The superstar is here

Chapter 427 Touched by Life

Chapter 427 Touched by Life

in the elevator.

Chen Ziang had a big head, and Kuan Dandan couldn't drive him away.

When girls act coquettishly, they are born to have an advantage over boys.

Chen Ziang didn't dare to gamble, so he couldn't forcefully drive away Guan Dandan, so he could only bring him home.

"Zi Ang, I'm hungry." Kuan Dandan looked up at Chen Zi Ang with his bag on his back, which made people feel pity and distress.

"You haven't had dinner yet, have you?" Seeing Guan Dandan's appearance, Chen Ziang's heart softened, and he asked concerned.

"Hmm." After Kuan Dandan threatened Chen Ziang, he didn't make further progress, but was very well-behaved.

High IQ, high EQ.

With her like this, Chen Ziang couldn't give her a look, and comforted her: "Go up and I'll make you something to eat, there are vegetables in the refrigerator."

"Zi'ang, you're so kind!" Kuan Dandan stood on tiptoe and pursed his mouth.

Chen Ziang wanted to dodge, but in the end he didn't dodge, and asked the little girl to tap his cheek lightly.

Anyway, that's it, girl.

And she often kisses her sister on the cheek.

Custom, custom, do as the Romans do.

Chen Ziang found a reason for himself.

Chen Ziang didn't feel guilty about being like this little girl.

Because he has no lust for her, his thoughts have not cheated at all.

Kuantandan is only 13 years old. Although he is less than 1.5 meters to 1.6 meters, he is thin and has not yet started to develop forward and backward.

For a normal man, only the face of this body is the most suitable for appreciation, and the body is generally pleasing to the eye, but it is difficult for a normal man like Chen Ziang to connect with lust.

Only those with psychological problems would be interested in such a young girl.

After going upstairs and entering the house, Chen Ziang started cooking for Kuantandan.

After cooking, Chen Ziang asked Kuantandan to take a bath before cooking.

Kuantantan happily went to find a change of clothes to take a bath.

After the little girl entered, Chen Ziang, who was cooking, stopped and called Guan Xinxin.

Even if Guan Xinxin doesn't know about Kuan Dandan's coming here, she will definitely know in the future, and it won't be long, no more than tonight.

Sure enough, as soon as the call was connected, Guan Xinxin took the initiative to mention it and asked him if Guan Dandan received it?

"I got it. I'm taking a bath. I'm cooking for her. I came back a bit late, and the little guy was stopped outside, and he was very hungry."

"This little girl, she called my mother to tell me she was safe before she arrived. My mother asked her to give me the phone number to make sure. She also lied to my mother that I was taking a mother just called me and told me Confirmed, I guessed that she must have gone to your place, and only after asking her did she know that she went to your place." Guan Xinxin was relieved of Guan Tongtong, but very worried about Kuan Dandan.

"Sister, don't worry, I will take good care of her, and I won't send you there. I will give you a thought report another day, try to get closer to the organization, and go deep into the organization, feel the warmth of the organization, accept The nourishment of the organization..." After talking nonsense with Guan Xinxin, Chen Ziang hung up the phone and continued cooking.

Chen Ziang finished cooking, and Kuan Dandan also took a shower.

Sitting at the dining table and watching the little girl eat, Chen Ziang felt that it was a kind of enjoyment and a sense of accomplishment, and at the same time, he loved her even more.

It's been a long time since I felt a life carefully.

All the dangers in the world come from life.

But at the same time, all the emotions in the world come from life.

While picking up the food in the bowl, Kuan Dandan raised his head and stared at Chen Ziang with big eyes.

Seeing Chen Ziang watching her eat, she was not embarrassed, but rather happy.

She always thought she was good-looking, and Chen Ziang must also like good-looking ones.

The happiness of children is very simple and comes easily.

After Kuantandan finished eating, Chen Ziang washed the dishes.

At home, he is the one who washes the dishes.

He will do the job of getting hands wet with dish soap and laundry detergent.

Mopping the floor and other tasks that don't hurt the hands are done by their sisters.

