The superstar is here

Chapter 448 Our youth is beautiful because of you

Chapter 448 Our youth is beautiful because of you

"It's nothing, it's just background music. Even if the singer mentions the game "Battlefield of Kings" on the show, it's okay. We don't deliberately promote it, and no one can catch it." Chen Ziang said.

"Yeah." Shi Jia nodded and changed the subject: "Alipay is listed, which one should we focus on next?"

"There is no order, it depends on the opportunity... Financing does not depend on who has a high valuation, but on the background of the other party. The energy behind it will help us invade. Of course, if the valuation is too low and there is no sincerity, we will not suffer this loss ..." Chen Ziang was discussing business with Shi Jia.

Shi Jia listened carefully.

Guan Tongtong at the side had brilliant eyes.

She only knew that Shi Jia, who was known as a generation of queen in the outside world, actually learned more or less from Chen Ziang when she created Shi Zifeng's business empire.

But judging from the close contact in the past few days, Guan Tongtong found that it was more than learning from the experience, the company's strategic deployment, and all major decisions, Shi Jia consulted Chen Ziang and followed Chen Ziang's suggestions.

The Guan family is well aware of Shi Zifeng's technological development history, and also knows that the largest shareholder is Chen Ziang, and he has contributed a lot.

But they didn't know that Chen Ziang was almost the one who gave the orders.

Shi Jia just went to execute.

Of course, it is impossible for Chen Ziang to participate in recruiting talents, how to negotiate and so on. This is not a major event that determines the direction of Shi Zifeng's technology.

Although Chen Ziang studied economics and finance, the Guan family who followed him found that his professional exams were a mess.

A group of people couldn't help but sigh, it seems that they are indeed geeks, but none of the students who are particularly good in the professional course exams have Chen Ziang's vision and strategy, let alone his current "invisible achievements".

It is better to have no books than to believe in books.

Those are bold words that are qualified to be spoken by those whose realm has surpassed the teaching materials.

Ordinary people can't reach that state, they can only believe in books.

The family chats while watching TV.

On TV, before the singer arrived, a group of managers were gearing up.

The audience was taken aback.

I'm sorry, several famous hosts from Sanxiang Satellite TV have come.

Although the hosts of Sanxiang Satellite TV, one brother and one sister, did not come, but among the nine managers, three or four were in the first queue other than the one brother and one sister, and their popularity was very high.

A bunch of hosts are together, that scene...

One is smarter than the other, and the other is grinning smarter than the other, even arguing for the singer.

The audience was dumbfounded, this grade...

Emma, ​​the hosts of Sanxiang Satellite TV, host their own programs.On the screen, no one has ever seen more than two host or play a show together.

But "I Am a Singer" directly brings these famous hosts together, which is surprising.

Matt, that's awesome!
Each of these hosts is better at stealing the scene than the other, and they are full of witty remarks.

"I want Angela, no one is allowed to rob me!"

"I want Weiwei, Weiwei is my goddess!"

"I want... Hey, besides Angela and Weiwei, who else is there?"

"I don't know, the program team didn't disclose it to us."


The nine hosts all looked very nervous, because the rules have been explained before, there are only seven singers, but they have nine hosts.

A host is paired with a singer, which means that two hosts will not have the opportunity to accompany the singer.

The audience's eyes were wide open. This program was really extraordinary.

A well-known host came to run errands for the singer!
So cool!

In everyone's mind, hosts and singers are in two fields.

Speaking of coffee, the host seems to be bigger than the singer.

But now in reverse, the host acts as a foil for the singer.

As soon as the screen changed, the first singer appeared in the hall.

It was Jiang Yifeng who came.

"Hi, everyone, am I the first to arrive?" Idol singer Jiang Yifeng is a little fresh meat, a little nervous, with a silly look of a junior. After he arrived, he nervously asked the people outside the camera.

Aww, some female fans were overjoyed.

Jiang Yifeng.

Their Fengshen!
love it!

Immediately afterwards, Angela, who was almost promoted to a superstar at a young age, came!

Even the audience, who had known Angela would come for a long time, became excited at this moment.

Angela hasn't been on the screen for a long time, she is still so kawaii, so beautiful and cute.

Youth has an ageless face.

"Ah, Sister Angela." Sitting on the sofa in the lobby, Jiang Yifeng was at a loss when he saw Angela coming in, he quickly stood up and said hello to his senior.

The audience was elated.

Angela's beauty, Jiang Yifeng's handsomeness and shyness made everyone very happy to watch.

Then, Xu Jiahui came!


"Inspirational Goddess!"

"The Great Demon King is here too!"

After Xu Jiahui came off the stage of "The Masked Singer", she was often exposed, and now her popularity is not much worse than that of Chen Ziang who participated in the ten episodes of "Supercar".

The fourth one came was Huang Yihong.

Netizens were shocked.

Huang Yihong back then also left fond memories of the youth of many viewers.

Ten years later, he also returned!

Come to this king's battlefield.

"Brother Hong!"

"No, Uncle Hong!"

Many old viewers burst into tears.

A person's youth is not just a memory, but one after another.

Angela is one of them, which is unforgettable to some people.

But Huang Yihong is also a period, and for some people, it is also an unforgettable youth.

In his youth, he used to sing his songs. In the songs, there were himself, first love, on the way to school, and... too many.

After Huang Yihong, Tong Dawei also came.

"Haha, Dawei is really here."

"Dawei had a feud with Bo Yu's production, it's great to let go of the past."

"Made with conscience!"

The audience welcomed Tong Dawei's arrival and was very happy.

Tong Dawei was also at the peak of the first line during his peak period, quasi-superior to the first line, with many fans.

The sixth one appeared was Lan Yeqing.

"Fuck, a strong singer!"

"A general from the Art Troupe!"

"Ah, this is an academic singer with extraordinary strength."

With the arrival of Lan Yeqing, "I Am a Singer" is no longer just a matter of the pop music world, but the entire music world.

Lan Yeqing's strength is too strong, bel canto, popular singing, and folk singing, all of which can be mastered with ease.

"Vivi didn't come out?"

"Weiwei won't co-operate with the program team to make us happy, right?"

"Vivi must be the seventh."

"Vivi, come out!"

Netizens are clamoring for it.

Finally, the seventh singer arrived.

She is indeed Vivi.

After Weiwei appeared, the audience screamed.

Our youth is beautiful because of you.

"I Am a Singer" has two veteran singers: Angela and Huang Yihong, who are very powerful.

There are also famous singers today: Weiwei and Tong Dawei.

At the same time, there are also the new generation Xu Jiahui, Lan Yeqing and Jiang Yifeng.

After the seven singers arrived, everyone chatted friendly, connected with each other, talked and laughed, and seemed to follow the general variety show. There was no competition, and everyone was very relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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