The superstar is here

Chapter 32 Why is the script not as imagined?

Chapter 32 Why is the script not as imagined?
A guest came to Lao Hei's office.

As soon as this guest arrived, the whole office was amazed. She was so beautiful. At first glance, I thought she was a girl in her 20s or [-]s.

But after she introduced herself, everyone knew that she was conservatively saying that she was almost forty.

Because her son is already in high school and is still in his senior year.

She is Chen Ziang's mother, Shi Jia.

Lao Hei was also the first to see Chen Ziang's mother, and was very surprised.

Although the original Chen Ziang's grades were poor in the past two years, he did not cause trouble and did not make any mistakes to be caught by the school. The school has no reason to call the parents.

In the two and a half years of Chen Ziang's high school, the school organized a parents' meeting. It happened that Shi Jia was abroad and couldn't make it back, so Chen Feng came for her.

No one expected that Chen Ziang's mother was so young and beautiful.

Is this Chen Ziang's real mother?
Some teachers who knew Chen Ziang quietly looked at it, and finally found that it was indeed quite similar.

Chen Ziang was not bad looking, but compared with Shi Jia, the gap was a bit big, so everyone had preconceptions and doubts.

"Teacher Shi, hello, hello." Lao Hei poured water for Shi Jia, very enthusiastically.

"Hello, Teacher Tan, I'm really sorry to trouble you." Shi Jia was very polite. Today she came to receive education for her son, and she put away all her ability and sharpness in front of the students, and she was very humble.

Lao Hei knew what Shi Jia meant, that her son was ignorant and caused trouble again, so I'm really sorry.

He was a little embarrassed, and said with a smile: "Where is it, Ziang has been studying very hard recently. As teachers, we are very pleased. In order to let Ziang have no distractions and have a better environment for sprinting, so I invite you, Teacher Shi, to have a good chat. chat……"

Shi Jia was taken aback, what did he say, why is the script not as imagined?

Don't you want to say a lot of things about her son, and ask the parents to supervise and teach them?
However, she had no choice but to follow what Lao Hei said: "Zi Ang has really worked hard recently, and he has lost a lot of weight. One night, he fell asleep on the table while reading a book. I didn't realize it until dawn."

Shi Jia's eyes were full of distress, and he made no secret of his love for his son.

"Ah?" Lao Hei was surprised, and quickly said, "Zi Ang is working so hard. Mr. Shi, you should pay more attention and remind Zi Ang to pay attention to the balance between work and rest. Also, we are all in the sprint stage of the college entrance examination. Pay more attention to supplementing nutrition for children, nutrition must keep up..."

The two chatted and chatted, and almost half an hour passed without realizing it.

Lao Hei still had classes, so he had no choice but to leave, and asked Shi Jia to go back.

Shi Jia walked out of the office, a little confused.

After chatting for nearly half an hour, my son's homeroom teacher was just saying good things about his son, or he was telling the parents to care more about the child, to the effect of doing the logistics well, so that Chen Ziang could rush ahead without any worries.

Didn't the son make a mistake and might be punished by the school?

Why didn't you mention a word?
Walking around the corridor outside, Shi Jia wanted to see her son, but she didn't know where his classroom was. She wanted to ask the students, but after class, the corridors of the teaching building were empty, so she had to leave.

In the classroom of Class [-], Grade [-].

This class is a math class.

After the papers for the final exam were finished, Teacher Gao walked into the classroom with a large stack of papers, and the eyes of the students below were shining.

Finally finished, you need to know the math scores.

The Chinese papers had already been handed out in the morning, and some people were happy while others were worried.

Before the papers are issued, most of the students are looking forward to it.

I wish I could do better in the exam.

The mathematics teacher had a smile on his face, and while tidying up the podium, he smiled and said to the students below: "Everyone seems to be looking forward to it."

The students were embarrassed to laugh.

On the seat below, Dai Shuai covered his eyes and whispered to Chen Ziang: "Brother, you promised to study hard and make progress every day, but your Chinese test score is even worse than mine, with 73 points, God, how can I explain to my sister. Last night, she asked me to report the results of the final exam to her. Huh, although she didn't ask for your grades, do you think I don't know that she actually wants to ask about your grades? You underestimate me. I never asked before After my academic performance, this time I suddenly asked..."

Chen Ziang really wanted to slap Dai Shuai: "Just brag every day, you will die if you don't brag for a day, I won't take the blame for this, you can handle it yourself."

Dai Shuaisheng has nothing to love, so he blows the cowhide to pieces.

Unexpectedly, Guan Tongtong paid so much attention to Chen Ziang, and even asked about his final exam results.

Although the question was very subtle, if he pretended not to know, the next meeting would be miserable.

How to do?
Continue to brag, saying that Chen Ziang didn't do well in the exam this time, and was only third or seventh in the school?
Alas, a lie needs countless lies to cover up.

Life is really painful.

"Sai Shuai."

At this time, Teacher Gao on the stage called his name, and the test paper for Dai Shuai was handed out.

She didn't read fractions.

For mathematics, those whose paper scores do not reach 120 are not read.

This is also a way to protect poor students.

Of course, high scores must be read out loud.

Xueba should be loved, respected and admired by others.

The acting commander-in-chief went up to collect the test paper and glanced at the score, 77 points.

Khan, failed again.

Still far from passing.

I have worked very hard.

"Lin Xuemei." Teacher Gao continued to call her name, but the next moment, she spoke again with a smile on her face: "133 points."


The whole class exclaimed, what a high score.

The math test this time was so difficult, yet Lin Xuemei got such a high score in the test.

Lin Xuemei walked to the podium amidst the attention of the students.

Whenever this time, Xueba is the most beautiful.

"Wang Jing." After Teacher Gao handed the paper to Lin Xuemei, she continued to read the name of the next classmate, with an even bigger smile on her face, and her voice raised a lot: "139 points!"

The students were even more shocked and let out a low cry.

Wang Jing should have performed supernormally this time. Mathematics has always been her shortcoming, and this time she became a blockbuster.

The surprise on Wang Jing's face was obvious, and she walked quickly to the podium.

Dai Shuai glanced at it, feeling very upset.

I am a mere mortal, but my heart is also towards the sky, but I also feel jealous that I have already climbed into the sky.

Wang Jing took the paper and came back, she seemed to glance at Chen Ziang, and sighed secretly.

The gap between us is getting bigger and bigger.

"Zi'ang, you're not worse than me in math, are you?" The deputy commander asked Chen Zi'ang quietly.

Chen Ziang looked lacking in confidence, hesitated for a while and said, "Probably not."

Dai Shuai was speechless. From this point of view, he was similar. Bai Xia had worked so hard during this time.

At this time.

"Chen Ziang!" Teacher Gao's voice sounded again, very loud.

In Daishuai, in the ears of all the students, some are too loud.

But everyone didn't care.

However, the next moment, Teacher Gao's voice made the whole class quiet, and all the noisy voices disappeared, as if a needle dropped on the ground could be heard.

(End of this chapter)

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