Chapter 31
Old Hei is very conflicted now, Chen Ziang's foreign language test scores...

146 points!
Although it doesn't have a perfect score, it is already in the top row.

At present, there are students who do not have full marks on foreign language papers, and there are quite a few students with 145 or above.

But which of the scores in this rank is not a top student?

Such students, the teacher will not be able to provide for them, but they must be well treated.

Once upon a time, there was an ordinary high school head teacher in a county town whose character exploded and brought out a student who was the top student in the province, and then all the well-known high schools in the city rushed to invite him into their school.

Now, Chen Ziang seems to have completely exploded. For such a student, please invite his parents, okay?

not good!

Certainly not good.

But the phone calls were made, and the tone was not very good.

Old black toothache.

I hurriedly went to another office, and asked the teacher of comprehensive science to join the team and give priority to correcting Chen Ziang's papers.

This jump in line, the result came out.

Chen Ziang scored 300 points out of 288 in the comprehensive test.

Old Hei returned to the office, clutching his head.

How does it feel like a dream today.

Very unreal.

The first get out of class in the afternoon is over.

Chen Ziang was told to go to Lao Hei's office.

"Mom is here?" On the way, Chen Ziang secretly speculated.

After entering Lao Hei's office, he took a special look around.

Didn't see mom.

"Chen Ziang, sit down." Lao Hei looked very enthusiastic, with a deep smile on his face.

Chen Ziang was suspicious, but sat down obediently.

"Teacher Tan, is my mother here?" He asked.

Old Hei was a little embarrassed.

You did so well in the early exam, I wouldn't call you a parent.

I don't know that Xueba all bring their own Shangfang sword, wear a mandarin jacket, and have a gold medal for avoiding death?

"Well, Ziang, you can't be biased, you have to develop in a balanced way." Lao Hei said with a cheeky tone.

Chen Ziang was thinking of his mother, and casually said respectfully: "Teacher Tan, I don't have one. I have worked hard to review every subject carefully. A four-legged bench can't stand without one leg. I will never allow myself to make such a low-level fatal mistake." mistake."

The old black face turned black.

Can you tell nonsense without opening your eyes.

You can see how many points you have scored in the Chinese test, and how many points you have scored in other subjects.

But now Chen Ziang doesn't know yet, the papers haven't been handed out, and the teachers haven't announced it yet.

"Cough, that..." Old Hei earnestly taught: "Student Ziang, we can't act righteously. Sometimes Teacher Wei does things a little improperly, but he is also for the benefit of the students. You can't resent it because of this, and put yourself on the line. go in."

Chen Ziang quickly confessed his innocence, and assured him: "Teacher Tan, I don't. I respect Teacher Wei very much. He is a rare good teacher..."

Old Hei wants to vomit blood, but you still respect him. Did you deliberately get a low score in the test to respect him?
It was obvious that there was resentment in his heart, and he was angry with him, so he got such a low score in the test.

As a lesson from heaven and earth, Chen Ziang really has more energy than not enough in Chinese at present. If it weren't for the same grammar and writing, and the texts are all articles he has never seen before, it would be good if he didn't get a zero in the exam.

As for other subjects, Chen Ziang did not expect to do so well.

Anyway, when he didn't understand, he just relied on his feeling, and he almost got the answer right when he was confused.

In addition, the addition of two brains, the effect of the increase is not covered, he does not know that he is already a veritable schoolmaster.

"In the future, pay more attention to Chinese subjects. It's not good to be partial. The teacher lost his temper with you, and it's for your own good." Lao Hei didn't know what to say, and it was almost time for class, so he told Chen Ziang to go back.

Chen Ziang nodded, got up and went back.

After returning, he was inexplicable and at a loss.

Lao Hei called him over, as if he hadn't said anything.

It's like calling him over and asking, have you eaten yet?He said he ate and came back.

Well, think about it again, Lao Hei's attitude is much better.

Teacher Wei Jialong returned to the office after class with a gloomy expression on his face.

While teaching the Chinese of the third and seventh classes of the senior high school, he also taught the Chinese of the third and third classes of the senior high school, and also taught the Chinese of the first class of the senior one.

The senior three students haven't got all the subject papers and don't know the scores yet, but the teachers already know what they want to know.

As soon as Wei Jialong entered the office, he confirmed something with Lao Hei. He had just heard that Chen Ziang had made a fortune this time, and he did better in the exam than ever before, except that he failed the Chinese exam.

"Well, apart from Chinese, the other subjects were really good. Cough, the Chinese test is as good as other subjects, and it's no problem to be the first in the school." Old Hei carefully looked at Teacher Wei Jialong's face.

Teacher Wei Jialong's eyes widened: "Is it really that good?"

Old Hei nodded seriously.

This is bad.

Wei Jialong lost his temper in an instant, and burst into a rage: "Okay, did you mean to anger me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he sat down on the chair, his head dizzy.

Really dizzy.

Lao Hei hurriedly comforted Teacher Wei Jialong.

Wei Jialong's teaching method is really good, aside from his bad temper, harsh speech, and being more of a bully, he is still very good.

In a school, it is very rare for a teacher to teach two senior three classes at the same time. Wei Jialong is one of these few teachers.

He was literally vomiting blood.

Not so annoying.

A good student is a qualification of a teacher's career.

For example, a teacher who is the champion of a certain subject in the college entrance examination enjoys different treatment within the system.

In fact, it's no wonder that the teachers dote on the top learners and dote on the students, it's all the help on their career path.

Mothers are valued by their sons, and sons are valued by their fathers. It can also be established for teachers and students.

Lao Hei and Wei Jialong now have some suspicions that Chen Ziang deliberately did not do well in the exams in the past two years, and he only became serious in the last semester.

This seriousness is really shocking.

All the teachers in this office knew about it, and even the teachers in other offices also received the news.

There was a big dark horse in Class [-], Grade [-].

It's just that this dark horse is a bit willful, and has quarreled with Mr. Wei.

Then other subjects are either first or under one person and above ten thousand people, which is extremely good.

As for Mr. Wei's subject, Dark Horse deliberately failed the test.

"That student is the protagonist in the recent popular video on the Internet." Other teachers in the office whispered.

"Ah? No."

"What video?"

"I've seen that video. A student who can say that kind of thing would be pretty good, but I didn't expect him to be so good."

"Uh, I heard that the school leader was looking for that student yesterday, and he was going to be punished. After all, it was posted on the Internet, and the impact was very bad."

"No way."

"The head of the lower school must have a headache now. This kind of student... In fact, he is not wrong. It is Teacher Wei who is angry and does not think about things."

"It's really inappropriate to punish such a good student, it may ruin the family."


Teachers speak freely in private.

And now the school leaders have also received the report from Lao Hei, and they are a little dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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