The superstar is here

Chapter 428 My Chinese Heart

Chapter 428 My Chinese Heart (Part [-])
After reading these five or six thousand words, Guan Dandan knew little about Yang Feng's experience, and he didn't know anything about Xiaoxiao's mother's life experience.

"Do you still want to watch it?" Chen Ziang came back early after going out, and it was a little funny to see that Guan Dandan was still in a daze after watching it.

The little girl looked more carefully and slower.

Kuan Dandan nodded, but shook her head immediately. She wanted to read it, but knowing that Chen Ziang was very busy every day, it would be too naive to ask him to sacrifice his time to write something that only he wanted to read.

"I want to know who Xiaoxiao's mother is. Is there any reason for her mother to leave?" Guan Dandan asked.

Chen Ziang said with a smile: "Yes, Yang Feng was about to die in an accident. It was the amulet left by Xiao Xiao's mother who sent him into the world of cultivating immortals and gave him a new life... Xiao Xiao also has an amulet with the same ability."

Guan Dandan said pleasantly: "I thought Xiaoxiao's mother was just a pretty woman, from some big family... Is she very powerful?"

Chen Ziang nodded: "It's very powerful. In the world of cultivating immortals, people fly to the sky, move mountains and seas, and catch stars and catch the moon. People are everywhere, and they only belong to the mortal world. Xiaoxiao's mother is actually from the god world above the fairy world above the mortal world." A female emperor is much better than the so-called system cheats. In other words, system cheats are toys created by people like Xiaoxiao’s mother. These people rule the heavens and the world..."

"Wow~" Kuan Dandan hasn't read many novels, so she thinks such an ordinary setting is very novel and fresh.

Chen Ziang asked curiously: "Daddy Wen is mostly the type that single dogs without children like to watch. Why do you like it too?"

Kuan Dandan said embarrassedly: "I only like the little girl in the book, I don't like the children in reality, they are very annoying, they are not very intelligent, and they don't understand at all."

Chen Ziang said with a smile: "Adults are mentally retarded, and there are many ignorant ones. Adults are a thousand times more annoying than children, and the price of coaxing ordinary people cannot afford. Children are much easier to coax."


The next day, Chen Ziang took Guan Dandan to Guan Xinxin's place for a party and dinner, living the life of ordinary people.

The four of them wandered the streets all afternoon, and instead of going home to make dinner, they ate outside.

After dinner, go back to Guan Xinxin's house, and Chen Ziang will make a thought report.

"Let me sing a song for you first. This song should be on the Spring Festival Gala this year, but it's not me." Chen Ziang stood in the middle of the living room in Guan Xinxin's house.

The audience is Guan Xinxin, Guan Dandan, and Guan Tianyu.

"What song?" Guan Tianyu's eyes lit up, and he was concerned about the previous sentence.

"Why don't you go up?" Kuan Dandan was concerned about the latter sentence.

Guan Xinxin's expression changed, and she looked at Guan Dandan.

The son worships Chen Ziang, but Kuan Dandan seems to not only worship Chen Ziang, but also has other feelings for Chen Ziang.

For example, someone suddenly said to the other half: I saw a big news when I was taking medicine today.

People who really care about this person will immediately ask why they took the medicine and what happened.

But if you have ordinary feelings, you will basically ask, what is the big news.

"Our company has signed an overseas artist of Chinese origin. This song is his ticket to the Spring Festival Gala. I recommend myself without this song because my identity is not suitable. He is the best candidate." Chen Ziang is confident Manman, even if this song is shown for the first time in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, it will immediately gain countless fans.

Kuan Dandan pouted, she was only happy when good things were given to Zi Ang.

To others, she is not happy.

But this is just in her heart, and she will not interfere or say anything.

After finishing speaking, Chen Ziang began to sing, very naturally.

Although he seldom sings to the people around him so formally, he thinks, since he can sing to people he doesn't know well, why can't he sing to the people around him?

The people around you are the most important, no matter how many fans you have, it is not as important as one person around you.

He sang with full of affection, because he was sincere.

"The rivers and mountains are only in my dreams, and the motherland has not been close for many years.

But no matter what, I can't change my Chinese heart.

Although I wear a foreign dress, my heart is still Chinese.

My ancestors have already branded everything about me with the Chinese seal.

The Yangtze River, the Great Wall, Huangshan Mountain, and the Yellow River weigh heavily in my heart.

No matter when, no matter where, the heart is the same. "

A song, sometimes it is not what tone it is suitable for singing, but it depends on who sings first, so as to establish the first impression on people.

For example, in the previous life, Zhang Mingmin performed the song "My Chinese Heart" with a mellow and metallic magnetic voice, singing the love and affection of the Chinese descendants for the motherland.

But Chen Ziang was not, his voice was clear and clean, like the heart of a child.

Guan Xinxin and the others thought it was very suitable, and if they used other voices to perform it, they probably wouldn't feel very good.

The descendants of the red family are instilled with the most red feelings, and sometimes they hate being instilled with this idea more than ordinary people, but "My Chinese Heart" did not make Kuan Dandan and Guan Tianyu repulse.

"Although I wear western clothes, my heart is still Chinese. My ancestors have already branded everything about me with the Chinese seal." The catchy lyrics express the deep praise and infinite yearning of Chinese people all over the world for the motherland, which makes overseas travelers The heart is surging and the blood is boiling.

Patriotic songs are easy to be conceptualized and shout slogans, but the songwriter Huang Zhan cleverly used such symbolic Chinese scenic spots as "The Great Wall of the Yangtze River, Huangshan and Yellow River" to convey patriotic feelings. The whole song is based on The tone of the overseas wanderer speaks directly from his heart, and writes a magnificent subject naturally.

Huang Yihong is of Chinese descent. He lived in China since he was a child and went to the United States later.

It is indeed more suitable for someone of his status to sing this song than Chen Ziang.

If Chen Ziang is really asked to sing, the audience may feel very awkward.

You are an out-and-out Chinese, not an overseas Chinese.

Even if you are not an overseas Chinese, but a wanderer studying abroad, singing this song is more suitable than Chen Ziang's singing.

The CCTV Spring Festival Gala is a program for Chinese and overseas Chinese around the world. On New Year's Eve, overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese say that there are thousands of them, at least hundreds of millions.

"My Chinese Heart" can enhance the cohesion and patriotism of overseas travelers.

"I went to Vienna, what did I see?" Guan Xinxin asked.

"I saw people who were numb and even loathe the motherland, and I also saw overseas compatriots who yearned for the motherland day and night, missed their homeland, and always wanted to return to the embrace of the motherland." Chen Ziang said that some people go abroad not because they worship foreigners, but For their livelihood and for a better future, they will come back after all.

People with superior family economic conditions may not feel how good the motherland is when they go abroad.

But when people at the bottom go out, most of them want to go back to China.

"My Chinese Heart" may not be the voice of all overseas wanderers, but it is the song that most touches the hearts of overseas wanderers, at least there is only such a song so far.

So as soon as the Spring Festival Gala program team received this song, they immediately made a decision, and there would be no problem in the final review!

(End of this chapter)

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