Kuan Dandan followed behind Chen Ziang and kept chatting with him. She had a lot to say outside the house, in and out of school.

After cleaning up the housework, Kuan Dandan went to do his homework, and Chen Ziang went to take a shower.

When he came back from the shower, Kuan Dandan begged, "Zi Ang, the Xiao Xiao you wrote last time was very pitiful. Can you write more, I want to read it."

If Guan Tongtong was here, how could Chen Ziang follow Kuantandan?

But during the short hour or so that the two spent together alone, he felt that he was dependent on Kuantandan, and he felt sorry for her.

"Okay, I'll just write a little bit, don't let me write any more in the future." Chen Ziang agreed.

"Hmm." Kuan Dandan felt very happy.

Then, Chen Ziang sat in front of the computer in the study and coded, while Kuan Dandan did his homework.

After half an hour.

"Just five or six thousand words, take a look." Chen Ziang called Guan Dandan over, and then went out.

Kuantan Tan excitedly ran over and sat down on the chair.

I saw that the word was open, and there were many words densely packed on it. This was written after the last chapter.


His daughter was urging him outside, so Yang Feng quickly took the time to get out of the shower.

The little girl couldn't wait outside the door, looking pitiful.

Seeing Papa open the door, she quickly opened her arms: "Papa, hug, hug..."

Yang Feng laughed, bent down, and picked up the little girl.

Xiaoxiao doesn't want to do anything now, she just wants to cling to Papa.

Holding his daughter in his arms, Yang Feng felt that he was embracing the whole world and was very satisfied.

"Grandma Li, why don't you turn on the TV?" Yang Feng asked curiously when he returned to the living room with his daughter in his arms.

Grandma Li said as a matter of course: "Don't watch it, watching TV will waste electricity."

Yang Feng was taken aback, did the family live in such a tight situation, and did they even care about the electricity bill?

Before he left, there were still more than 4 yuan in the family. Will it be spent in one year or is Grandma Li saving money and not spending it carelessly?

Seemingly knowing what Yang Feng was thinking, Grandma Li didn't ask why Yang Feng disappeared for a year, and said guiltily: "After you left for a month, Xiaoxiao developed a fever and diarrhea, and finally got a virus infection and was hospitalized for more than half a month. The doctor said that she might not be able to survive. Fortunately, she gradually got better, but she lost a lot of weight, and she couldn't grow back no matter how much she ate."

Yang Feng hugged the little man in his arms, tears almost came down again, feeling scared for a while.

Separation of flesh and blood, life and death, is so painful.

Xiaoxiao didn't seem to hear what grandma said, and stood upright in Yang Feng's arms, playing with Papa's hair.

Papa's hair is so long and soft.

"Papa, why is your hair so long?" She was very curious, because she had seen girls with long hair and boys with short hair.

"That's Papa's longing for the baby. As time goes on, it has grown so long." Yang Feng scratched the little girl's little Qiong's nose and smiled.

Xiaoxiao quickly looked at her hair, and seeing that her hair was much shorter and less than Papa's, she quickly explained: "Xiaoxiao also misses Papa very much, misses her very much..."

"Papa felt it, that's why Papa came all the way back to see the baby." Yang Feng looked at his daughter lovingly, his heart was full of peace, he only had his daughter in his eyes and nothing else.

"Papa is so nice!" Xiaoxiao put her arms around Papa's neck, and kissed him on the cheek one after another.

She always remembered what Papa said, a girl's kiss is the most beautiful gift in the world.

She wants to give Papa the best gift.

Yang Feng's stomach suddenly gurgled. He was a little embarrassed and hungry.

"Grandma Li, do you have any leftovers at home?" Yang Feng asked shyly, filling his stomach first.

"The refrigerator was useless all the time, and then it broke down. I cook according to the amount, and there is nothing left. There are noodles at home. I'll go and order two bowls of noodles." Grandma Li is already an old man in her 70s and [-]s, and her health is not very good. , even speaking weakly.

After she finished speaking, she was about to get up and go to the side room.

Yang Feng quickly said to Grandma Li: "I'll do it myself, Grandma Li, sit down."

