the entertainment industry. At least he didn't want to find a girlfriend in the entertainment industry.

"Khan, I'm talking about theories and principles that haven't been proven in practice, stop. Just say whether you will come tomorrow or not?" Dai Shuai said depressedly.

(End of this chapter)

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