"Little guy is so clingy to you, why do you come by yourself? Let me do it." Grandma Li said.

Xiaoxiao was really clinging to Yang Feng and refused to come down.

In the kitchen, Yang Feng hugged his daughter with one hand and washed the pot with the other.

Grandma Li went to the stove to light a fire.

When Yang Feng was cleaning the pot, he was surprised to see Grandma Li.

Grandma Li used firewood instead of a gas stove to make a fire.

"Have you run out of gas?" Yang Feng asked looking at the firewood and hay in the corner.

"Gas is expensive, and there is a lot of firewood in the wasteland and mountains behind, Xiaoxiao and I go to pick up some hay and firewood every day when we have nothing to do." Grandma Li said indifferently.

Yang Feng subconsciously looked at his daughter's little hand.

It looked like he had been hit with a sledgehammer in the chest.

He had discovered before that his daughter's little hands had been injured in many places.

It turned out that he was injured when he went to collect firewood.

It is not an exaggeration that a child's skin can be broken by blowing bombs.

It is normal for such tender little hands to be scratched every day to pick up firewood.

Thinking of the old and the young collecting firewood in the wilderness in the mountains, in order to save the gas tank fee, Yang Feng blamed himself very much and felt very sad.

The family is so poor.

The refrigerator is broken and there is no money to repair it or replace it, I dare not watch the TV casually, and I dare not use gas for cooking...

There is a courtyard in the sky, and from the outside it looks like the family is quite rich.

In fact, they are so poor that they have to care about every detail at home, and they can't spend a penny indiscriminately.

"Grandma, you have worked hard this year!" Yang Feng solemnly thanked Grandma Li, calling her without a last name.

From now on, he will treat Grandma Li as his own grandma.

"It's not hard work, but the baby is hard work. Don't leave the baby behind. The little guy has no mother since he was a child, and no father... I don't know how many more years I can take care of her. I'm old." Grandma Li calmly said, Talk without emotion.


Unable to bear the drowsiness, Yang Feng lay down obediently, almost falling asleep as soon as he touched the pillow.

I don't know how long I slept, but Yang Feng was woken up by the sounds of birds and dogs outside.

Before he even opened his eyes, he felt a small person beside him.

His eyes secretly opened a little, and he saw Xiao Xiao kneeling on the bed, very close to him.

The little girl blinked her big eyes, like a porcelain doll, she didn't dare to move, but kept looking at Papa.

She may be a little stranger to Papa.

A year ago, on weekends, whenever she woke up earlier than Papa, she would crawl around beside Papa, and even climb on Papa's body.

But now, she is very quiet, not daring to disturb Papa, as if she is afraid of disturbing Papa, if Papa is unhappy, she will leave again and never come back.

Yang Feng turned over while pretending to be asleep, the little guy immediately lay down like a frightened bird, covered his eyes, and checked Yang Feng's condition through his fingers with bright eyes.

Yang Feng immediately wanted to pull her into his arms, but he didn't, and murmured: "I miss my little baby so much. Little baby, where are you, Papa misses you so much."

The little girl widened her eyes, and slowly moved towards Papa, and said in a childish voice, "Baby is here, baby is here..."


 ps1: There is another update today.

  ps2: Sorry, I dropped a pawn, hoping to use it someday.

  Like the previous book, I wanted to continue writing about Su Tong’s next life after finishing writing, that is, returning to the Three Kingdoms, the story of the right era that Li Wen hoped for.

  When I first wrote "Star King", it was because I wanted to write about the right era, so I took special pains to write the generals of the Three Kingdoms in the system task, and I also joined Furutake, all in preparation.

  As a result, you have also seen that the grades are very miserable. Although there are few people who like it, at least a few of them can like it so much that they can't bear it.

  The previous book never revealed which era Su Tong was going to go to. Here it can be revealed that the Three Kingdoms was the middle of his journey, or the end point.

  As long as you are a hero and have a heroic dream in your heart, who doesn't yearn for the Three Kingdoms?

  It was an era in which heroes were born in large numbers, extremely brilliant, like a brilliant galaxy, eternal and immortal.

(End of this chapter)

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